USD Toolset


usdedit is a simple script that converts any single USD-readable file into its (temp) .usda text equivalent and brings the result up in your editor of choice, which is taken from the EDITOR environment variable. Upon quitting the editor, any changes to the temp file will be converted back to the original file’s format (assuming the FileFormatPlugin for the format allows writing), and the original file’s contents will be replaced with the edited contents.

usage: usdedit [-h] [-n] [-f] [-p PREFIX] usdFileName

Convert a usd-readable file to the .usda text format in a temporary location
and invoke an editor on it. After saving and quitting the editor, the edited
file will be converted back to the original format and OVERWRITE the original
file, unless you supply the "-n" (--noeffect) flag, in which case no changes
will be saved back to the original file. The editor to use will be looked up
as follows: - USD_EDITOR environment variable - EDITOR environment variable -
emacs in PATH - vim in PATH - notepad in PATH

positional arguments:
  usdFileName           The usd file to edit.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --noeffect        Do not edit the file.
  -f, --forcewrite      Override file permissions to allow writing.
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Provide a prefix for the temporary file name.


  • usdedit works as an alembic editor (in USD schema) for all elements of the alembic file that our translator currently handles. As we do not yet cover all aspects of the alembic schema, however, please be careful and do not usdedit an alembic file being used as a source file, since the roundtripping is lossy!

  • Running usdedit on a very large file with lots of dense, numeric data may take a long time, create a really large text file in your temp area (wherever python’s tempfile package decides to put it), and may push the boundaries of your editor’s scalability.


Write usd file(s) either as text to stdout or to a specified output file.
Usage: usdcat [OPTIONS] inputFiles...

  inputFiles ...              A list of input files

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -o,--out file               Write a single input file to this output file instead of stdout.
  --usdFormat usda|usdc       Use this underlying file format for output files
                              with the extension 'usd'. For example, passing
                              '-o output.usd --usdformat usda' will create
                              output.usd as a text file. The USD_DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT
                              environment variable is another way to achieve this.
  -l,--loadOnly               Attempt to load the specified input files and report 'OK'
                              or 'ERR' for each one. After all files are processed, this
                              script will exit with a non-zero exit code if any files
                              failed to load.
  -f,--flatten                Compose stages with the input files as root layers
                              and write their flattened content.
  --flattenLayerStack         Flatten the layer stack with the given root layer, and
                              write out the results. Unlike --flatten, this does not flatten
                              composition arcs (such as references).
  --skipSourceFileComment     If --flatten is specified, skip adding a comment regarding the
                              source of the flattened layer in the documentation field of the
                              output layer.
                              Limit stage population to these prims, their descendants and
                              ancestors. To specify multiple paths, either use commas with no
                              spaces, or quote the argument and separate paths by commas
                              and/or spaces. Requires --flatten.
  --layerMetadata             Load only layer metadata in the USD file.
                              This option cannot be combined with either --flatten or


  • The multi-file input to usdcat does not perform any kind of merge of the content in the separate files (and there is no such utility to do so, yet… parameterizing that problem is an interesting challenge!); it simply dumps the contents of each file, sequentially.

  • The --flatten option uses UsdStage::Export() , which, as one might expect, “bakes in” the effects of all composition operators, simultaneously removing the operators themselves, in the result; this applies both to namespace operators like references, sublayers, and variants, and also to value-resolution operators like layer and reference time offsets. Flattening a stage does preserve USD native instancing by flattening each prototype into the generated layer and adding references on each instance to its corresponding prototype. Thus, the exported data may appear structurally different than in the participating source files, but should evaluate/compute identically to that of the source files.


usddiff runs a diff program on the result of usdcat ‘ing two named USD-readable files. It is currently quite primitive, with limitations noted below, but even so can be quite useful.

usage: usddiff [-h] [-n] [-f] [-q] files [files ...]

Compares two usd-readable files using a selected diff program. This is chosen
by looking at the $USD_DIFF environment variable. If this is unset, it will
consult the $DIFF environment variable. Lastly, if neither of these is set, it
will try to use the canonical unix program, diff. This will relay the exit
code of the selected diff program.When comparing two usdz files, each file
contained in the package will be examined individually. The $USD_IMAGE_DIFF
environment variable specifies a specific diff program for comparing image
files. The $USD_IMAGE_DIFF_FORMATS environment variable specifies supported
image formats using a "," separated list of file extensions.

positional arguments:
  files           The files to compare. These must be of the form DIR DIR,
                  FILE... DIR, DIR FILE... or FILE FILE.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -n, --noeffect  Do not edit either file.
  -f, --flatten   Fully compose both layers as Usd Stages and flatten into
                  single layers.
  -q, --brief     Do not return full results of diffs. Passes --brief to the
                  diff command.


  • usddiff does not do any fuzzy numerical comparison. The slightest precision difference will cause a diff.


usdview is the most fully-featured USD tool, combining interactive gl preview, scenegraph navigation and introspection, a (growing) set of diagnostic and debugging facilities, and an interactive python interpreter.

usage: usdview
       [-h] [--renderer {GL,Prman,Embree,Tiny}] [--select PRIMPATH]
       [--camera CAMERA] [--mask PRIMPATH[,PRIMPATH...]] [--clearsettings]
       [--config {}] [--defaultsettings] [--norender] [--noplugins]
       [--unloaded] [--bboxStandin] [--timing] [--allow-async]
       [--traceToFile TRACETOFILE] [--traceFormat {chrome,trace}]
       [--tracePython] [--memstats {none,stage,stageAndImaging}]
       [--numThreads NUMTHREADS] [--ff FIRSTFRAME] [--lf LASTFRAME]
       [--cf CURRENTFRAME] [--complexity {low,medium,high,veryhigh}]
       [--quitAfterStartup] [--sessionLayer SESSIONLAYER]
       [--mute MUTELAYERSRE] [--detachLayers]
       [--detachLayersInclude PATTERN[,PATTERN...]]
       [--detachLayersExclude PATTERN[,PATTERN,...]]

View a usd file

positional arguments:
  usdFile               The file to view

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --renderer {GL,Prman,Embree,Tiny}, -r {GL,Prman,Embree,Tiny}
                        Which render backend to use (named as it appears in
                        the menu).
  --select PRIMPATH     A prim path to initially select and frame
  --camera CAMERA, -cam CAMERA
                        Which camera to set the view to on open - may be given
                        as either just the camera's prim name (ie, just the
                        last element in the prim path), or as a full prim
                        path. Note that if only the prim name is used, and
                        more than one camera exists with the name, which is
                        used will be effectively random (default=main_cam)
                        Limit stage population to these prims, their
                        descendants and ancestors. To specify multiple paths,
                        either use commas with no spaces or quote the argument
                        and separate paths by commas and/or spaces.
  --clearsettings       Restores usdview settings to default
  --config {}           Load usdview with the state settings found in the
                        specified config. If not provided will use the
                        previously saved application state and automatically
                        persist state on close
  --defaultsettings     Launch usdview with default settings
  --norender            Display only hierarchy browser
  --noplugins           Do not load plugins
  --unloaded            Do not load payloads
  --bboxStandin         Display unloaded prims with bounding boxes
  --timing              Echo timing stats to console. NOTE: timings will be
                        unreliable when the --memstats option is also in use
  --allow-async         Enable asynchronous hydra scene processing
  --traceToFile TRACETOFILE
                        Start tracing at application startup and write
                        --traceFormat specified format output to the specified
                        trace file when the application quits
  --traceFormat {chrome,trace}
                        Output format for trace file specified by
                        --traceToFile. 'chrome' files can be read in chrome,
                        'trace' files are simple text reports.
  --tracePython         Enable python trace collection, requires --traceToFile
                        to be set.
  --memstats {none,stage,stageAndImaging}
                        Use the Pxr MallocTags memory accounting system to
                        profile USD, saving results to a tmp file, with a
                        summary to the console. Will have no effect if
                        MallocTags are not supported in the USD installation.
  --numThreads NUMTHREADS
                        Number of threads used for processing(0 is max,
                        negative numbers imply max - N)
  --ff FIRSTFRAME       Set the first frame of the viewer
  --lf LASTFRAME        Set the last frame of the viewer
  --cf CURRENTFRAME     Set the current frame of the viewer
  --complexity {low,medium,high,veryhigh}, -c {low,medium,high,veryhigh}
                        Set the initial mesh refinement complexity (low).
  --quitAfterStartup    quit immediately after start up
  --sessionLayer SESSIONLAYER
                        If specified, the stage will be opened with the
                        'sessionLayer' in place of the default anonymous
                        layer. As this changes the session layer from
                        anonymous to persistent, be aware that layers saved
                        from Export Overrides will include the opinions in the
                        persistent session layer.
  --mute MUTELAYERSRE   Layer identifiers searched against this regular
                        expression will be muted on the stage prior to, and
                        after loading. Multiple expressions can be supplied
                        using the | regex separator operator. Alternatively
                        the argument may be used multiple times.

Detached Layers:
  Specify layers to be detached from their serialized data source when
  loaded. This may increase time to load and memory usage but will avoid
  issues like open file handles preventing other processes from safely
  overwriting a loaded layer.

  --detachLayers        Detach all layers
  --detachLayersInclude PATTERN[,PATTERN...]
                        Detach layers with identifiers containing any of the
                        given patterns.
  --detachLayersExclude PATTERN[,PATTERN,...]
                        Exclude layers with identifiers containing any of the
                        given patterns from the set of detached layers
                        specified by the --detachLayers or
                        --detachLayerIncludes arguments.

Further Notes on Command Line Options

  • --renderer : Can be used to select any of the render delegates whose plugins have been installed. The default Hydra renderer is Storm.

  • --select primPath : loads and images the entire stage, but selects primPath in the prim browser, and positions the free camera as if one had hit the f (“frame selection”) hotkey.

  • --mask primPath [primPath ...] : opens the stage in masked mode, restricted to these paths for viewing only a subset of the prims on a stage.

  • --norender : if one does not require a rendered visualization of the stage, needing only to access navigation and inspection of the data, this option can substantially reduce the startup time and file I/O. Expect some errors in the terminal if you should happen to select some of the menu/shortcut options, as we have yet to do a cleanup pass for this mode. Errors should be harmless, however.

  • --unloaded : Populates the stage without including any payloads. For a scene constructed of references to models built with payloads, this can create a summary Model Hierarchy view of the scene in a small fraction of the time it would take to compose and present all the prims in the scene. You can then load or unload subtrees of the prim hierarchy using either the “Edit > Load” menu, or the RMB context menu in the browser.

  • --numThreads : this will determine how many threads the Hydra renderer, boundingBox computer, and other multi-threaded computations will be able to use.

  • --complexity : Hydra uses OpenSubdiv to refine Mesh gprims whose subdivisionScheme is anything other than polygonal. A complexity of low indicates no subdivision, for maximum performance and lowest fidelity.


usdrecord is a command-line utility for generating images (or sequences of images) of a USD stage. Images output by this tool are generated by Hydra and are equivalent to those displayed in the viewer in usdview .

usage: usdrecord [-h] [--mask PRIMPATH[,PRIMPATH...]]
                 [--purposes PURPOSE[,PURPOSE...]]
                 [--sessionLayer SESSIONLAYER] [--disableGpu]
                 [--disableCameraLight] [--camera CAMERA]
                 [--defaultTime | --frames FRAMESPEC[,FRAMESPEC...]]
                 [--complexity {low,medium,high,veryhigh}]
                 [--colorCorrectionMode {disabled,sRGB,openColorIO}]
                 [--renderer {GL,Prman,Embree,Tiny}] [--imageWidth IMAGEWIDTH]
                 [--renderPassPrimPath RPPRIMPATH]
                 [--renderSettingsPrimPath RSPRIMPATH]
                 [--traceToFile TRACETOFILE] [--traceFormat {chrome,trace}]
                 usdFilePath outputImagePath

Generates images from a USD file

positional arguments:
  usdFilePath           USD file to record
  outputImagePath       Output image path. For frame ranges, the path must
                        contain exactly one frame number placeholder of the
                        form "###" or "###.###". Note that the number of hash
                        marks is variable in each group.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Limit stage population to these prims, their
                        descendants and ancestors. To specify multiple paths,
                        either use commas with no spaces or quote the argument
                        and separate paths by commas and/or spaces.
  --purposes PURPOSE[,PURPOSE...]
                        Specify which UsdGeomImageable purposes should be
                        included in the renders. The "default" purpose is
                        automatically included, so you need specify only the
                        *additional* purposes. If you want more than one extra
                        purpose, either use commas with no spaces or quote the
                        argument and separate purposes by commas and/or
  --sessionLayer SESSIONLAYER
                        If specified, the stage will be opened with the
                        'sessionLayer' in place of the default anonymous
  --disableGpu          Indicates if the GPU should not be used for rendering.
                        If set this not only restricts renderers to those
                        which only run on the CPU, but additionally it will
                        prevent any tasks that require the GPU from being
  --disableCameraLight  Indicates if the default camera lights should not be
                        used for rendering.
  --camera CAMERA, -cam CAMERA
                        Which camera to use - may be given as either just the
                        camera's prim name (i.e. just the last element in the
                        prim path), or as a full prim path. Note that if only
                        the prim name is used and more than one camera exists
                        with that name, which one is used will effectively be
                        random (default=main_cam)
  --defaultTime, -d     explicitly operate at the Default time code (the
                        default behavior is to operate at the startTimeCode
                        authored on the UsdStage which defaults to 0.0)
                        specify FrameSpec(s) of the time codes to operate on -
                        A FrameSpec consists of up to three floating point
                        values for the start time code, end time code, and
                        stride of a time code range. A single time code can be
                        specified, or a start and end time code can be
                        specified separated by a colon (:). When a start and
                        end time code are specified, the stride may optionally
                        be specified as well, separating it from the start and
                        end time codes with (x). Multiple FrameSpecs can be
                        combined as a comma-separated list. The following are
                        examples of valid FrameSpecs: 123 - 101:105 - 105:101
                        - 101:109x2 - 101:110x2 - 101:104x0.5
  --complexity {low,medium,high,veryhigh}, -c {low,medium,high,veryhigh}
                        level of refinement to use (default=low)
  --colorCorrectionMode {disabled,sRGB,openColorIO}, -color {disabled,sRGB,openColorIO}
                        the color correction mode to use (default=sRGB)
  --renderer {GL,Prman,Embree,Tiny}, -r {GL,Prman,Embree,Tiny}
                        Hydra renderer plugin to use when generating images
                        Width of the output image. The height will be computed
                        from this value and the camera's aspect ratio
                        Show the dome light background in the rendered output.
                        If this option is not included and there is a dome
                        light in the stage, the IBL from it will be used for
                        lighting but not drawn into the background.
  --renderPassPrimPath RPPRIMPATH, -rp RPPRIMPATH
                        Specify the Render Pass Prim to use to render the
                        given usdFile. Note that if a renderSettingsPrimPath
                        has been specified in the stage metadata, using this
                        argument will override that opinion. Furthermore any
                        properties authored on the RenderSettings will
                        override other arguments (imageWidth, camera,
  --renderSettingsPrimPath RSPRIMPATH, -rs RSPRIMPATH
                        Specify the Render Settings Prim to use to render the
                        given usdFile. Note that if a renderSettingsPrimPath
                        has been specified in the stage metadata, using this
                        argument will override that opinion. Furthermore any
                        properties authored on the RenderSettings will
                        override other arguments (imageWidth, camera,
  --traceToFile TRACETOFILE
                        Start tracing at application startup and write
                        --traceFormat specified format output to the specified
                        trace file when the application quits
  --traceFormat {chrome,trace}
                        Output format for trace file specified by
                        --traceToFile. 'chrome' files can be read in chrome,
                        'trace' files are simple text reports.
  --memstats            Use the Pxr MallocTags memory accounting system to
                        profile USD, saving results to a tmp file, with a
                        summary to the console. Will have no effect if
                        MallocTags are not supported in the USD installation.

Further Notes on Command Line Options

  • --camera : When a camera name or prim path is given, images of the scene will be generated as viewed from that camera. Otherwise, a default camera framing all of the geometry on the stage (similar to the free camera in usdview ) will be used.


Command-line ArResolver resolution of asset paths.

usage: usdresolve [-h]
                  [--createContextForAsset CREATECONTEXTFORASSET | --createContextFromString CREATECONTEXTFROMSTRING]
                  [--anchorPath ANCHORPATH]

Resolves an asset path using a fully configured USD Asset Resolver.

positional arguments:
  inputPath             An asset path to be resolved by the USD Asset

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Run CreateDefaultContextForAsset with the given asset
                        path to create the context used for resolution.
                        Run CreateContextFromString with the given string to
                        create the context used for resolution. This accepts
                        strings like [<URI Scheme>:]<Configuration String> and
                        may be specified multiple times. ex: usdresolve
                        --createContextFromString 'config_primary'
                        --createContextFromString 'my_uri_scheme:config_uri'
  --anchorPath ANCHORPATH
                        Run CreateIdentifier with the input path and this
                        anchor asset path and resolve the result. ex:
                        usdresolve --anchorPath /asset/asset.usd sublayer.usd


Prints to terminal a unixtree-like summary of a USD layer or composition.

usdtree : Writes the tree structure of a USD file. The default is to
inspect a single USD file. Use the --flatten argument to see the
flattened (or composed) Stage tree. Special metadata 'kind' and
'active' are always shown if authored unless --simple is provided.

Usage: usdtree [OPTIONS] inputPath

  inputPath TEXT REQUIRED     The input file to process

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  --unloaded                  Do not load payloads.
  -a,--attributes             Display authored attributes.
  -m,--metadata               Display authored metadata (active and kind are part of the label and not shown as individual items
  -s,--simple                 Only display prim names: no specifier, kind or active state.
  -f,--flatten                Compose the stage with the input file as the root layer and write the flattened content.
  --flattenLayerStack         Flatten the layer stack with the given root layer. Unlike --flatten, this does not flatten composition arcs (such as references).
                              Limit stage population to these prims, their descendants and ancestors. To specify multiple paths, either use commas with no spaces, or quote the argument and separate paths by commas and/or spaces. Requires --flatten.


Utility for creating USDZ packages from USD compositions and the assets (images and others in future) they reference.

usage: usdzip [-h] [-r] [-a ASSET] [--arkitAsset ARKITASSET] [-c]
              [-l [LISTTARGET]] [-d [DUMPTARGET]] [-v]
              [usdzFile] [inputFiles ...]

Utility for creating a .usdz file containing USD assets and for inspecting
existing .usdz files.

positional arguments:
  usdzFile              Name of the .usdz file to create or to inspect the
                        contents of.
  inputFiles            Files to include in the .usdz file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r, --recurse         If specified, files in sub-directories are recursively
                        added to the package.
  -a ASSET, --asset ASSET
                        Resolvable asset path pointing to the root layer of
                        the asset to be isolated and copied into the package.
  --arkitAsset ARKITASSET
                        Similar to the --asset option, the --arkitAsset option
                        packages all of the dependencies of the named scene
                        file. Assets targeted at the initial usdz
                        implementation in ARKit operate under greater
                        constraints than usdz files for more general 'in
                        house' uses, and this option attempts to ensure that
                        these constraints are honored; this may involve more
                        transformations to the data, which may cause loss of
                        features such as VariantSets.
  -c, --checkCompliance
                        Perform compliance checking of the input files. If the
                        input asset or "root" layer fails any of the
                        compliance checks, the package is not created and the
                        program fails.
                        List contents of the specified usdz file. If a file-
                        path argument is provided, the list is output to a
                        file at the given path. If no argument is provided or
                        if '-' is specified as the argument, the list is
                        output to stdout.
                        Dump contents of the specified usdz file. If a file-
                        path argument is provided, the contents are output to
                        a file at the given path. If no argument is provided
                        or if '-' is specified as the argument, the contents
                        are output to stdout.
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose mode, which causes messages regarding
                        files being added to the package to be output to


usdchecker attempts to validate a USD or usdz file using a series of rules and metrics that will evolve over time. This tool currently provides the best assurance that an asset will be properly interchangeable and renderable by Hydra.

Utility for checking the compliance of a given USD stage or a USDZ package.  
Only the first sample of any relevant time-sampled attribute is checked, 
currently.  General USD checks are always performed, and more restrictive checks 
targeted at distributable consumer content are also applied when the "--arkit" 
option is specified. In order to use the new validation framework provide the 
'--useNewValidationFramework' option.
Usage: usdchecker [OPTIONS] [inputFile]

  inputFile FILE              Name of the input file to inspect.

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -s,--skipVariants           If specified, only the prims that are present in 
                              the default (i.e. selected) variants are checked. 
                              When this option is not specified, prims in all 
                              possible combinations of variant selections are 
  -p,--rootPackageOnly        Check only the specified package. Nested packages, 
                              dependencies and their contents are not validated.
  -o,--out FILE               The file to which all the failed checks are 
                              output. If unspecified, the failed checks are 
                              output to stdout; if "stderr", terminal coloring 
                              will be suppressed.
  --noAssetChecks             If specified, do NOT perform extra checks to help 
                              ensure the stage or package can be easily and 
                              safely referenced into aggregate stages.
  --arkit                     Check if the given USD stage is compatible with 
                              RealityKit's implementation of USDZ as of 2023. 
                              These assets operate under greater constraints 
                              that usdz files for more general in-house uses, 
                              and this option attempts to ensure that these 
                              constraints are met.
  -d,--dumpRules              Dump the enumerated set of rules being checked for 
                              the given set of options.
  -v,--verbose                Enable verbose output mode.
  -t,--strict                 Return failure code even if only warnings are 
                              issued, for stricter compliance.
  --useNewValidationFramework Enable the new validation framework.
  --variantSets TEXT ...      List of variantSets to validate. All variants for 
                              the given variantSets are validated. This can also 
                              be used with --variants to validate the given 
                              variants in combination with variants from the 
                              explicitly specified variantSets. This option is 
                              only valid when using the new validation 
  --variants TEXT ...         List of ',' separated variantSet:variant pairs to 
                              validate. Each set of variants in the list are 
                              validated separately. Example: --variants 
                              foo:bar,baz:qux will validate foo:bar and baz:qux 
                              together but --variants foo:bar --variants 
                              baz:qux will validate foo:bar and baz:qux 
                              separately. This can also be used with 
                              --variantSets to validate the given variants in 
                              combination with variants from the explicitly 
                              specified variantSets. This option is only valid 
                              when using the new validation framework.
                              Disable the limit set to restrict the number of 
                              variants validation calls. This is useful when the 
                              number of variants is large and we want to 
                              validate all possible combinations of variants. 
                              Default is to limit the number of validation calls 
                              to 1000. This option is only valid when using the 
                              new validation framework.


usdfixbrokenpixarschemas attempts to fix usd(a|c|z) layers for any updates introduced by newer Pixar schema revisions. Note that this does not provide a fixing mechanism for all validation tests listed in usdchecker.

usage: usdfixbrokenpixarschemas [-h] [--backup BACKUPFILE] [-v] [inputFile]

Fixes usd / usdz layer by applying appropriate fixes defined in the
UsdUtils.FixBrokenPixarSchemas. If the given usd file has any fixes to be
saved, a backup is created for that file. If a usdz package is provided, it is
extracted recursively at a temp location, and fixes are applied on each layer
individually, which are then packaged into a new usdz package, while creating
a backup of the original.

positional arguments:
  inputFile            Name of the input file to inspect and fix.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --backup BACKUPFILE  optional backup file path, if none provided creates a
                       <inputFile>.bck.<usda|usdc|usdz> at the inputFile
  -v, --verbose        Enable verbose mode.


usdstitch aggregates any number of usd files into a single file. This process is different from flattening a stage . The key differences are:

  • The result of usdstitch will contain the ordered union of Composition Arcs present on prims in the input sequence of files, whereas usdcat --flatten removes (by evaluating or flattening the composed opinions) composition arcs.

  • usdstitch merges the timeSamples from the input sequence of files, whereas flattening preserves the TimeSamples of only the strongest layer that contains TimeSamples, which is consistent with how Value Resolution interprets layered TimeSamples on a stage.

The goal and purpose of usdstitch is to create a time-wise merge of all of its input files, as if each file represents a timeslice of a complete scene, and we wish to merge all the scenes together. This is neither equivalent to stage flattening, as just described, nor will it produce an equivalent result to flattening a LayerStack, which is the process of combining all the (nested) SubLayers of a root layer into a single layer, preserving all composition arcs (other than subLayers) and guaranteeing the same evaluation behavior, thus (purely) optimizing N layers into one. One can flatten a LayerStack using usdcat with its --flattenLayerStack option.

usage: usdstitch
       [-h] [-o OUT] usdFiles [usdFiles ...]

Stitch multiple usd file(s) together into one. Opinion strength is determined
by the order in which the file is given, with the first file getting the
highest strength. The exception to this general behavior is in time samples,
which are merged together as a union across the input layers. It is consistent
in that, if two time sample keys conflict, the strong layer takes precedence.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -o OUT, --out OUT  specify a file to write out to


usdstitchclips is a tool that produces an aggregate representation of a common prim (and all its descendant prims) shared across a set of USD files using the Value Clips feature. This utility will provide a Value Clip representation of the input files, which are presumed to form a sequential animation, determined by the startTimeCode and endTimeCode of each layer in the sequence. It produces two files, as described in the usage output below:

  • result.topology.usd - this file will contain the unioned prim and property topology and metadata of all the input files - that is, all prims and properties that appear in any of the input USD files.

  • result.usd - this file will minimally contain the prim hierarchy described by the --clipPath command argument, to host the Value Clip metadata at CLIPPATH . This means that in the resulting composition, all prims at or below CLIPPATH in namespace will receive values from the input clip layers. result.usd will also contain a reference, on its root prim (the root path component of CLIPPATH ) to the same-named prim in result.topology.usd

result.usd is suitable for sublayering into a Layer Stack whose animation (at CLIPPATH ) is intended to be supplied by the input files.

Note that the animation content of the stitched result is completely dependent on the layout of timeSamples in the input USD files. So, in particular:

  • If the input files contain only default values , there will be no animation, as Value Clips only look for timeSample values.

  • When the --templateMetadata argument has not been specified, then the startTimeCode and endTimeCode metadata of each clip layer will be used to determine the time-range over which that clip will be active, and all timeSamples within that range within the clip layer will be consumed.

  • When the --templateMetadata argument has been specified, then the range over which each clip will be active is determined by the required --templatePath argument, and the two optional arguments --stride and --activeOffset:

    • --templatePath: A regex-esque template string representing the form of our asset paths’ names. This can be of two forms: ‘path/basename.###.usd’ and ‘path/basename.###.###.usd’ . These represent integer stage times and sub-integer stage times respectively. In both cases the number of hashes in each section is variable, and indicates to USD how much padding to apply when looking for asset paths. Note that USD is strict about the format of this string: there must be exactly one or two groups of hashes, and if there are two, they must be adjacent, separated by a dot.

    • --stride: An optional (double precision float) number indicating the stride at which USD will increment when looking for files to resolve. For example, given a start time of 12, an end time of 25, a template string of ‘path/basename.#.usd’, and a stride of 6, USD will look to resolve the following paths: ‘path/basename.12.usd’, ‘path/basename.18.usd’ and ‘path/basename.24.usd’. If no stride is specified, USD will use the value 1.0.

    • --activeOffset: An optional (double precision float) number indicating the offset USD will use when calculating the clipActive value that determines the time-range over which each clip is active.

      Given a start time of 101, an endTime of 103, a stride of 1, and an offset of 0.5, USD will generate the following:

      • clipTimes = [(100.5,100.5), (101,101), (102,102), (103,103), (103.5,103.5)]

      • clipActive = [(101.5, 0), (102.5, 1), (103.5, 2)]

      In other words, an offset allows us to slide the window into each clip in which USD will look for timeSamples to map into the stage’s time, rather than simply using the window implied by each clip’s filename. Note that the ACTIVEOFFSET cannot exceed the absolute value of STRIDE.

usage: usdstitchclips [-h] [-o OUT] [-c CLIPPATH] [-s STARTTIMECODE]
                      [-r STRIDE] [-e ENDTIMECODE] [-t] [-p TEMPLATEPATH]
                      [--clipSet CLIPSET] [--activeOffset ACTIVEOFFSET]
                      [--interpolateMissingClipValues] [-n]
                      usdFiles [usdFiles ...]

Stitch multiple usd file(s) together into one using value clips.
An example command is:

usdstitchclips --out result.usd --clipPath /World/fx/Particles_Splash clip1.usd clip2.usd 

This will produce two files, a result.topology.usd and a result.usd.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUT, --out OUT     specify the filename for the top-level result file,
                        which also serves as base-name for the topology and
                        manifest files.
  -c CLIPPATH, --clipPath CLIPPATH
                        specify a prim path at which to begin stitching clip
                        specify the time at which the clips will become active
  -r STRIDE, --stride STRIDE
                        specify a stride for the numeric component of
                        filenames for template metadata
                        specify the time at which the clips will cease being
  -t, --templateMetadata
                        author template clip metadata in the root layer.
                        specify a template asset path to author
  --clipSet CLIPSET     specify a named clipSet in which to author clip
                        metadata, so that multiple sets of clips can be
                        applied on the same prim.
  --activeOffset ACTIVEOFFSET
                        specify an offset for template-based clips, offsetting
                        the frame number of each clip file.
                        specify whether values for clips without authored
                        samples are interpolated from surrounding clips if no
                        default value is authored in any clip.
  -n, --noComment       do not write a comment specifying how the usd file was


usddumpcrate provides information on usd files encoded using USD’s Crate File Format. This can be useful for very low-level debugging.

usage: usddumpcrate [-h] [-s] inputFiles [inputFiles ...]

Write information about a usd crate (usdc) file to stdout

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -s, --summary  report only a short summary


Provides information on Sdf Layers, which are the containers for USD data.

Filter and display raw layer data
Usage: sdfdump [OPTIONS] inputFiles...

  inputFiles ...              The input files to dump.

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -s,--summary                Report a high-level summary.
  --validate                  Check validity by trying to read all data values.
  -p,--path regex             Report only paths matching this regex.
  -f,--field regex            Report only fields matching this regex.
  -t,--time n or ff..lf       Report only these times (n) or time ranges (ff..lf) for 'timeSamples' fields
  --timeTolerance tol         Report times that are close to those requested within this relative tolerance. Default: 0.000125
  --sortBy path|field         Group output by either path or field. Default: path
  --noValues                  Do not report field values.
  --fullArrays                Report full array contents rather than number of elements


Provides information in a variety of formats (including usda-like) about Sdf Layers or specified (filtered) parts of a layer. Uses range from finding full information about specific properties, to creating “suitable for web/index display” versions of USD files that elide large array data.

Provides information in a variety of formats (including usda-like) about
Sdf Layers or specified (filtered) parts of a layer.
Usage: sdffilter [OPTIONS] inputFiles...

  inputFiles ...              The input files to process

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -p,--path regex             Report only paths matching this regex.
  -f,--field regex            Report only fields matching this regex.
  -t,--time n or ff..lf       Report only these times (n) or time ranges (ff..lf) for
                              'timeSamples' fields
  --timeTolerance tol         Report times that are close to those requested within this relative tolerance. Default: 0.000125
  --arraySizeLimit INT        Truncate arrays with more than this many elements.  If -1, do not
                              truncate arrays.  Default: 0 for 'outline' output, 8 for
                              'pseudoLayer' output, and -1 for 'layer' output.
  --timeSamplesSizeLimit INT  Truncate timeSamples with more than this many values.  If -1, do not
                              truncate timeSamples.  Default: 0 for 'outline' output, 8 for
                              'pseudoLayer' output, and -1 for 'layer' output.  Truncation
                              performed after initial filtering by --time arguments.
  -o,--out TEXT               Direct output to this file.  Use the 'outputFormat' for finer
                              control over the underlying format for output formats that are
                              not uniquely determined by file extension.
  --outputType validity|summary|outline|pseudoLayer|layer
                              Specify output format; 'summary' reports overall statistics,
                              'outline' is a flat text report of paths and fields,
                              'pseudoLayer' is similar to the sdf file format but with truncated
                              array values and timeSamples for human readability, and 'layer' is
                              true layer output, with the format controlled by the 'outputFile'
                              and 'outputFormat' arguments. Default: outline
  --sortBy path|field         Group 'outline' output by either path or field.  Ignored for other
                              output types. Default: path
  --noValues                  Do not report field values.


Helper script to measure usdview asset performance. Recommended usage is usdmeasureperformance <asset.usd> -i 10 –agg min -o <metrics.yaml>. If there exists a file ending in overrides.usda in the same directory as the given asset file, the file will be supplied as –sessionLayer to usdview and testusdview invocations. This allows provision of specific variant selections, for example. The first file found by os.listdir will be used. Ensure there is only one file ending in overrides.usda in the asset directory to remove ambiguity.

usage: usdmeasureperformance [-h] [-c [CUSTOM_METRICS ...]] -o OUTPUT
                             [-i ITERATIONS]
                             [-a {min,mean,max} [{min,mean,max} ...]]
                             [-t TRACEDIR]

Measure and export USD functional performance

positional arguments:
  asset                 Asset file path.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c [CUSTOM_METRICS ...], --custom-metrics [CUSTOM_METRICS ...]
                        Additional custom metrics to run `testusdview` timing
                        on. If not set, a default set of metrics is run. This
                        should be a whitespace-separated list of
                        <script>:'<metric name>,<metric name>' e.g.
              'traverse stage'. Note the
                        <script> path is relative to the directory from which
               is invoked.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Required output file path for metrics data. Must be
  -i ITERATIONS, --iterations ITERATIONS
                        Number of iterations to run. Performance metrics are
                        reported as an average across all iterations. Requires
                        -o to be set. By default, 3 iterations are set.
  -a {min,mean,max} [{min,mean,max} ...], --aggregation {min,mean,max} [{min,mean,max} ...]
                        When multiple iterations are set, report an aggregated
                        statistic instead of every value. Requires -o to be
                        set. When one aggregation is requested, the output
                        yaml format will be a key value dictionary with
                        <metric_name>_<aggregation> to aggregated time value.
                        If multiple aggregations are requested, the output
                        yaml format will be <metric_name>: {<agg1>: <value1>,
                        <agg2>:...}.When no aggregation is set, the output
                        format will be <metric_name>: [<val1>, <val2>, ...] or
                        one measured value for each iteration.
  -t TRACEDIR, --tracedir TRACEDIR
                        Outputs a trace file for each run of usdview in the
                        given directory if provided and if 'aggregation'
                        includes min or max. A trace file for the iteration of
                        testusdview or usdview from which the aggregated value
                        of each metric was observed will be output in the form
                        <metric name>_<aggregation>.trace