11#include "pxr/usd/usdSkel/api.h"
33 DeformPointsWithSkinning = 1 << 0,
34 DeformNormalsWithSkinning = 1 << 1,
35 DeformXformWithSkinning = 1 << 2,
36 DeformPointsWithBlendShapes = 1 << 3,
37 DeformNormalsWithBlendShapes = 1 << 4,
38 DeformWithSkinning = (DeformPointsWithSkinning|
39 DeformNormalsWithSkinning|
40 DeformXformWithSkinning),
41 DeformWithBlendShapes = (DeformPointsWithBlendShapes|
42 DeformNormalsWithBlendShapes),
43 DeformAll = DeformWithSkinning|DeformWithBlendShapes,
47 ModifiesNormals = DeformNormalsWithSkinning|DeformNormalsWithBlendShapes,
48 ModifiesXform = DeformXformWithSkinning
Defines all the types "TYPED" for which Vt creates a VtTYPEDArray typedef.
A basic mathematical interval class.
static GfInterval GetFullInterval()
Returns the full interval (-inf, inf).
An forward-iterable range that traverses a subtree of prims rooted at a given prim in depth-first ord...
Thread-safe cache for accessing query objects for evaluating skeletal data.
Boundable prim type used to identify a scope beneath which skeletally-posed primitives are defined.
Parameters for configuring UsdSkelBakeSkinning.
VtUIntArray layerIndices
Array providing an index per elem in bindings, indicating which layer the skinned result of the bindi...
bool updateExtents
If true, extents of UsdGeomPointBased-derived prims are updated as new skinned values are produced.
int deformationFlags
Flags determining which deformation paths are enabled.
bool updateExtentHints
If true, extents hints of models that already stored an extentsHint are updated to reflect skinning c...
std::vector< UsdSkelBinding > bindings
The set of bindings to bake.
std::vector< SdfLayerHandle > layers
Data layers being written to.
bool saveLayers
Determines whether or not layers are saved during skinning.
size_t memoryLimit
Memory limit for pending stage writes, given in bytes.
Flags for identifying different deformation paths.
@ ModifiesPoints
Flags indicating which components of skinned prims may be modified, based on the active deformations.