| GfQuatf () |
| Default constructor leaves the quaternion undefined.
| GfQuatf (float realVal) |
| Initialize the real coefficient to realVal and the imaginary coefficients to zero.
| GfQuatf (float real, float i, float j, float k) |
| Initialize the real and imaginary coefficients.
| GfQuatf (float real, const GfVec3f &imaginary) |
| Initialize the real and imaginary coefficients.
GF_API | GfQuatf (class GfQuatd const &other) |
| Construct from GfQuatd.
GF_API | GfQuatf (class GfQuath const &other) |
| Implicitly convert from GfQuath.
float | GetReal () const |
| Return the real coefficient.
void | SetReal (float real) |
| Set the real coefficient.
const GfVec3f & | GetImaginary () const |
| Return the imaginary coefficient.
void | SetImaginary (const GfVec3f &imaginary) |
| Set the imaginary coefficients.
void | SetImaginary (float i, float j, float k) |
| Set the imaginary coefficients.
float | GetLength () const |
| Return geometric length of this quaternion.
GfQuatf | GetNormalized (float eps=GF_MIN_VECTOR_LENGTH) const |
| length of this quaternion is smaller than eps , return the identity quaternion.
GF_API float | Normalize (float eps=GF_MIN_VECTOR_LENGTH) |
| Normalizes this quaternion in place to unit length, returning the length before normalization.
GfQuatf | GetConjugate () const |
| Return this quaternion's conjugate, which is the quaternion with the same real coefficient and negated imaginary coefficients.
GfQuatf | GetInverse () const |
| Return this quaternion's inverse, or reciprocal.
GF_API GfVec3f | Transform (const GfVec3f &point) const |
| Transform the GfVec3f point.
GfQuatf | operator- () const |
| Component-wise negation.
bool | operator== (const GfQuatf &q) const |
| Component-wise quaternion equality test.
bool | operator!= (const GfQuatf &q) const |
| Component-wise quaternion inequality test.
GF_API GfQuatf & | operator*= (const GfQuatf &q) |
| Post-multiply quaternion q into this quaternion.
GfQuatf & | operator*= (float s) |
| Multiply this quaternion's coefficients by s .
GfQuatf & | operator/= (float s) |
| Divide this quaternion's coefficients by s .
GfQuatf & | operator+= (const GfQuatf &q) |
| Add quaternion q to this quaternion.
GfQuatf & | operator-= (const GfQuatf &q) |
| Component-wise unary difference operator.