A small bit of state attached to each bit of instanced geometry in embree, for the benefit of HdEmbre...
int32_t instanceId
The instance id of this instance.
RTCScene rootScene
The scene the prototype geometry lives in, for passing to rtcInterpolate.
GfMatrix4f objectToWorldMatrix
The object-to-world transform, for transforming normals to worldspace.
A small bit of state attached to each bit of prototype geometry in embree, for the benefit of HdEmbre...
VtIntArray primitiveParams
A copy of the primitive params for this rprim.
TfHashMap< TfToken, HdEmbreePrimvarSampler *, TfToken::HashFunctor > primvarMap
A name-indexed map of primvar samplers.
HdRprim * rprim
A pointer back to the owning HdEmbree rprim.