USD Terms and Concepts

USD introduces quite a few terms and concepts, some of which, unavoidably, already have different meanings in other contexts, so it can be quite daunting to make sense of all of our documentation and code until you have become fully indoctrinated. This document attempts to define and explain all the major concepts and behaviors referred to in other parts of the USD documentation.

Active / Inactive

Activation is a metadatum/behavior of prims that models a “non destructive and reversible prim deletion” from a stage . Prims are active by default, which means they and their active children will be composed and visited by stage traversals. However, by making a prim inactive by calling UsdPrim::SetActive(false), we prevent the prim itself from being visited by default traversals, and we also prevent the prim’s descendant prims from even being composed on the stage, which makes deactivation a useful tool for pruning unneeded scene description for scalability and complexity management.

In the following example, the prim at path /Parent has been deactivated, so /Parent/Child1 and other descendants will not be composed. However, /Parent’s active metadatum can be overridden to true in a stronger layer, which would cause /Parent/Child1 and etc. to compose onto the stage.

Example of a deactivated prim
def Xform "Parent" (
    active = false
    def Mesh "Child1"
    # other siblings of "Child1" ...

API Schema

An API schema is a prim Schema that serves as an interface or API for authoring and extracting a set of related data, and may also contribute to a prim’s definition. In terms of the USD object model, an API schema is one that derives from UsdAPISchemaBase, but not from its subclass UsdTyped. That means UsdPrim::IsA<UsdModelAPI>() will never return true. In contrast to typed, “is a” schemas, think of API schemas as “has a” schemas. There are three types of API schema: non-applied, single-apply, and multiple-apply.

  • Non-applied API Schemas

    Non-applied API schemas are, in some sense, the “weakest” API schemas, since all they provide is API for setting and fetching some related properties and/or metadata, and do not contribute to a prim’s type or definition in any way. The UsdModelAPI is an example of a non-applied schema whose purpose is to interact with a few pieces of prim metadata related to models and assets; there is no way to tell whether a UsdModelAPI is present on a prim - instead one simply uses its methods to interrogate particular aspects.


    One might also create a non-applied schema to interact with some related (for your purposes) properties that exist on some number of other typed schemas, which may allow for more concise coding patterns.

  • Single and Multiple Apply Schemas

    Applied schemas get recorded onto a prim in its apiSchemas metadata, which allows them to contribute to the prim’s definition, adding builtin properties, and submitting to presence queries, using UsdPrim::HasAPI<UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI>(). The most common type of API schema is single-apply, which should be applied before using the schema’s authoring APIs. That is, whereas when we are authoring typed schemas we usually assign the type as we define the prim, before using the schema to author data, like:

    mesh = UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(stage, path)

    for applied API schemas we instead apply the type to an existing prim before using the schema to author data, like:

    bindingAPI = UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI.Apply(prim)

    Multiple-apply schemas can be applied to a prim more than once, requiring an “instance name” to distinguish one application from another - the instance name will form part of the namespace in which the schema’s properties will be authored. UsdCollectionAPI is an example of a multiple-apply schema, which UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI uses to assign materials to collections of prims, allowing multiple collections to be located on a single prim.

Choose to create an applied API Schema when you have a group of related properties, metadata, and possibly associated behaviors that may need to be applied to multiple different types of prims . For example, if your pipeline has a set of three attributes that get authored onto every gprim, and you want to have a robust schema for authoring and extracting those attributes, you could create an applied API schema for them. Why not instead subclass the typed UsdGeomGprim schema and add the attributes there? Because you would then need to redefine all of the schema classes that derive from Gprim, thus preventing you from taking advantage of built-in DCC support for the UsdGeomGprim-derived classes. API schemas provide for “mix in” data organization.

API schemas can be generated using the USD schema generation tools, and extended with custom methods, just as typed schemas can. We use schema generation even for non-applied API schemas that have no builtin properties, to ensure consistency.


In USD an assembly is a kind of Model. Assemblies are group models, i.e. models that aggregate other models into meaningful collections. An assembly may consist primarily of references to other models, and themselves be published assets.

An “assembly” asset, declared in scene description
def Xform "Forest_set" (
    kind = "assembly"
    # Possibly deep namespace hierarchy of prims, with references to other assets

See also: model hierarchy


Asset is a fairly common organizational concept in content-producing pipelines. In the most generic terms in USD, an asset is something that can be identified and located (via asset resolution) with a string identifier. To facilitate operations such as asset dependency analysis, USD defines a specialized string type, asset, so that all metadata and attributes that refer to assets can be quickly and robustly identified. In content pipelines, assets are sometimes a single file (e.g. a UV texture), or a collection of files anchored by a single file that in turn references others. A non-defining, but important quality of assets is that they are generally published and version-controlled. As an aid to asset management and analysis of composed scenes, USD provides an AssetInfo schema. The text .usda format uses a special syntax for asset-valued strings to make them easily differentiable from ordinary strings, using the “@” symbol instead of quotes to delimit their values, or “@@@” as delimiter if the asset path itself contains the “@” character. If an asset path must contain the string “@@@” then it should be singly escaped, as “\@@@”. See AssetInfo for examples of both forms.


AssetInfo is a metadata dictionary that can be applied to any UsdPrim or UsdProperty to convey asset-identification-and-management-related information. Typically a UsdStage pulls in many assets through composition arcs. When interacting with prims and properties on the stage, however, the presence and location of the arcs and the identity of the assets they target is, by design, fairly deeply hidden as an implementation detail. We do provide low-level tools for examining the arc-by-arc index for each prim, but it can be difficult to reconstruct intent and asset identity from the arc structure alone. AssetInfo provides a mechanism for identifying and locating assets that survives composition (and even stage flattening) to allow clients to discover the namespace location at which an asset is introduced, and generally how to construct a reference to the asset.


assetInfo authored in USD files is advisory data one supplies for client applications to use. It is not consulted or consumed by the USD core in any way during Stage loading/composition.

The AssetInfo dictionary can contain any fields a client or pipeline finds useful, but promotes four core fields, which each have direct API:

  • identifier (asset)

    Provides the asset identifier one would use to target the asset with a composition arc.

  • name (string)

    Provides the name of the asset as it would be identified, for example, in an asset database query.

  • payloadAssetDependencies (asset[])

    Provides what can be a substantial optimization for dynamic asset dependency analysis. If your asset build/publish process can pre-compute, at publish-time, the external asset dependencies contained inside the asset’s payload(s), then shot/render-time dependency analysis (for asset isolation) need not load the payload.

  • version (string)

    Provides the version of the asset that was/would-be targeted. In some pipelines, it may make sense to inject an asset’s revision control version into the published asset itself. In other pipelines, version is tracked in an external database, so the version assetInfo must be added in the referencing context when we add a reference to an asset.

A continuation of the example above that illustrates assemblies:

AssetInfo on a published assembly asset
def Xform "Forest_set" (
    assetInfo = {
        asset identifier = @Forest_set/usd/Forest_set.usd@
        string name = "Forest_set"
    kind = "assembly"
    # Example of an asset that embeds the '@', and so must be delimited
    # with the "@@@" form
    asset primvars:texture = @@@body_decal.exr@v3@@@

Asset Resolution

Asset resolution is the process by which an asset path is translated into the location of a consumable resource. USD provides a plugin point for asset resolution, the ArResolver interface, which clients can implement to resolve assets discovered in a USD scene, using whatever logic and external inputs they require. This plugin also lets clients provide USD with an asset’s data without fetching the data to disk.

If no asset resolver plugin is available, USD falls back to a default resolver implementation that uses search paths to locate assets referenced via relative paths. See the examples for References.


Attributes are the most common type of property authored in most USD scenes. An attribute can take on exactly one of the legal attribute typeNames USD provides, and can take on both a default value and a value each at any number of timeSamples. Resolving an attribute at any given timeCode will yield either a single value or no value. Attributes resolve according to “strongest wins” rules, so all values for any given attribute will be fetched from the strongest PrimSpec that provides either a default value or timeSamples. Note that this simple rule is somewhat more complicated in the presence of authored clips. One interacts with attributes through the UsdAttribute API.

A simple example of an attribute that has both an authored default and two timeSamples in the same primSpec:

An attribute with both Default and TimeSamples
def Sphere "BigBall"
    double radius = 100
    double radius.timeSamples = {
        1: 100,
        24: 500,

Attribute Block

Similarly to how prims can be deactivated through composing overriding opinions, the value that an attribute produces can be blocked by an overriding opinion of None, which can be authored using UsdAttribute::Block. A block itself can, of course be overridden by an even stronger opinion. The following example extends the previous attribute example, adding a DefaultBall prim that blocks the value of radius it references from BigBall, causing radius’s value to resolve back to its fallback at UsdTimeCode t (any blocked attribute that has no fallback will report that it has no value when we invoke UsdAttribute::Get):

DefaultBall Blocks the radius values referenced from BigBall
def Sphere "BigBall"
    double radius = 100
    double radius.timeSamples = {
        1: 100,
        24: 500,

def "DefaultBall" (
    references = </BigBall>
    double radius = None

In addition to completely blocking an attribute’s value, sub time-ranges can be separately blocked, by blocking individual time samples. Consider the following examples:

Example 1:

def Sphere "BigBall"
    double radius.timeSamples = {
        101: 12,
        102: None,

For the attribute radius on BigBall:

  • Usd.Attribute.Get(t) will return 12 for Usd.TimeCode t in (-∞, 102).

  • Usd.Attribute.Get(t) will return None for Usd.TimeCode t in [102, ∞).

Example 2:

def Sphere "BigBall"
    double radius.timeSamples = {
        101: None,
        102: 12,

For the attribute radius on BigBall:

  • Usd.Attribute.Get(t) will return None for Usd.TimeCode t in (-∞, 102).

  • Usd.Attribute.Get(t) will return 12 for Usd.TimeCode t in [102, ∞).

Note that the per-timeSample-blocking ability does not allow us to sparsely override timeSamples, i.e. in the following example:

def Sphere "BigBall"
    double radius.timeSamples = {
        101: 1,
        102: 2,

def "DefaultBall" (
    references = </BigBall>
    double radius.timeSamples = {
        101: None,

For the attribute radius on DefaultBall:

  • Usd.Attribute.Get(t) will return None for Usd.TimeCode t in (-∞, ∞).

Attribute Connection

See Connection.

Attribute Variability

See Variability.

Change Processing

Change processing is the action a UsdStage takes in response to edits of any of the layers that contribute to its composition. During change processing, prims on the stage may be re-indexed or disappear entirely, or new prims may come into being. The key things to understand about change processing are:

  1. It is always active. Whenever you use the Usd or Sdf APIs to mutate any layers that contribute to a UsdStage’s composition, that stage will update itself immediately, in the same thread in which authoring was performed (though the change-processing itself may spawn worker threads), so that it always presents an accurate result to clients.

  2. When a stage has completed a round of change processing, it will send notification to clients who have registered interest, so that they may keep themselves updated in light of authored changes to the stage.


    Clients listening to UsdStage notifications should not update themselves immediately upon receiving a notice, but instead note what has become out-of-date (dirty), and defer updating until necessary; this helps minimize the amount of work an application needs to undertake when many edits are being performed rapidly.

  3. For all of the layers that contribute to a given UsdStage, only one thread at a time may be editing any of those layers, and no other thread can be reading from the stage while the editing and change processing are taking place. This is because we do not want to weigh down read access to UsdStage data with any kind of locking.


Class is one of the three possible specifiers a prim (and also a primSpec) can possess. A class prim and all of the prims nested inside it in namespace will report that they are abstract, via UsdPrim::IsAbstract, which causes the prims to be skipped by stage and child traversals, unless a client specifically asks to include abstract prims. The most common use of classes is to create prims from which other prims can inherit. Classes can define/override metadata as well as properties and nested prims. The following example contains a class _class_Ball that provides a value for the radius attribute for any prim that would inherit or reference it. The _class_ prefix is a Pixar convention for naming classes, and is not a requirement.

A “class” prim contains opinions meant to be inherited
class "_class_Ball" {
    double radius = 50


See Value Clips


Collections build on the ability of relationships to identify objects in a USD scene. Whereas a relationship is (resolves to, by fetching its Targets) simply an ordered list of paths identifying other objects in the scene, a Collection uses a pair of relationships and extra rules to compactly encode potentially large sets of objects by identifying a set of paths to hierarchically include in the Collection, and a separate set of paths to hierarchically exclude. For example, the following Collection identifies all of the prims comprising the two buildings, except for all the prims organized under the Floor13 prim in each.

Collections refine a hierarchical set by including and excluding finer and finer branches
over "World"
    over "Buildings" (
        prepend apiSchemas = "CollectionAPI:luckyBuildings"
        uniform token collection:luckyBuildings:expansionRule = "expandPrims"
        rel collection:luckyBuildings:includes = [
        rel collection:luckyBuildings:excludes = [

We can see from the example that Collections in USD are expressed as “multiple apply” API Schemas, so that we can add as many different collections as we want, to any prim already in the scene. The expansionRule attribute specifies how the targets of the includes relationship should be expanded; we can include all prims, all prims and properties, or just the targeted objects themselves. In addition to prims and properties, a Collection can include another Collection, which allows us to hide internal details of assets when we publish them, as the aggregate scenes that consume the assets can do things like binding materials and illuminating the scene by targeting the asset’s collections (which break down the asset into meaningful groups) with other collections.

We create and query Collections using UsdCollectionAPI.

For more details on Collections, including pattern-based collections that use a path expression to determine collection membership, see Collections and Patterns.`


A component is a “leaf” kind of Model. Components can contain subcomponents, but no other models. Components can reference in other assets that are published as models, but they should override the kind of the referenced prim to “subcomponent”.

A “component” asset, declared in scene description, overriding the kind of a “nested” asset reference
def Xform "TreeSpruce" (
    kind = "component"
    # Geometry and shading prims that define a Spruce tree...

    def "Cone_1" (
        kind = "subcomponent"
        references = @Cones/PineConeA.usd@

See also: model hierarchy


Composition is the process that assembles multiple layers together by the composition arcs that relate them to each other, resulting in a UsdStage scenegraph of UsdPrims. Each UsdPrim contains an index that allows clients to subsequently extract “resolved values” for properties and metadata from the relevant layers. Composition occurs when first opening a UsdStage, when loading or unloading prims on the stage, and when layers that contribute to the stage are edited. One of the results of composition is path translation so that all the data in all layers contributing to the scene are accessed by their “scene level” namespace locations (paths).

We also sometimes refer to “a composition” or “a composed prim” or “a composed scene”, in which contexts we are referring to the result of performing composition.

Composition Arcs

Composition arcs are the “operators” that allow USD to create rich compositions of many layers containing mixes of “base” scene description and overrides. The arcs are:

We refer to these operators as arcs because each one targets either a layer, a prim, or a combination of layer and prim, and when diagramming a prim’s index to understand how a scene or value is composed, the composition operators represent the directional arcs that combine layers and primSpecs into an ordered graph that we traverse when performing value resolution. Except for subLayers, all composition arcs target a specific prim in a LayerStack, and allow the renaming of that target prim as the result “flows” across the arc. USD performs all the necessary path translation to ensure that stage-level queries always work in the stage-level namespace, regardless of how many different and/or nested composition arcs and name-changes contributed to the result.

Except for subLayers, all composition arcs are list editable, which means that each layer in a layerStack can sparsely prepend, append, remove, or reset targets, which allows us to non-destructively edit the composition structure of a scene as it evolves or passes through multiple stages of a pipeline. Following is an example of list-edited references. The resolved value of references on /MyPrim that will be consumed during composition of superLayer.usd is a two-element list: [ @file1.usd@, @file3.usd@ ]

Contents of file base.usd
#usda 1.0

def "MyPrim" (
    references = [
Contents of file superLayer.usd
#usda 1.0
    subLayers = [

# Removes reference to file2.usd, while adding a reference to file3.usd at the end of the list
over "MyPrim" (
    delete references = [ @file2.usd@ ]
    append references = [ @file3.usd@ ]


Connections are quite similar to relationships in that they are list-edited “scene pointers” that robustly identify other scene objects. The key difference is that while relationships are typeless, independent properties, connections are instead a sub-aspect of USD attributes. Relationships serve to establish dependencies between prims as a whole, or the dependency of a prim as a whole upon a targeted property. But they lack the expressiveness to encode, for example, complex, typed, dataflow networks such as shading networks. In networks in which each node has multiple, value-typed inputs and/or outputs, we can represent the nodes as prims, and the inputs and outputs as attributes. Each attribute is strongly typed, and connections allow each input to target an output attribute from which, in some downstream consuming application, it may receive dataflow.

Connections empower USD to robustly encode dataflow networks of prims, but USD itself provides no dataflow behavior across connections. Instead, USD stipulates that schemas can impose semantics on connections, to be interpreted/implemented by the schema or higher-level systems. We do so for two reasons:

  1. Consulting connections during value resolution (UsdAttribute::Get()) would necessarily slow down all attribute value resolution, whether the attribute possesses connections or not.

  2. Interchange is an important aspect of USD, and we are not currently willing to tackle the conformance problem of different dataflow semantics between different DCCs.

A basic example of connections, from the Simple Shading in USD tutorial, which demonstrates how USD’s shading model uses input-to-output connections to indicated render-time dataflow between shaders, and output-to-output connections on Materials to bind shader outputs to important computed results consumed by the renderer:

def Material "boardMat"
    token inputs:frame:stPrimvarName = "st"
    token outputs:surface.connect = </TexModel/boardMat/PBRShader.outputs:surface>

    def Shader "PBRShader"
        uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
        color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </TexModel/boardMat/diffuseTexture.outputs:rgb>
        float inputs:metallic = 0
        float inputs:roughness = 0.4
        token outputs:surface

    def Shader "stReader"
        uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
        token inputs:varname.connect = </TexModel/boardMat.inputs:frame:stPrimvarName>
        float2 outputs:result

    def Shader "diffuseTexture"
        uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
        asset inputs:file = @USDLogoLrg.png@
        float2 inputs:st.connect = </TexModel/boardMat/stReader.outputs:result>
        float3 outputs:rgb

Crate File Format

The crate file format is USD’s own binary file format, whose file extension is .usdc, and which is losslessly, bidirectionally convertible to the .usda text format. The .usd file format is special, as files with that extension can be either crate or text files; this facilitates debugging as crate files can be converted to text in-place for rapid iterative hand-editing without needing to change any referencing layers. The primary differences between text and crate files (other than the obvious human readability aspect) are:

  1. Text files must be read in their entirety, parsed, and stored in-memory as soon as they are opened, whereas crate files read in only a small index of the file’s contents when they are opened, deferring access to big data until a client requests it specifically.

  2. Except for very small files (under a few hundred kilobytes), crate files will be much more compact than text files.

Crate was designed for low-latency and high-performance lazy queries, and we believe it to be the best file format choice for storing scene description consumed by USD. Some of its features include:

  • Aggressive, multi-level data deduplication yields small file sizes

  • Lockless data extraction for high-bandwidth multi-threaded reading

  • Access to files either by mmap() or pread(), trading VM pressure for file descriptor consumption and system call overhead. By default crate uses mmap(), but the choice is configurable at runtime.

  • Low latency in “cold file-system cache” network access, as all data needed to open a crate file for USD’s use is compacted into a contiguous footer section.

  • Editing crate files does not copy all data to a new file. Instead, it appends. Disused values consume disk space, so repeated editing may produce files larger than ideal. Use usdcat to rewrite files in their most compact form.

You can convert between file formats using usdcat.


Def is one of the three possible specifiers a prim (and also a primSpec) can possess. A def defines a prim, which, for most consumers of USD, equates to the prim being present on the stage and available for processing. Prims whose specifier resolves to class or over are actually present and composed on a stage, but will not be visited by UsdPrim::GetChildren or UsdStage::Traverse. A def may, but need not declare a schema type for the prim. For further information see the FAQ: What’s the difference between an “over” and a “typeless def” ?

The following example defines a prim /Ball as belonging to the Sphere schema, and sets its radius to 50.

A “def” defines a prim
def Sphere "Ball" {
    double radius = 50

Default Value

Many assets consist entirely of a static (with respect to time) definition, which really exists “outside time”. When encoding such assets in a format that only allows timeSamples, one must choose a “sentinel” time ordinate at which to record static data, and hope that no other application uses that sentinel time for any other purpose. This can be fragile, and also lead to the “static” definition becoming overshadowed and not easily accessible when overridden in a stronger layer.

USD addresses this problem by providing a completely separate field for each attribute, called its default. This field can be authored and resolved in isolation of any authored timeSamples anywhere in an attribute’s index, by using the universal, reserved sentinel UsdTimeCode::Default as the (implicit or explicit) time ordinate to UsdAttribute::Get and UsdAttribute::Set. When resolving an attribute’s value at a non-Default time, defaults still participate, but within a given primSpec, an authored default is always weaker than authored timeSamples. However, an authored default in a stronger layer/primSpec is stronger than timeSamples authored in a weaker layer. In text USD layers, the default value is the single value that can be assigned directly to an attribute in the attribute declaration line:

Overriding the default value of a Ball’s radius
over "Ball" {
    double radius = 50

Direct Opinion

A direct opinion for some property or metadatum of a prim at path /foo/bar/baz in a layerStack is one that is authored “directly” on the primSpec at /foo/bar/baz in contrast to an indirect opinion on a different primSpec that affects /foo/bar/baz due to the effect of one or more composition arcs. Two examples of where we find it useful to talk about direct vs. indirect opinions are:

  1. References.

    A direct reference is one authored on a prim itself, as opposed to an ancestral reference , authored on some ancestor of the prim. Ancestral references are weaker than direct references, so if the targets of both the direct and ancestral references contain opinions about the same property on the prim, the opinions of the direct reference will win. This “weaker ancestor” behavior is also true for direct vs ancestral Payloads, VariantSets, Inherits, and Specializes arcs.

  2. Specializes arcs.

    When prim /root/derived specializes prim /root/base in a layer, direct opinions authored on the “derived” prim in any referencing context (that is, a layerStack that references the /root prim in the original layer, or any layerStack that references the new layerStack, ad infinitum) will always be stronger than any opinions expressed directly on the “base” prim in any of the referencing contexts. See specializes for examples.


When authoring composed scene description, it is often desirable to edit the targets of various composition arcs in context of the scene you are constructing, rather than needing to edit individual layers in isolation. Edit Targets, embodied by the UsdEditTarget class, allow you to work with the composed stage and the UsdPrims it contains, while specifying which contributing site in the stage’s network of composition arcs should receive the opinions you are about to author using the composed prim. You can think of Edit Targets as an extension of the idea of “selecting a layer” in Photoshop. UsdEditTarget provides specific methods for selecting any sublayer in a stage’s root layerStack, or the currently selected variant of any defined top-level or nested variantSet. In addition, You can create an EditTarget from any “Node” in a prim’s PrimIndex, which allows you to target inherited classes, reference targets, etc.


Many IsA Schemas and applied API Schemas define attributes that have an identifiable value that makes sense in most situations. The USD schema generation process allows a schema creator to specify such values as a fallback that will be implicitly present on an attribute even when no values have been authored for it. The presence of fallback values allows us to keep our scene description sparse and compact, and allows for self-documenting behavior. Fallbacks are deployed extensively in the UsdGeom schemas, for example UsdGeomImageable’s visibility attribute has a fallback value of inherited, and UsdGeomGprim’s orientation attribute has a fallback of rightHanded.


Even though USD derives great efficiencies from accessing data directly from the layers that a stage composes together as directed by the various composition arcs that weave the files together, it can sometimes be useful to “bake down the composition” into a single layer that no longer contains any composition arcs. A flattened stage is highly portable since its single layer is self-contained, and in some cases, it may be more efficient to compose and resolve, although this is definitely not a given. For example, flattening a stage to an text USD layer will generally produce extremely large files since assets that were referenced multiple times on a stage will be uniquely baked out into their own namespaces, with all data duplicated; the crate file format will perform better in this metric, at least, since it performs data deduplication. Regardless of file format, the action of flattening a stage will generally be memory and compute-intensive, and will not, at this time, benefit from multithreading.

To flatten a stage, use UsdStage::Flatten or usdcat with the --flatten option.

To flatten individual layer stacks, use UsdUtilsFlattenLayerStack or usdcat with the --flattenLayerStack option.


Gprim comes from Pixar’s RenderMan terminology, and is a contraction for “Geometric primitive”, which is to say, any primitive whose imaging/rendering will directly cause something to be drawn. Gprim is a first-class concept in USD, embodied in the class UsdGeomGprim. All Gprims possess the following qualities:

  • Gprims are boundable, and should always submit to computing an extent (even if it be an empty extent), and valid UsdGeom scene description should always provide an authored extent on a gprim that captures its changing shape (if its shape is animated).

  • Gprims are directly transformable , which is the primary distinguishing factor between UsdGeomGprim and Autodesk Maya’s similar “shape” node type. Transformable gprims necessitate fewer prims overall in most 3D compositions, which aids scalability, since prim-count is one of the primary scaling factors for USD.

Effectively structuring gprims in namespace

Please observe the following two rules when laying out gprims in a namespace hierarchy:

  1. Do not nest gprims in namespace.

    We consider it invalid to nest gprims under other gprims, and usdchecker will issue warnings on scenes that contain this construct. This is because key features of USD apply hierarchically and are “pruning”, such as activation and visibility. When an ancestor gprim is deactivated or made invisible, there is no possible way to make any descendant gprim active or visible.

  2. Do not directly instance gprims.

    Because the root-prims of instance prototypes possess no properties, it is pointless to instance a gprim directly. Renderers must not infer instanceability from an instance of a gprim prototype, because each instance is allowed to override any property defined originally on the referenced prototype root prim. One can use USD’s instancing feature to create gprim-level instancing, but to do so requires adding an Xform parent to the gprim in the prototype, and making the instances reference the parent, rather than the gprim, directly.


In USD a group is a kind of Model. Groups are models that aggregate other models into meaningful collections. Whereas the specialized group-model kind assembly generally identifies group models that are published assets, groups tend to be simple “inlined” model prims defined inside and as part of assemblies. They are the “glue” that holds a model hierarchy together.

An “assembly” asset, that contains “group” models for organizing its sub-parts
def Xform "Forest_set" (
    kind = "assembly"
    def Xform "Outskirts" (
        kind = "group"
        # More deeply nested groups, bottoming out at references to other assemblies and components

    def Xform "Glade" (
        kind = "group"
        # More deeply nested groups, bottoming out at references to other assemblies and components

See also: model hierarchy


Hydra is a modern rendering architecture optimized for handling very large scenes and “change processing” (i.e. responding to authored or time-varying changes to the scene inputs). It has three major components: the scene delegates (which provide scene data), the render index (responsible for change tracking and other scene management), and the render delegates (which consume the scene data to produce an image). This flexible architecture allows for easy integration within pipelines that have their own scene data, as well as their own renderers. Pixar uses Hydra for asset preview in many of its tools, including usdview and the Presto Animation System.

If you’re interested in developing with Hydra components, see the Hydra Getting Started Guide and other Hydra developer documentation in our Developer Guides.


An index, also referred to as a PrimIndex, is the result of composition, and the primary piece of information we compute and cache for a composed prim on a stage. A prim’s index contains an ordered (from strongest to weakest) list of “Nodes”, which are all of the locations in layers (also known as primSpecs) that contribute opinions to the data contained in the composed prim, as well as an indication of how each location was woven into the composite, i.e. what composition arc was traversed to discover it.

All of the queries on USD classes except for stage-level metadata rely on prim indices to perform value resolution. USD also uses prim indices to compute primStacks for debugging, and to construct Edit Targets.


Inherits is a composition arc that addresses the problem of adding a single, non-destructive edit (override) that can affect a whole class of distinct objects on a stage. Inherits acts as a non-destructive “broadcast” operator that applies opinions authored on one prim to every other prim that inherits the “source” prim; not only do property opinions broadcast over inherits arcs - all scene description, hierarchically from the source, inherits. Consider the following example:

Trees.usd, demonstrating inherits
#usda 1.0

class Xform "_class_Tree"
    def Mesh "Trunk"
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(.8, .8, .2)]

    def Mesh "Leaves"
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0, 1, 0)]

def "TreeA" (
    inherits = </_class_Tree>

def "TreeB" (
    inherits = </_class_Tree>
    over "Leaves"
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.8, 1, 0)]

If you paste the example into a .usda file and view the composed result in usdview, you will see that /TreeA and /TreeB both inherit the child prims and properties nested inside /_class_Tree You can also observe an important property of inherits behavior in /TreeB/Leaves, which is that inherited opinions are weaker than direct opinions on prims that inherit the opinions. This allows us to always create exceptions to the broadcast behavior of inherits, in the same layerStack in which we are broadcasting inherited overrides.

The specifier for /_class_Tree is class. This is not a requirement. A prim can inherit from any prim that is neither a descendant nor ancestor of itself, regardless of the prim’s specifier or type. However, when inherits are used as a “broadcast edit” facilitator, we don’t typically expect the prims into which we deposit the edits to be processed directly when we (for example) render a scene - their purpose is to convey edits to other prims, and may not even contain a complete definition of any prim(s). Using a class specifier for these “edit holders” ensures that standard stage traversals will skip the prims, and generally conveys intent that the prim will be inherited by other prim(s).

A good way to understand inherits is to start by understanding references. In the above example, if you replace both “inherits = “ with “references = “ and view the composition, the results will be indistinguishable from each other! Within a layerStack (and ignoring any interaction with variantSets since VariantSets come between Inherits and References in LIVERPS) inherits are indistinguishable in effect from local references. The key difference between references and inherits is that references fully encapsulate their targets, and therefore “disappear” when composed through another layer of referencing, whereas the relationship between inheritors and their inherits target remains “live” through arbitrary levels of referencing. In other words, when a prim inherits from another prim, it subscribes itself and all referencing contexts to changes made to the inherited prim. You can see this difference with the following example that uses the previous example as Trees.usd:

Forest.usd, demonstrating inherits propagation through references
#usda 1.0

# A new prim, of the same name as the original inherits target, providing new overrides
class "_class_Tree"
    token size = "small"

    # It's autumn in California
    over "Leaves"
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1.0, .1, .1)]

# TreeB_1 still inherits from _class_Tree because its referent does
def "TreeB_1" (
    references = @./Trees.usd@</TreeB>

Viewing the flattened Forest.usd you can observe that /TreeB_1 has both all the structure inherited from /_class_Tree in Trees.usd, but also the size attribute it inherits from /_class_Tree in its own defining layer; as well, even though the referenced /TreeB had specified its own primvars:displayColor for its Leaves prim, the reddish color override in /class_Tree wins. Were you to change the inherits to references in Trees.usd, /TreeB_1 would not compose the size attribute and its Leaves would retain their original color, and the only way to broadcast changes to all instances of the original /_class_Tree in Forest.usd would be to destructively edit the Trees.usd file. There is a runtime cost to keeping inherits live, so you may want to avoid proactively adding inherits everywhere just in case you may want to “override all XXX”. Deploy inherits where they are likely to be useful; for example, at asset root-prims.


Instanceable is a metadatum that declares whether a given prim should be considered as a candidate for instancing, and is authored via UsdPrim::SetInstanceable. If instanceable = true on a prim, then the prim will become an instance of an implicit prototype when composed on a stage, if and only if the prim also contains one or more direct composition arcs. It does not matter whether instanceable is authored in a referenced layer (on the prim being referenced) or in the layer (or a super-layer) in which the reference is authored: only the composed value on the prim matters. See Instancing for more information.


Instancing in USD is a feature that allows many instances of “the same” object to share the same representation (composed prims) on a UsdStage. In exchange for this sharing of representation (which provides speed and memory benefits both for the USD core and, generally, for clients processing the UsdStage), we give up the ability to uniquely override opinions on prims beneath the “instance root”, although it is possible to override opinions that will affect all instances’ views of the data. Instancing is controlled by authored metadata, and can be overridden in stronger layers, so it is possible to “break” an instance when necessary, if it must be uniquified.


When you add a reference, inherits, specializes, or payload to a prim, the targeted scene description will be composed onto the referencing stage, causing new prims to compose beneath the anchoring prim, and allowing the referencing stage to override any of the targeted prims or properties. See, for example, the Trees.usd snippet in the Inherits entry. Often we build large environments by referencing in many copies of “simple” assets into a larger assembly; we add quotes around “simple” because it is a matter of perspective and scale: an office chair asset may consist of hundreds of prims, for example. Although the asset files are shared by a UsdStage each time we add a new reference to any given asset, we compose a unique copy of all of the prims that asset contains. This is a requirement to be able to non-destructively edit the prims, and conversely for clients to see the unique overrides that may be applied to each copy of the asset. However, since number of prims on a stage is one of the primary factors that governs how USD scales, this cost can become prohibitive as environment size grows, regardless of how many improvements we make over time to the per-prim cost in USD.

Pay for what you need:

Often, however, an environment will need to express very few overrides on the assets it references, and the majority of the overrides it tends to need to override bind naturally on the root prim of the asset. This observation provides us with a means to apply a philosophy to which we try to adhere broadly in USD: pay runtime cost only for the features you need to use. By making a reference instanceable, we declare to USD that we will not need to express any overrides on the prims beneath the reference anchor (and any overrides already present in the referencing context will be ignored). In response to finding an instanceable composition arc, a UsdStage will prune its prim composition at the instanceable prim, and make note of the targeted layer(s) and the arcs used to target them, as an “instancing key”. The stage will create a prototype for each unique instancing key, composing fully - just once - all of the prims that would otherwise appear redundantly under each of the instances, and note the relationship between each instance and its prototype. Default stage traversals terminate at instances (because instances are not allowed to have prim children), and from any prim for which UsdPrim::IsInstance is true, a client can identify and process its prototype using UsdPrim::GetPrototype.

This behavior can be described as explicit instances, with implicit prototypes: clients are required to be explicit about what prims should be instanced, so that it is not possible to inadvertently defeat instancing by sublayering a new layer that (unintentionally) contains overrides beneath an instanced prim in namespace, and so that we can very efficiently determine where to apply instancing. Unlike “explicit prototype” schemes, which require (in USD terminology) a prim/tree to be explicitly added on a stage as concrete prims before adding instances using relationships, a UsdStage manages the creation of prototypes for you, as an implicit result of which instanceable layers you have referenced; this can lead to greater sharing than “explicit prototypes” because if instances of the same asset appear in more than one referenced assembly in a scene, they will be identified as sharing the same prototype, which is not true for explicit prototypes. Extending the Trees.usd example, by making both /TreeA and /TreeB instanceable, they will share the same composed Trunk and Leaves prims inside the prototype created out of /_class_Tree. Note that the override expressed on /TreeB/Leaves will be ignored, because we have declared /TreeB to be instanceable. Like most features in USD, instanceability can be overridden in stronger layers, so if a Forest.usd layer referenced /TreeB in Trees.usd and overrode instanceable = false, then in that context, /TreeB would get back its own Trunk and Leaves children, with the override for displayColor on its Leaves child prim.

Instanceable Trees
#usda 1.0

class Xform "_class_Tree"
    def Mesh "Trunk"
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(.8, .8, .2)]

    def Mesh "Leaves"
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0, 1, 0)]

def "TreeA" (
    inherits = </_class_Tree>
    instanceable = true

def "TreeB" (
    inherits = </_class_Tree>
    instanceable = true
    over "Leaves"
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0.8, 1, 0)]

For more information on usage and examples, see Scenegraph Instancing in the USD Manual.


Interpolation appears in two different contexts in USD:

  • Temporal Interpolation of values in attribute value resolution.

    By default, when UsdAttribute::Get resolves a value from timeSamples, if the value-type supports linear interpolation, the returned value will be linearly interpolated between the timeSamples that bracket the requested sample time. This behavior can be inhibited for all attributes on a stage by calling UsdStage::SetInterpolationType(UsdInterpolationTypeHeld), which will force all timeSamples to resolve with held interpolation.

    Linear interpolation is the default interpolation mode for timeSamples because composition arcs can apply time-scales and offsets to the data they reference, and therefore data that was originally smoothly sampled can easily become poorly filtered and sampled in a referencing context if value resolution preformed only point or held interpolation: it would become every client’s responsibility to attempt to sample the data smoothly, which would be difficult given that the function that maps stage-time to the time of the layer in which the timeSamples were authored is not easily accessible.

  • Spatial Interpolation of Primvar values across a gprim.

    Interpolation is also the name we give to the metadatum that describes how the value(s) in a primvar will interpolate over a geometric primitive when that primitive is subdivided for rendering. The interpretation of interpolation depends on the type of gprim; for example, on a Mesh primitive, a primitive can contain a single value to be held across the entire mesh, one value per-face, one value per-point to be interpolated either linearly or with the mesh’s subdivision basis function, or one value per face-vertex. For more information, see Interpolation of Primitive Variables.

IsA Schema

An IsA schema is a prim Schema that defines the prim’s role or purpose on the Stage. The IsA schema to which a prim subscribes is determined by the authored value of its typeName metadata, from which it follows that a prim can subscribe to at most one IsA schema - unlike API schemas, to which a prim can subscribe many. In terms of the USD object model, IsA schemas derive from the C++ class UsdTyped and derive their name from the fact that UsdPrim::IsA<SomeSchemaClass>() will return true for any prim whose typeName is or derives from SomeSchemaClass.

IsA schemas can be either abstract or concrete; UsdGeomImageable is an abstract IsA schema: many prims will answer true to UsdPrim::IsA<UsdGeomImageable>(), but there is no UsdGeomImageable::Define() method because you cannot create a prim of type Imageable. UsdGeomMesh, however, is a concrete IsA schema, since it has a Define() method and prims can possess the typeName Mesh.

IsA schemas can provide fallback values for the properties they define, which will be reflected at runtime in the prim definition.

IsA schemas can be generated using the USD schema generation tools, but they can also be created manually.


Kind is a reserved, prim-level metadatum whose authored value is a simple string token, but whose interpretation is backed by an extensible hierarchical typing-system managed by the KindRegistry singleton. We use kind to classify prims in USD into a higher-level categorization than the prim’s schema type provides, principally to assign roles according to USD’s organizational notion of “Model Hierarchy”. Out of the box, USD’s KindRegistry comes pre-loaded with a type hierarchy rooted with the base type of “model”, as well as an independent type “subcomponent”, like so:

  • model - base class for all model kinds. “model” is considered an abstract type and should not be assigned as any prim’s kind.

  • group - models that simply group other models. See Model Hierarchy for why we require “namespace contiguity” of models

  • assembly - an important group model, often a published asset or reference to a published asset

  • component - a “leaf model” that can contain no other models

  • subcomponent - an identified, important “sub part” of a component model.

You can query a prim’s kind using UsdModelAPI::GetKind; several other queries on UsdPrim are derived from a prim’s kind, such as the UsdPrim::IsModel and UsdPrim::IsGroup queries.


A Layer is the atomic persistent container of scene description for USD. A layer contains zero or more PrimSpecs, that in turn describe Property and Metadata values. Each layer possesses an identifier that can be used to construct references to the layer from other layers.

SdfLayer provides both the “document model” for layers, and the interface by which USD authors to and extracts data from layers. The SdfLayer interface serves data according to the USD prim/property/metadata data model, but the actual encoding of data in the backing file is quite flexible, thanks to the SdfFileFormat plugin interface. By implementing a sub-class of SdfFileFormat and associating it with a unique file extension for USD’s consumption, we can enable direct USD referencing of layers expressed as files of any format whose encoding can reasonably be translated into USD. This is not only how USD supports direct consumption of Alembic (.abc) files, but also how USD’s native text and crate binary representations are provisioned.

Data authored to layers by applications or scripts will remain in memory until SdfLayer::Save is called on the layer. If a program is writing more data than fits in the program’s memory allotment, we suggest:

  1. Using USD’s native binary crate format (which is the default file format for files created with the .usd file extension)

  2. Calling layer.Save() periodically: doing so will flush all of the heavy property-value data from memory into the file, while leaving the file open and available for continued writing of data. Only the crate binary format possesses this “flushability” property; USD’s text representation can only be written out sequentially beginning-to-end, and cannot be digested lazily, therefore it cannot be authored incrementally and must always keep all of its data in-memory; other formats do not allow incremental saving because they must translate USD’s encoding into their own format that does not itself allow incremental saving, like the Alembic FileFormatPlugin.

Although layers exist first and foremost to define the persistent storage representation of USD data, one can also create temporary, “in-memory” layers for lightweight (in that there is no filesystem access required) USD data storage, via UsdStage::CreateInMemory.

Layer Offset

Composition arcs such as References and SubLayers can include an offset and scaling of time to be applied during attribute value resolution for all data composed from the target layer. We call this a Layer Offset, embodied in SdfLayerOffset. Layer offsets compose, so that if A references B with a time-scale of 2.0 and B references C with a time-scale of 3.5, then data resolved at A whose source is C will have a total time-scale of 7.0 applied to it.

When an arc has both an offset and scale applied, the referenced animation is first scaled, then offset as it is brought into the referencing layer. So, in the following example, a timeSample at timeCode 12 in the file someAnimation.usd will appear at ((12 * 0.5) + 10) = 16 as resolved from the referencing layer. Layer offsets cannot themselves vary over time. If a consuming context requires variable retiming of referenced data, it can use the more powerful (and somewhat more costly) Value Clips feature.

SubLayer offset/scale in usda
#usda 1.0
    subLayers = [
        @./someAnimation.usd@ (offset = 10; scale = 0.5)


LayerStacks are the keystone to understanding composition in USD. The definition of a LayerStack is simply:

  • LayerStack: The ordered set of layers resulting from the recursive gathering of all SubLayers of a Layer, plus the layer itself as first and strongest.

The LayerStack is important to understanding composition for two reasons:

  1. Composition Arcs target LayerStacks, not Layers.

    When a layer references (or payloads or sub-layers) another layer, it is targeting (and therefore composing) not just the data in the single layer, but all the data (in strength-order) in the LayerStack rooted at the targeted layer.

  2. LayerStacks provide the container through which references can be list-edited.

    Many of the composition arcs (as well as relationships) describe not just a single target, but an orderable list of targets, that will be processed (in order) according to the type of the arc. References can be list edited among the layers of a LayerStack. This can be a powerful method of non-destructively changing the large-scale structure of a scene as it flows down the pipeline.

For example, we might have a generic version of a special effect added into a scene at the sequence level:

sequenceFX.usd, which adds a reference onto an asset that may be referenced in from a weaker layer
#usda 1.0

over "World"
    over "Props"
        over "Prop_145" (
            prepend references = @sequenceFX/turbulence.usd@

Now, at the shot-level, we have a shotFX.usd layer that participates in the same LayerStack as sequenceFX.usd (because one of the shot layers SubLayers in the sequence.usd layer, which in turn SubLayers the above sequenceFX.usd layer). In this particular shot, we need to replace the generic turbulence effect with a different one, which may have completely different prims in it. Therefore it is not enough to just “add on” an extra reference, because the prims from turbulence.usd will still “shine through” - we must also remove the weaker reference, which we can do via list editing.

shotFX.usd, which replaces the sequence-level reference, while preserving any other references
#usda 1.0

over "World"
    over "Props"
        over "Prop_145" (
            prepend references = @./fx/shotEffect1.usd@
            delete references = @sequenceFX/turbulence.usd@

When the shot is composed, the references on /World/Props/Prop_145 will be combined using the list editing rules, and will resolve to a list that includes shotEffect1.usd, but not turbulence.usd. In this second example we have also shown that the operand of list-editing operations can be a list that can contain multiple targets.

List Editing

List editing is a feature to which some array-valued data elements in USD can subscribe, that allows the array-type element to be non-destructively, sparsely modified across composition arcs . It would be very expensive and difficult to reason about list editable elements that are also time-varying, so Attributes can never be list editable. Relationships, References, Inherits, Specializes, VariantSets, and integer and string/token array custom metadata can be list edited. When an element is list editable, instead of only being able to assign an explicit value to it, you can also, in any stronger layer:

  • append another value or values to the back of the resolved list; if the values already appear in the resolved list, they will be reshuffled to the back. An appended composition arc in a stronger layer of a LayerStack will therefore be weaker than all of the arcs of the same type appended from weaker layers, by default; however, the Usd API’s for adding composition arcs give you some flexibility here.

  • delete a value or values from the resolved list. A “delete” statement can be speculative, that is, it is not an error to attempt to delete a value that is not present in the resolved list.

  • prepend another value or values on the front of the resolved list; if the values already appear in the resolved list, they will be shuffled to the front. A prepended composition arc in a weaker layer of a LayerStack will still be stronger than any arcs of the same type that are appended from stronger layers.

  • reset to explicit , which is an “unqualified” operation, as in references = @myFile.usd@. This causes the resolved list to be reset to the provided value or values, ignoring all list ops from weaker layers.

Although we refer to these operations as “list editing”, and they operate on array-valued data, it should be clear from the description of the operators that list-edited elements always resolve to a set , that is, there will never be any repetition of values in the resolved list, and it is a syntax error for the same value to appear twice in the same operation in a layer. Also, in the usda text syntax, any operation can assign either a single value without the square-bracket list delimiters, or a sequence of values inside square brackets.

See LayerStack for an example of list editing, as applied to references. See also the FAQ on deleting items with list ops: When can you delete a reference (or other deletable thing)?

LIVERPS Strength Ordering

LIVERPS is an acronym for Local, Inherits, VariantSets, Relocates, References, Payload, Specializes, and is the fundamental rubric for understanding how opinions and namespace compose in USD. LIVERPS describes the strength ordering in which the various composition arcs combine, within each LayerStack. For example, when we are trying to determine the value of an attribute or metadatum on a stage at path that subscribes to the value resolution policy that “strongest opinion wins” (which is all attributes and most metadata), we iterate through PrimSpecs in the following order looking for an opinion for the requested datum:

  1. Local:

    Iterate through all the layers in the local LayerStack looking for opinions on the PrimSpec at path in each layer - recall that according to the definition of LayerStack, this is where the effect of direct opinions in all SubLayers of the root layer of the LayerStack will be consulted. If no opinion is found, then…

  2. Inherits:

    Resolve the Inherits affecting the prim at path, and iterate through the resulting targets. For each target, recursively apply LIVERP evaluation on the targeted LayerStack - Note that the “S” is not present - we ignore Specializes arcs while recursing . If no opinion is found, then…

  3. VariantSets:

    Apply the resolved variant selections to all VariantSets that affect the PrimSpec at path in the LayerStack, and iterate through the selected Variants on each VariantSet. For each target, recursively apply LIVERP evaluation on the targeted LayerStack - Note that the “S” is not present - we ignore Specializes arcs while recursing. If no opinion is found, then…

  4. r(E)locates:

    Resolve any Relocates target path affecting the prim at path, and iterate through the resulting relocates source. For each source, recursively apply LIVERP evaluation on the source’s remote LayerStack - Note that the “S” is not present - we ignore Specializes arcs while recursing. If no opinion is found, then…

  5. References:

    Resolve the References affecting the prim at path, and iterate through the resulting targets. For each target, recursively apply LIVERP evaluation on the targeted LayerStack - Note that the “S” is not present - we ignore Specializes arcs while recursing. If no opinion is found, then…

  6. Payload:

    Resolve the Payload arcs affecting the prim at path; if path has been loaded on the stage, iterate through the resulting targets just as we would references from step 4. If no opinion is found, then…

  7. Specializes:

    Resolve the Specializes affecting the prim at path, and iterate through the resulting targets, recursively applying *full* LIVERPS evaluation on each target prim. If no opinion is found, then…

  8. Indicate that we could find no authored opinion

We have omitted some details, such as how, for any composition arc in the above recipe, we order arcs applied directly on the PrimSpec in relation to the same kind of arc authored on an ancestral PrimSpec in the LayerStack - the short answer is that “ancestral arcs” are weaker than “direct arcs” (see Direct Opinion). Additionally, we skip over “S” during recursion for other arcs, as explained further in the entry for Specializes. Performing every step as described above for each value lookup would be very costly. This is why we compute and cache an Index for every prim on the Stage. The Index “pre-applies” the full algorithm to gather all PrimSpecs contributing opinions to a prim, caching the list in a recursive data structure that allows efficient processing whenever a value on the prim needs to be resolved.

The algorithm for computing the namespace of the stage (i.e. what prims are present and where) are slightly more involved, but still follows the LIVERPS recipe.

Load / Unload

The Payload arc provides a “deferred reference” behavior. Wherever a Stage contains at least one Payload (payloads can be list-edited and chained), the client has the ability to Load (compose) all the scene description targeted by the Payload, or to Unload the Payloads and all their scene description, recomposing all prims beneath the payloaded-prim, recursively unloading their payloads, should they possess any. We generally associate payloads with “model assets”, which provides us with payloads, and therefore “load points” at all the leaves of the Model Hierarchy. This organization allows clients to craft “working sets” of a Stage, fully composing only the parts of the scene needed for a given task, saving time and memory for the operation.

For more information, see Working Set Management in the USD Manual.


USD allows the construction of highly referenced and layered scenes that assemble files from many different sources, which may resolve differently in different contexts (for example, your asset resolver may apply external state to select between multiple versions of an asset). If one wishes to package up all of the needed files for a given scene so that they are isolated from asset resolution behavior and can be copied or shipped easily to another location, without the drastic transformation that flattening a stage incurs, then one must “localize” all of the scattered layers into a coherent tree of files, which requires not only copying files, but also editing them to retarget all of the references, payloads, and generic asset paths to target the copied files in their new locations. UsdUtilsCreateNewUsdzPackage does this for you, although we have not yet exposed the ability to just localize yet, but we hope to eventually.


Metadata is the lightest-weight form of (name, value) scene description; it is “light” because unlike attributes, metadata cannot be time-varying, and because prims and properties can possess metadata, but metadata cannot itself have metadata. Metadata are extensible, however adding a new, named piece of metadata requires a change to a configuration file to do so, because the software wants to know, definitively, what the datatype of the metadatum should be. USD provides a special, dictionary-valued metadatum called customData that provides a place to put user metadata without needing to touch any configuration files. For more information on the allowed types for metadata and how to add new metadata to the system, please see the discussion of metadata in the API manual.


Model is a scenegraph annotation ascribable to prims by setting their kind metadata. We label certain prims as models to partition large scenegraphs into more manageable pieces - there is a core “leaf model” kind, component, and two refinements of “models that aggregate other models”, group, and assembly. Core UsdPrim API can cheaply answer questions like UsdPrim::IsModel and UsdPrim::IsGroup, and “model-ness” is one of the criteria that a UsdPrimRange can use to traverse a stage. All model kinds are extensible via site-customization, so that, for example, you can have both “character” and “prop” component model kinds in your pipeline if that is a useful distinction to make. See also Model Hierarchy.

Model Hierarchy

Model Hierarchy builds on the concept of model in a scenegraph to tackle the problem of discovering and defining a “table of contents of important subtrees of prims” that can be enumerated and traversed very efficiently. The model hierarchy defines a contiguous set of prims descending from a root prim on a stage, all of which are models. Model hierarchy is an index of the scene that is, strictly, a prefix, of the entire scene. The member prims must adhere to the following three rules:

  1. Only group model prims can have other model children (assembly is a kind of group)

  2. A prim can only be a model if its parent prim is also a (group) model - except for the root model prim.

  3. No prim should have the exact kind “model”, because “model” is neither a singular component nor a plural group container - it is just the “abstract” commonality between components and groups.

This implies that component models cannot have model children. It also implies that just because a prim has its kind metadata authored to “component”, its UsdPrim::IsModel query will only return true if its parent UsdPrim::IsGroup also answers affirmatively.

We find model hierarchy to be a useful construct because the models in our scenes align very closely with “referenced assets”, and we build complex scenes by referencing many assets together and overriding them. Reasoning about referencing structure can get complicated very quickly and necessitate introducing fragile conventions. However, reasoning about a model hierarchy is much more straightforward, and when assets are published/packaged with model kinds already established, the model hierarchy becomes mostly “self assembling”.


Namespace is simply the term USD uses to describe the set of prim paths that provide the identities for prims on a Stage, or PrimSpecs in a Layer. A Stage’s namespace nominally consists of a “forest” in graph theory, that is, any number of “root prims” that have (possibly empty) trees beneath them. To facilitate traversal and processing of a Stage’s namespace of prims, each Stage possesses a PseudoRoot prim that is the parent of all authored root prims, represented by the path /.


Opinions are the atomic elements that participate in Value Resolution in USD. Each time you author a value for a Metadatum, Attribute, or Relationship, you are expressing an opinion for that object in a PrimSpec in a particular Layer. On a composed Stage, any object may be affected by multiple opinions from different layers; the ordering of these opinions is determined by the LIVERPS strength ordering.


Over is one of the three possible specifiers a prim (and also a PrimSpec) can possess. An over is the “weakest” of the three specifiers, in that it does not change the resolved specifier of a prim in a LayerStack even when an over appears in a stronger layer than a def or class for the same PrimSpec. Over is short for “override” or “compose over”, and its purpose is just to provide a speculative, neutral prim container for overriding opinions; we use the term “speculative” because if the over composes over a defined prim, its opinions will contribute to the evaluation of the stage, but if all the PrimSpecs contributing to a prim have the over specifier, then the prim will not be visited by UsdPrim::GetChildren or UsdStage::Traverse.

When an application exports sparse overrides into a layer that sits on top of an existing composition, it is common to see deep nesting of overs.

An “over” provides speculative opinions
#usda 1.0

over "World"
    over "Props"
        over "LuxoBall"
            double radius = 10


A path is a location in namespace. In USD text syntax (and documentation), paths are enclosed in angle-brackets, as found in the authored targets for references, payloads, inherits, specializes, and relationships. USD assigns paths to all elements of scene description other than metadata, and the concrete embodiment of a path, SdfPath, serves in the API as a compact, thread-safe, key by which to fetch and store scene description, both within a Layer, and composed on a Stage. The SdfPath syntax allows for recording paths to different kinds of scene description. For example:

  1. /Root/Child/Grandchild represents an absolute prim path of three nested prims

  2. /Root/Child/Grandchild.visibility names the property visibility on the prim Grandchild.

  3. /Root/Child/Grandchild{modelingVariant=withCargoRack}/GreatGrandchild represents the child prim GreatGrandchild authored inside the VariantwithCargoRack of VariantSet modelingVariant

Scene description in a Layer corresponding to example paths
#usda 1.0

def "Root"
    def "Child"
        def "GrandChild" (    # Corresponds to path #1 above
            add variantSets = [ "modelingVariant" ]
            variantSet "modelingVariant" = {
                "withCargoRack" {
                    def "GreatGrandchild"   # Corresponds to path #3 above

            token visibility   # Corresponds to path #2 above

Path Translation

All of USD’s Composition Arcs other than SubLayers allow a “prim name change” as the target prim of the arc gets composed under the prim that added the composition arc. One of a UsdStage’s central responsibilities is applying all of the necessary path translation required to allow its users to deal almost exclusively in the “fully composed namespace” of the stage’s root layer, rather than needing to be concerned about what layer (with its own namespace) provides the data we want to access or author. Path translation is applied during such queries as finding a prim and fetching the targets of a relationship or connection, and inverse path translation is performed by the active Edit Target whenever you author to a stage.

Following is an example of the kind of path translation that happens in response to adding references, demonstrating the effects on not only the stage’s namespace, but also on relationship targets. Given:

#usda 1.0
    defaultPrim = "MyModel"

def Xform "MyModel"
    rel gprims = [ </MyModel/Cube>, </MyModel/Sphere> ]

    def Cube "Cube"

and an aggregating file that references asset.usd:

#usda 1.0
    defaultPrim = "MySet"

def Xform "MySet"
    def Xform "Building_1" (
        references = @asset.usd@

    def Xform "Building_2" (
        references = @asset.usd@

Then, if we add the “set” represented by assembly.usd into a shot.usd, USD path translation operates at two levels (recursively), translating /MyModel to either /Building_1 or /Building_2, conextually, and translating /MySet to /WestVillage. So if we query the targets of the relationship /World/WestVillage/Building_1.gprims, we will get back:

[ /World/WestVillage/Building_1/Cube, /World/WestVillage/Building_1/Sphere ]

If we note that there is no Sphere prim, and therefore want to eliminate it from consideration at the shot-level using relationship list-editing, we refer to it by its stage-level path , rather than its authored path, which is not even easy to determine using the public Usd API’s. Deleting the target in shot.usd might look like this:

#usda 1.0
    defaultPrim = "World"

def Xform "World"
    def "WestVillage" (
        references = @assembly.usd@
        over "Building_1"
            delete rel gprims = </World/WestVillage/Building_1/Sphere>

We mentioned above that path translation also operates in the opposite direction when you use Edit Targets to send your relationship or connection edits across a composition arc, because it follows that every encoded path must be in the namespace of the PrimSpec on which it is recorded. For example, if we were working with the same shot.usd Stage, and specified the same path to delete, /World/WestVillage/Building_1/Sphere, but have set the Stage’s EditTarget to assembly.usd across the reference authored on /World/WestVillage/Building_1, then the act of authoring will transform the path into the target namespace, so the result would be an assembly.usd that looks like:

Modified assembly.usd with relationship deletion
#usda 1.0
    defaultPrim = "MySet"

def Xform "MySet"
    def Xform "Building_1" (
        references = @asset.usd@
        delete rel gprims = </MySet/Building_1/Sphere>

    def Xform "Building_2" (
        references = @asset.usd@


A Payload is a composition arc that is a special kind of a Reference. It is different from references primarily in two ways:

  • The targets of References are always consumed greedily by the indexing algorithm that is used to open and build a Stage. When a Stage is opened with UsdStage::InitialLoadSet::LoadNone specified, Payload arcs are recorded, but not traversed. This behavior allows clients to manually construct a “working set” that is a subset of the whole scene, by loading just the bits of the scene that they require.

  • Payloads are weaker than references, so, for a particular prim within any given LayerStack, all direct references will be stronger than all direct payloads.

Although payloads can be authored on any prim in any layer, in Pixar’s pipeline we find it very useful to primarily add payloads to the root prims of component-model assets. See the performance note on packaging assets with payloads.


A Prim is the primary container object in USD: prims can contain (and order) other prims, creating a “namespace hierarchy” on a Stage, and prims can also contain (and order) properties that hold meaningful data. Prims, along with their associated, computed indices, are the only persistent scenegraph objects that a Stage retains in memory, and the API for interacting with prims is provided by the UsdPrim class. Prims always possess a resolved Specifier that determines the prim’s generic role on a stage, and a prim may possess a schema typeName that dictates what kind of data the prim contains. Prims also provide the granularity at which we apply scene-level instancing, load/unload behavior, and deactivation.

Prim Definition

A prim definition is the set of built-in properties and metadata that a prim gains from a combination of the IsA schema determined from its typeName and its applied API schemas. A prim’s prim definition is used to determine what properties and metadata the prim has besides what is authored in its scene description. It also may provide fallback values during property value or metadata value resolution for the prim’s built-in properties and metadata. The API for prim definitions are provided by the UsdPrimDefinition class.


Each composed Prim on a Stage is the result of potentially many PrimSpecs each contributing their own scene description to a composite result. A PrimSpec can be thought of as an “uncomposed prim in a layer”. Similarly to a composed prim, a PrimSpec is a container for property data and nested PrimSpecs. Importantly, composition arcs can only be applied on PrimSpecs, and those arcs that specify targets are targeting other PrimSpecs.


A PrimStack is a list of PrimSpecs that contribute opinions for a composed prim’s metadata. This information is condensed from the prim’s index, and made available through UsdPrim::GetPrimStack.


The name primvar comes from RenderMan, and stands for “primitive variable”. A primvar is a special attribute that a renderer associates with a geometric primitive, and can vary (interpolate) the value of the attribute over the surface/volume of the primitive. In USD, you create and retrieve primvars using the UsdGeomImageable schema, and interact with the special primvar encoding using the UsdGeomPrimvar schema.

There are two key aspects of Primvar identity:

  • Primvars define a value that can vary across the primitive on which they are defined, via prescribed interpolation rules.

  • Taken collectively on a prim, its Primvars describe the “per-primitive overrides” to the shader(s) to which the prim is bound. Different renderers may communicate the variables to the shaders using different mechanisms over which Usd has no control; Primvars simply provide the classification that any renderer should use to locate potential overrides.


Properties are the other kind of namespace object in USD (Prims being the first). Whereas prims provide the organization and indexing for a composed scene, properties contain the “real data”. There are two types of Property: Attribute and Relationship. All properties can be ordered within their containing Prim (and are otherwise enumerated in dictionary order) via UsdPrim::SetPropertyOrder, and can host Metadata.

Sometimes it is desirable to be able to further group and organize a prim’s properties without introducing new child prim containers, either for locality reasons, or to keep the scene description lightweight to that end, properties in USD can be created inside nested namespaces, and enumerated by namespace. Here are some examples of namespaced properties from usd schemas:

#usda 1.0

over MyMesh
    rel material:binding = </ModelRoot/Materials/MetalMaterial>
    color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [ (.4, .2, .6) ]


Just as PrimSpecs contain data for a prim within a layer, PropertySpecs contain the data for a property within a layer. PropertySpecs are nested inside PrimSpecs; a PropertySpec can be as simple as a statement of a property’s existence (which, for Attributes, includes its typeName), or can contain values for any piece of metadata authorable on properties, including its value. For Relationships, the value a PropertySpec can contain is its targets , which is an SdfListOp<SdfPath> For Attributes, each PropertySpec can contain two independent values: a timeless Default Value, and a freely varying, ordered collection of TimeSamples.


A PropertyStack is a list of PropertySpecs that contribute a default or timeSample (for Attributes) or target (for relationships), or any piece of metadata, for a given property. The information returned by UsdProperty::GetPropertyStack should only be used for debugging/diagnostic purposes, not for value resolution, because:

  1. In the presence of Value Clips, an attribute’s PropertyStack may need to be recomputed on each frame, which may be expensive.

  2. A PropertyStack does not contain the proper time-offsets that must be applied to the PrimSpecs to retrieve the correct timeSample when there are authored Layer Offsets on references, subLayers, or clips.

If your goal is to optimize repeated value resolutions on attributes, retain a UsdAttributeQuery instead, which is designed for exactly this purpose.


Proxy is a highly overloaded term in computer graphics… but so were all the alternatives we considered for the same concept in USD. “proxy” is one of the possible purpose values a prim can possess in the UsdGeom schemas. When we talk about “a proxy” for a model or part of a model, we mean a prim (that may have a subtree) that has purpose proxy , and is paired with a prim whose purpose is render. The idea behind this pairing is that the proxy provides a set of gprims that are lightweight to read and draw, and provide an idea of what the full render geometry will look like, at much cheaper cost.

Why not just use a “level of detail” or “standin” VariantSet, rather than creating this special, different kind of visibility setting? The answer is twofold:

  • Most clients of USD in our pipeline place a high value on bringing up a complex scene for inspection and introspection as quickly as possible

  • But, they also require access to the actual data that will be used for rendering, at all times.

Therefore, a VariantSet is not a very attractive option for solving this display problem, because in order to draw the lightweight geometry, we would have removed the possibility of inspecting the “render quality” data, because only one variant of a VariantSet can be composed at any given time, for a particular prim on a Stage. It is a fairly lightweight operation to instruct the renderer to ignore the proxies and image the full render geometry, when that is required.


A Stage’s PseudoRoot Prim is a contrivance that allows every UsdStage to contain a single tree of prims rather than a forest. See Namespace for further details.


Purpose is a builtin attribute of the UsdGeomImageable schema, and is a concept we have found useful in our pipeline for classifying geometry into categories that can each be independently included or excluded from traversals of prims on a stage, such as rendering or bounding-box computation traversals. In essence, it provides client-driven “visibility categories” as gates on a scenegraph traversal.

The fallback purpose, *default* indicates that a prim has “no special purpose” and should generally be included in all traversals. Subtrees rooted at a prim with purpose *render* should generally only be included when performing a “final quality” render. Subtrees rooted at a prim with purpose *proxy* should generally only be included when performing a lightweight proxy render (such as OpenGL). Finally, subtrees rooted at a prim with purpose *guide* should generally only be included when an interactive application has been explicitly asked to “show guides”.

For a discussion of the motivation for purpose, see Proxy.


After SubLayers, References are the next most-basic and most-important composition arc. Because a PrimSpec can apply an entire list of References, References can be used to achieve a similar kind of layering of data, when one knows exactly which prims need to be layered (and with some differences in how the participating opinions will be resolved).

But the primary use for References is to compose smaller units of scene description into larger aggregates , building up a namespace that includes the “encapsulated” result of composing the scene description targeted by a reference. Following is a simple example of referencing, with overrides.

We start with a trivial model asset, Marble. Note that, for brevity, we are eliding some of the key data usually found in published assets (such as AssetInfo, shading of any kind, Inherits, a Payload, detailed model substructure).

Marble.usd, defines a single, green marble
#usda 1.0
    defaultPrim = "Marble"

def Xform "Marble" (
    kind = "component"
    def Sphere "marble_geom"
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [ (0, 1, 0) ]

Now we want to create a collection of marbles, by referencing the Marble asset multiple times, and overriding some of the referenced properties to make each instance unique.

MarbleCollection.usd, an assembly of referenced Marble assets
#usda 1.0

def Xform "MarbleCollection" (
    kind = "assembly"
    def "Marble_Green" (
            references = @Marble.usd@
        double3 xformOp:translate = (-10, 0, 0)
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = [ "xformOp:translate" ]

    def "Marble_Red" (
        references = @Marble.usd@
        double3 xformOp:translate = (5, 0, 0)
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = [ "xformOp:translate" ]

        over "marble_geom"
            color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [ (1, 0, 0) ]

To understand the results, we’ll examine the result of flattening a Stage opened for MarbleCollection.usd, which provides us with the same namespace and resolved property values that the originating Stage would, with all of the composition arcs “baked out”.

FlattenedMarbleCollection.usd demonstrates how references combine namespaces
#usda 1.0

def Xform "MarbleCollection" (
    kind = "assembly"
    def Xform "Marble_Green" (
        kind = "component"
        double3 xformOp:translate = (-10, 0, 0)
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = [ "xformOp:translate" ]

        def Sphere "marble_geom"
            color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [ (0, 1, 0) ]

    def Xform "Marble_Red" (
        kind = "component"
        double3 xformOp:translate = (5, 0, 0)
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = [ "xformOp:translate" ]

        def Sphere "marble_geom"
            color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [ (1, 0, 0) ]

Things to note:

  • In the composed namespace, the prim name Marble is gone, since the references allowed us to perform a prim name-change on the prim targeted by the reference. This is a key feature of references, since without it, we would be unable to reference the same asset more than once within any given prim scoping, because sibling prims must be uniquely named to form a proper namespace.

  • Even though the asset prim named /Marble/marble_geom shows up twice in the flattened scene, which indicates that there were indeed two distinct prims on the Stage, when we opened a stage for the original MarbleCollection.usd, the file Marble.usd was only opened once and shared by both references. For deeper sharing of referenced assets, in which the prims themselves are also shared, see Instancing .

  • References can apply a Layer Offset to offset and scale the time-varying data contained in the referenced layer(s).

  • References can target any prim in a LayerStack, excepting ancestors of the prim containing the reference, if the reference is an internal reference targeting the same LayerStack in which the reference is authored. When targeting sub-root prims, however, there is the potential for surprising behavior unless you are aware of and understand the ramifications. One such ramification is that if the targeted sub-root prim has an ancestor prim that contains a VariantSet, the referencer will have no ability to express a selection for that VariantSet. For a more complete discussion of the ramifications of referencing sub-root prims, see the UsdReferences class documentation.

See List Editing for the rules by which references can be combined within a LayerStack


A Relationship is a “namespace pointer” that is robust in the face of composition arcs, which means that when you ask USD for a relationship’s targets, USD will perform all the necessary namespace-manipulations required to translate the authored target value into the scene-level namespace. Relationships are used throughout the USD schemas; perhaps most visibly in the UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI schema’s binding of gprims to their associated Materials. Relationships can have multiple targets, as, for instance, the relationships in a UsdCollectionAPI target all of the objects that belong to the named collection; therefore, relationships are List Edited. Following is an example that demonstrates how a relationship’s targets must be remapped to provide useful pointers.

Let’s enhance the asset example from the References entry to have a shading Material and binding:

Marble.usd, with a bound Material
#usda 1.0
    defaultPrim = "Marble"

def Xform "Marble" (
    kind = "component"
    def Sphere "marble_geom"
        rel material:binding = </Marble/GlassMaterial>
        color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [ (0, 1, 0) ]

    def Material "GlassMaterial"
        # Interface inputs, shading networks, etc.

Now, because each marble in the MarbleCollection.usd scene has its own copy of the GlassMaterial prim, we expect that when we:

Resolving referenced relationships
stage = Usd.Stage.Open("MarbleCollection.usd")
greenMarbleGeom = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/Marble_Collection/Marble_Green/marble_geom")

we will get:


as the result, even though that was not the authored value in Marble.usd.


Relocates is a composition arc that maps a prim path defined in a remote LayerStack (i.e. across a composition arc) to a new path location in the local namespace.

Relocates are defined in layer metadata, as a list of source path to target path mappings. Note that these paths can only be prim paths, not property paths.

example relocates defined in layer metadata
#usda 1.0
    relocates = {
        </CharANewVersion/Clothing> : </CharACurrent/TestClothing>,
        </EnvA/Trees> : </AlternateEnv/ParkA/Trees>

Relocates let you rename or reparent prims in situations where you would not be able to edit the prims directly. Normally, prims with underlying PrimSpecs from composition arcs cannot be directly reparented. While it’s possible to reparent the underlying “composition source” prims directly, such a change would be a destructive change that would affect all other instances that share that scene description. Relocates provides a way to non-destructively reparent or rename prims by specifying a mapping of source namespace paths to target namespace paths in the local namespace, ensuring that the source of the composition arc is not modified.

As an example, if you had layer refLayer.usda with the following prims:

def "PrimA" ()
    def "PrimAChild" ()
        uniform string testString = "test"
        float childValue = 3.5

In another layer, main.usda, “PrimA” is referenced:

def "MainPrim" (
    prepend references = @refLayer.usda@</PrimA>

You cannot directly rename or reparent /MainPrim/PrimAChild. However, you can provide a relocates mapping (in main.usda) of MainPrim/PrimAChild to another path in the local namespace:

relocates added to main.usda
#usda 1.0
    relocates = {
        </MainPrim/PrimAChild> : </MainPrim/RenamedPrimAChild>

This renames /MainPrim/PrimAChild to /MainPrim/RenamedPrimAChild without affecting the refLayer.usda layer.

You could then add an override for /MainPrim/RenamedPrimAChild in main.usda. Note that the override uses the relocated path:

override added to main.usda
def "MainPrim" (
    prepend references = @refLayer.usda@</PrimA>
    over RenamedPrimAChild
        float childValue = 5.2

The resulting stage composition will apply the override to the relocated prim reference:

flattened main.usda
def "MainPrim"
    def "RenamedPrimAChild"
        float childValue = 5.2
        uniform string testString = "test"

Things to note:

  • You cannot relocate a root prim. In other words, the source path for a relocates cannot be a root prim. This is because it’s impossible for a root prim to be introduced by an ancestral composition arc, and relocates can only used to map prims introduced via composition arcs.

  • When a source path is relocated, that original source path is considered no longer valid in the current namespace. Any local opinions authored on a source path will generate a “invalid option at relocation source path” error. See local opinions not allowed at source paths below for more details.

  • Source and target paths must be complete scene paths. Paths with variant selections (e.g. /Prim{var=sel}Child) are not supported.

  • Relocates that would create invalid or conflicting namespace paths are not allowed, such as:

    • Relocating a prim to an existing ancestor: Prim/Child/Grandchild : Prim/Child is not allowed.

    • Relocating a prim to a descendant of the source path: /Prim/Child : /Prim/Child/Grandchild is not allowed.

    • Relocating the same source path to multiple targets, or relocating multiple source paths to the same target.

    • Relocating a prim to the source path of a different relocate in the same namespace: /Prim/Prim1 : /Prim/Prim2, /Prim/Prim2 : /Prim/Prim3 is not allowed. “Transitive” relocates must be collapsed into the smallest relocation, e.g. for the previous example, /Prim/Prim1 : /Prim/Prim3 should be used instead. This applies to relocates in the same LayerStack.

  • If a relocate has “ancestral relocates” (e.g. an ancestor prim that has also been relocated), the relocate source path must use the ancestral relocated path. For example, if you have /Root referencing /Ref, and /Ref also references /Ref2, if /Root/Ref is relocated to /Root/RefRelocated, any additional relocate that would use /Root/Ref/Ref2 as a source path must use the relocated path /Root/RefRelocated/Ref2.

With respect to composition strength ordering, relocates is stronger than References, but weaker than VariantSet. In the previous example, if we had an authored opinion at a relocates target location that used the Inherits composition arc (which is stronger than relocates) we might have a main.usda layer that looks like the following:

main.usda with added class and inherits
#usda 1.0
    relocates = {
        </MainPrim/PrimAChild> : </MainPrim/RenamedPrimAChild>

class "WorkClass"
    float childValue = 20.5
    uniform string testString = "from WorkClass"

def "MainPrim" (
    prepend references = @refLayer.usda@</PrimA>
    def "RenamedPrimAChild"
        inherits = </WorkClass>

When the stage is composed, the inherited opinions for MainPrim/RenamedPrimAChild will be stronger:

flattened main.usda with inherits and relocates applied
def "MainPrim"
    def "RenamedPrimAChild"
        float childValue = 20.5
        uniform string testString = "from WorkClass"

Relocates and inherits

A relocated prim will still inherit the same opinions it would have had it not been relocated. This can result in some subtle composition behavior.

For example, we have a layer model.usda that defines /ClassA and has prim /Model that inherits from /ClassA. It also has a relocate for /Model/Rig/LRig to /Model/Anim/LAnim:

model.usda with ClassA and Model that inherits from ClassA
#usda 1.0
    relocates = {
        </Model/Rig/LRig>: </Model/Anim/LAnim>

class "ClassA"
    def "Rig"
        def "LRig"
            uniform token modelClassALRig = "test"

    def "Anim"
        def "LAnim"
            uniform token modelClassALAnim = "test"

def "Model" (
    inherits = </ClassA>

We reference /Model in another layer, root.usda, which also has a /ClassA class:

def "Model_1" (
    references = @./model.usda@</Model>

class "ClassA"
    def "Rig"
        def "LRig"
            uniform token rootClassALRig = "test"

    def "Anim"
        def "LAnim"
            uniform token rootClassALAnim = "test"

If we load root.usda and inspect the flattened stage, /Model/Rig/LRig in model.usda has inherited from /ClassA/Rig/LRig even though it was relocated to /Model/Anim/LAnim in that layer, and does not inherit opinions from /ClassA/Anim/LAnim. However, note that /Model_1/Anim/LAnim in the root.usda layer does inherit from the layer’s /ClassA/Anim/LAnim.

flattened root.usda
def "Model_1"
    def "Rig"

    def "Anim"
        def "LAnim"
            uniform token modelClassALRig = "test"
            uniform token rootClassALAnim = "test"
            uniform token rootClassALRig = "test"

Relocates and ancestral arcs during composition

One aspect of relocates and composition is that relocates will ignore all ancestral arcs except variant arcs when we build the PrimIndex for a prim. So, if you had a layer that relocates a prim to be the child of a prim with an ancestral inherits arc:

layer with ancestral inherits and relocates
#usda 1.0
    relocates = {
        </PrimA/Child>: </PrimWithInherits/Child>

def "ClassA"
    def "Child"
        uniform token testString = "from ClassA/Child"
        uniform token classAChildString = "test"

def "RefPrim"
    def "Child"
        uniform token testString = "from RefPrim/Child"
        uniform token refPrimChildString = "test"

def "PrimA"
    prepend references = </RefPrim>

def "PrimWithInherits"
    inherits = </ClassA>

With the relocates for /PrimA/Child to /PrimWithInherits/Child, the ancestral opinions from /ClassA/Child are ignored.

flattened PrimWithInherits
def "PrimWithInherits"
    def "Child"
        uniform token refPrimChildString = "test"
        uniform token testString = "from RefPrim/Child"

However, as mentioned earlier, ancestral variant arcs will still compose with relocates. If we introduce ancestral opinions from a variant in /PrimWithInherits instead of using inherits:

replace inherits with variantset in PrimWithInherits
def "PrimWithInherits"
    # Removed inherits of ClassA
    # Added variantSet and selection with authored Child opinions
    variants = {
        string varSet = "Set1"
    prepend variantSets = "varSet"
    variantSet "varSet" = {
        "Set1" ()
            def "Child"
                uniform token testString = "from varSet Child"
                uniform token varChildString = "test"
        "Set2" ()

The ancestral opinions from the selected variant will be applied:

flattened PrimWithInherits with ancestral variant opinions
def "PrimWithInherits"
    def "Child"
        uniform token refPrimChildString = "test"
        uniform token testString = "from varSet Child"
        uniform token varChildString = "test"

See composition strength ordering for more details on relocates and composition.

Local opinions not allowed at source paths

When a source path is relocated, that original source path is considered no longer valid in the current namespace. So, if you relocated /PrimA/Child to /PrimA/NewChild, you cannot have any local opinions authored at /PrimA/Child. This avoids ambiguity and ensures there’s exactly one location (the target path) in the namespace to express opinions about a given object.

Root LayerStack

Every Stage has a “root” LayerStack, comprised of the LayerStack defined by the root Layer on which the Stage was opened, appended to the LayerStack defined by the stage’s Session Layer (the method for enumerating the layers in a Stage’s root LayerStack, UsdStage::GetLayerStack, provides the option of eliding the Session Layer’s contributions). The root LayerStack is special/important for two reasons:

  1. The prims declared in root layers are the only ones locatable using the same paths that identify composed prims on the Stage. Currently, an Edit Target can only target PrimSpecs in the root LayerStack, although we hope to relax that restriction eventually.

  2. It is the layers of the root LayerStack that are the most useful in facilitating shared workflows using USD. Cooperating departments and/or artists can each manage their own layer(s) in the root LayerStack of an asset, sequence, or shot, and their work will combine in intuitive ways with that of other artists working in the same context in their own layers.


USD defines a schema as an object whose purpose is to author and retrieve structured data from some UsdObject. Most schemas found in the core are “prim schemas”, which are further refined into IsA Schemas and API Schemas, for which the USD distribution provides tools for code generation to create your own schemas. However, there are several examples of “property schemas”, also, such as UsdGeomPrimvar and UsdShadeInput. Schemas are lightweight objects we create to wrap a UsdObject, as and when needed, to robustly interrogate and author scene description. We also use schema classes to package type/schema-based computations, such as UsdGeomImageable::ComputeVisibility.

Session Layer

Each UsdStage can be created with a session layer that provides for “scratch space” to configure, override, and experiment with the data contained in files backing the stage. If requested or provided at stage creation-time, a session layer participates fully in the stage’s composition, as the strongest layer in the stage’s Root LayerStack, and can possess its own SubLayers. Session layers generally embody “application state”, and, if saved, would be saved as part of application state rather than as part of the data set they modify. usdview creates a sesssion layer, into which are targeted all VariantSet selections, vis/invis opinions, and activation/deactivation operations provided by the GUI. In keeping with the view of session-layer as application state rather than asset data, UsdStage::Save does not save its stage’s session layer(s).

To edit content in a session layer, get the layer’s edit target using stage->GetEditTargetForLocalLayer(stage->GetSessionLayer()) and set that target in the stage by calling UsdStage::SetEditTarget or creating a UsdEditContext.


Specializes is a composition arc that allows a specialized prim to be continuously refined from a base prim, through unlimited levels of referencing. A specialized prim will contain all of the scene description contained in the base prim it specializes (including the entire namespace hierarchy rooted at the base prim), but any opinion expressed directly on the specialized prim will always be stronger than any opinion expressed on the base prim, in any referencing context. In behavior, specializes is very similar to inherits, with the key difference being the relative strength of referenced opinions vs “inherited/specialized” opinions, which leads to very different uses for the two.

Let us examine an example inspired by the first uses of the specializes arc at Pixar: specializing materials in our shading schema. We wish to publish an asset that contains several types of metallic materials, all of which should maintain their basic “metalness”, even as the definition of metal may change in referencing contexts. For brevity, we focus on one particular specialization, a corroded metal; we also leave out many of the schema details of how materials and their shaders interact.

#usda 1.0

def Xform "Robot"
    def Scope "Materials"
        def Material "Metal"
            # Interface inputs drive shader parameters of the encapsulated
            # network. We are not showing the connections, nor how we encode
            # that the child Shader "Surface" is the primary output for the
            # material.
            float inputs:diffuseGain = 0
            float inputs:specularRoughness = 0

            def Shader "Surface"
                asset info:id = @PxrSurface@

        def Material "CorrodedMetal" (
            specializes = </Robot/Materials/Metal>
            # specialize roughness...
            float inputs:specularRoughness = 0.2

            # Adding a pattern to drive Surface bump
            def Shader "Corrosion"
                asset info:id = @PxrOSL@
                vector3f outputs:disp

            over "Surface"
                # Override that would connect specularBump to Corrosion
                # pattern's "outputs:disp" attribute


  • The above example is not realistic at all regarding how you would actually design a Metal or CorrodedMetal material!

  • Specializes can target any prim on the stage that is neither an ancestor nor descendant of the specializing prim.

  • In the example above, replacing the specializes with inherits will produce the same composed result - try it!

In the sameRobot.usd asset, we might define many more materials, some of which are “siblings” of CorrodedMetal in that they specialize Metal, and some that further specialize CorrodedMetal, since specialization is not limited to any depth. The unique behavior of specializes only becomes evident, however, in a referencing context, so let us try one.

#usda 1.0

def Xform "World"
    def Xform "Characters"
        def "Rosie" (
            references = @./Robot.usd@</Robot>
            over "Materials"
                over "Metal"
                     float inputs:diffuseGain = 0.3
                     float inputs:specularRoughness = 0.1

If you examine the flattened RobotScene.usd you will see the effect of specializes on the specialized /World/Characters/Rosie/Materials/CorrodedMetal prim: we overrode both diffuseGain and specularRoughness on the base Metal material, but only the diffuseGain propagates onto /World/Characters/Rosie/Materials/CorrodedMetal, because specularRoughness was already refined on the referenced /Robot/Materials/CorrodedMetal prim. This also demonstrates the difference between specializes and inherits: if you change the specializes arc to inherits in Robot.usd and recompose the scene, you will see that both diffuseGain and specularRoughness propagate onto /World/Characters/Rosie/Materials/CorrodedMetal.

The specializes behavior is desirable in this context of building up many unique refinements of something whose base properties we may want to continue to update as assets travel down the pipeline, but without changing anything that makes the refinements unique. What if we do want to broadcast an edit on the Metal material to all of the Materials that specialize it? All we need do is use inherits and specializes together: make each Metal itself and each specialized material (such as CorrodedMaterial) inherit from a /_class_Metal prim. Now any overrides added in /_class_Metal will propagate to each specialized material regardless of whether they have expressed any opinion about it in referenced layers, themselves.


Every PrimSpec possesses a specifier, which conveys the author’s (authoring tool’s) intent for how the PrimSpec should be consumed and interpreted in a composed scene. There are three possible values for a prim’s specifier in USD, defined by SdfSpecifier:

  • def - a concrete, defined prim

  • over - a speculative override

  • class - prims from which other prims inherit

A prim’s resolved specifier on a UsdStage determines which kinds of traversals (as defined by “prim flags”) will visit the prim. The most common, default traversals, which are meant to be used for rendering and other common scenegraph processing, will visit only defined, non-abstract prims.


A stage is the USD abstraction for a scenegraph derived from a root USD file, and all of the referenced/layered files it composes. A stage always presents the composed view of the scene description that backs it. The UsdStage class embodies a Stage, and caches in memory just enough information about the composed namespace and backing files so that we can rapidly traverse the stage and perform efficient data queries, and allow prim, property, and metadata editing targeted at any layer that contributes to the Stage’s composition. Mutated stage layers can be collectively saved to backing-store using UsdStage::Save.

Stage Traversal

Most consumption of USD data follows the pattern of traversing an open stage, processing prims one at a time, or several in parallel. A UsdStage allows for both direct and subtree range-based traversals, each with “filtering” according to a number of criteria.

  • direct

    Given a UsdPrim p, one can fetch its direct children on the Stage using p.GetChild() <UsdPrim::GetChild>, p.GetChildren() <UsdPrim::GetChildren>, p.GetAllChildren() <UsdPrim::GetAllChildren>, and p.GetFilteredChildren() <UsdPrim::GetFilteredChildren>.

  • subtree range iteration

    One can also fetch a UsdPrimSubtreeRange directly from a prim via p.GetDescendants() <UsdPrim::GetDescendants>, p.GetAllDescendants() <UsdPrim::GetAllDescendants>, and p.GetFilteredDescendants() <UsdPrim::GetFilteredDescendants>.


    None of the Get*Descendants() methods are wrapped to Python, pending a refactoring project).

    Additionally, and more commonly used in USD core code, one can traverse the subtree rooted at a prim by creating a UsdPrimRange, which allows for depth-first iteration with the ability to prune subtrees at any point during the iteration. The UsdStage::Traverse method creates and returns a UsdPrimRange that will traverse the entire stage using the “default predicate.”

Traversal Filtering via PrimFlag Predicates

All of the methods mentioned above that contain “Filtered” in their name, plus UsdPrimRange, allow one to specify a predicate consisting of a boolean combination of “flags” that test against certain (all cached, for fast access) states of prims. Some examples are whether a prim is defined, or active, or loaded, etc. For a full list of the possible prim flags and examples of how they can be logically combined, see prim predicate flags. The remaining methods (e.g. GetChildren()) all use a predefined Default Predicate that serves a common traversal pattern.


Subcomponent is another kind value like component that can be applied to a prim, but is not a “model kind”, and serves a different purpose. The model-kinds collaborate to form a model hierarchy, whose purpose is to provide a lightweight prefix/index of a complicated scene. By contrast, subcomponents have no strict contiguity rules associated with them; rather, a subcomponent just identifies some prim inside a component that may be “important”. An exporter may choose to identify articulation points in a complicated model by labeling such prims as subcomponents (for example, the DoorAssembly Xform inside an architectural model). Thus subcomponents provide a way of setting up levels of organizational complexity within component models, providing intermediate interfaces/views of a model’s organization that sit in-between “just show me a single prim for the entire model” and “expand all hierarchy down to leaf prims”.

As another example of how subcomponents may guide interaction behavior, the pxrUsdReferenceAssembly plugin for Maya uses the presence of subcomponent prims to guide the behavior of its “expanded” representation.


SubLayers is the composition arc used to construct LayerStacks. As an example, here is one possible combination of USD layers that could have been the source for the example in the LayerStack entry, and also demonstrate how SubLayers supports nested LayerStacks:

#usda 1.0
    subLayers = [
#usda 1.0
    subLayers = [

Note that SubLayers can specify Layer Offsets to offset and scale time-varying data contained in the sub-layer(s)


TimeCodes are the unit-less time ordinate in USD. A UsdTimeCode can encode the ordinate for a TimeSample in double-precision floating point, but can also encode the ordinate that maps to an attribute’s Default Value. For any given composed scene, defined by its root layer, the TimeCode ordinates of the TimeSamples contained in the scene are scaled to seconds by the root layer’s timeCodesPerSecond metadata, which can be retrieved with UsdStage::GetTimeCodesPerSecond. This allows clients great flexibility to encode their TimeSamples within the range and scale that makes the most sense for their application, while retaining a robust mapping to “real time” for decoding and playback.


The term timeSample is used in two related contexts in USD:

Typed Schema

Synonym for IsA Schema.

User Properties

userProperties: is a property namespace recognized by the majority of DCC plugins as a place to look for “extra custom properties” that are too informal to warrant creating an API Schema, but which you might need access to in the DCC’s, and want to ensure they get round-tripped back to USD. We plan to create a UsdUserPropertiesAPI schema to aid in authoring and enumerating user properties, but creating a property in the userProperties: namespace using UsdPrim::CreateAttribute() (not all importers may handle custom relationships properly) is sufficient.

Value Clips

Value Clips are a feature that allows one to partition varying attribute timeSample overrides into multiple files, and combine them in a manner similar to how non-linear video editing tools allow one to combine video clips. Clips are especially useful for solving two important problems in computer graphics production pipelines:

  1. Crowd/background animation at scale

    Crowd animators will often create animation clips that can apply to many background characters, and be sequenced and cycled to generate a large variety of animation. USD clips provide the ability to encode the sequencing and non-uniform time-mapping of baked animation clips that this task requires.

  2. File-per-frame “big data”

    The results of some simulations and other types of sequentially-generated special effects generate so much data that it is most practical for the simulator to write out each time-step or frame’s worth of data into a different file. USD Clips make it possible to stitch all of these files together into a continuous (even though the data may itself be topologically varying over time) animation, without needing to move, merge, or perturb the files that the simulator produced. The USD toolset includes a utility usdstitchclips that efficiently assembles a sequence of file-per-frame layers into a Value Clips representation.

The key advantage of the clips feature is that the resulting resolved animation on a UsdStage is indistinguishable from data collected or aggregated into a single layer. In other words, consuming clients can be completely unaware of the existence of clips: there is no special schema or API required to access the data. The disadvantages of using clips are:

  1. Encoding clips on a stage is more complicated than simply recording samples on attributes, or adding references (see UsdClipsAPI for details on encoding)

  2. There is some performance overhead associated with the use of clips, both in the number of files that must be opened to play back animation (but that’s what we asked for in using clips!), and also in extra overhead in resolving attribute values in the presence of clips. Clips are the reason that UsdProperty::GetPropertyStack requires a timeCode argument, because the set of layers that contribute to an attribute’s value can change over time when it is affected by clips.


For performance and scalability reasons, a UsdStage will ignore any composition arcs contained in a “clip” USD file, which means that clips can only usefully contain direct (local) opinions about the attributes they wish to modify. For more information on value clip behavior and how clips are encoded, see Sequenceable, Re-timeable Animated Value Clips in the USD Manual.

Value Resolution

Value Resolution is the algorithm by which final values for properties or metadata are “composed” from all of the various PropertySpecs or PrimSpecs that contain data for the property or metadatum. Even though value resolution is the act of composing potentially many pieces of data together to produce a single value, we distinguish value resolution from composition because understanding the differences between the two aids in effective construction and use of USD:

  • Composition is cached, value resolution is not

    The “indexing” performed by the composition algorithm when a Stage is opened, prims are loaded, or new scene description is authored, is cached at the prim-level for fast access. The USD core does not, however, pre-compute or cache any per-composed-property information, which is a principal design decision aimed at keeping latency low for random-access to composed data, and keeping the minimal memory footprint for USD low. Instead, for attribute value resolution, the USD core provides opt-in facilities such as UsdAttributeQuery and UsdResolveInfo, objects a client can construct and retain themselves that cache information that can make repeated value queries faster.

  • Composition is internally multi-threaded, value resolution is meant to be client multi-threaded.

    Composition of a large stage can be a big computation, and USD strives to effectively, internally multi-thread the computation; therefore clients should realize they are unlikely to gain performance from opening multiple stages simultaneously in different threads. Value resolution, however, is a much more lightweight process (moreso for attributes than relationships), and USD’s primary guidance for clients wishing to maximize USD’s performance on multi-core systems is to perform as much simultaneous value resolution and data extraction as possible; USD’s design was guided by this access pattern, and we continue to work on eliminating remaining impediments to efficient multi-threaded value resolution.

  • Composition rules vary by composition arc, value resolution rules vary by metadatum.

    The composition algorithm is the process of interpreting a collection of composition arcs into an “index” of data-containing sites for each composed prim. Value resolution simply consumes the ordered (strong-to-weak) list of contributing sites, and is otherwise insensitive to the particular set of composition arcs that produced that list; but how the data in those sites is combined depends on the particular metadatum being resolved.

Resolving Metadata

The basic rule for the metadata value resolution provided by UsdObject::GetMetadata is: strongest opinion wins. Certain metadata such as prim specifier, attribute typeName, and several others have special resolution rules; the only one we will discuss here is dictionary-valued metadata, because it is user-facing, as, for example, the customData dictionary authorable on any prim or property. Dictionaries are resolved element-wise, so that customData[“keyOne”] authored on a referencing prim will not block, but rather compose into a single dictionary with customData[“keyTwo”] on the referenced prim.

Resolving Relationships

Because relationship targets are list edited, we must, in general, combine all of the opinions about the relationship’s targets, not just the strongest. The rules for how the opinions combine (in weak-to-strong order) are contained inside SdfListOp::ApplyOperations.

Resolving Attributes

Value resolution for attributes, as performed by UsdAttribute::Get, is unique in three ways:

  1. Time Offsets

    UsdAttribute::Get is a function of time, so all queries except those evaluated at UsdTimeCode::Default are affected by time-scaling operators such as Layer Offsets.

  2. Interpolation

    If the requested time ordinate falls between two samples, and the stage is configured for linear interpolation (which it is by default), then we will attempt to apply linear interpolation of the bracketing timeSamples, before falling back to holding the earlier of the two timeSamples.

  3. Three value sources for each site

    For each site in a prim’s Index that may affect a metadatum or relationship, there is just a single place to look for a value - if none is found, we move on to the next site looking for values. For attributes, however, we must examine three possible sources for a value for each site, before moving on to the next site in strong-to-weak order:

    1. Value Clips that are anchored at the site or an ancestor site in namespace. If no clips are found, or if clips do not provide a value for the attribute, then…

    2. TimeSamples authored directly at the site. If there are no TimeSamples, then…

    3. Default Value authored directly at the site

Effective use of UsdAttribute::Get()

The default UsdTimeCode value for UsdAttribute::Get() is UsdTimeCode::Default(), which is almost always a poor choice when resolving values on a stage that contains animation. When writing code that extracts attribute values from a stage, if the codesite is not provided an explicit querying time, you should use UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime(), which will ensure that if there is any timeSample authored for the attribute, it will provide the value, rather than the default, which is all that is consulted when UsdTimeCode::Default() is the given time ordinate.


Attributes possess a special piece of metadata called variability that serves as a statement of intent (typically by a schema) of whether the attribute’s value should have timeSamples that can vary its value over time, or whether it should be restricted to having only a default value. Variability can have two values: varying and uniform; by default, a newly created attribute is varying (unless you explicitly specify otherwise), and varying attributes appear “unadorned” in the usda text format. Attributes that are uniform, however, will appear with the “uniform” modifier in any layer that contains a properly-authored opinion for the attribute.

Variability is not consulted or consumed by the core during authoring or value resolution, in order to keep those operations fast. It appears in schema-generated documentation, and can be used for validation by higher-level authoring code, and as a hint to clients that the value is not expected to change over time. See also UsdAttribute::GetVariability

usda of the uniform attribute “subdivisionScheme” in the Mesh schema
def Mesh "SimulatableGarment"
    uniform token subdivisionScheme = "loop"


A variant represents a single, named variation of a VariantSet; each VariantSet can have zero or a single variant selection expressed in scene description or as a fallback in a plugin or specified by an application, if no selection was authored. “variants” is also the keyword in the usda text syntax for expressing variant selections, as strings. The following valid usda expresses a selection of “High” for the variantSet named “lodVariant”. Variant selections are always strings that refer to variant names, which can be USD identifiers with the addition of allowing the “-” character, and an optional leading “.”.

Minimal scene description for expressing a variant selection
#usda 1.0

over "Model" (
    variants = {
        string lodVariant = "High"

A variant can contain overriding opinions (for properties, metadata, and more), as well as any arbitrary scene description (entire child prim subtrees, etc). Variants can also include additional composition arcs. This gives us great flexibility in building up variations out of existing, modular pieces that can be referenced, inherited, etc. In the following example snippet, the “referenceVariantSet” VariantSet contains two variants that reference different USD assets. Changing the variant selection controls which asset is referenced in the scene.

VariantSet with references
over "Model" (
    prepend variantSets = "referenceVariantSet"
    variants = {
       string referenceVariantSet = "asset1"
    variantSet "referenceVariantSet" = {
        "asset1" (
            prepend references = @Asset1.usda@
        ) {
        "asset2" (
            prepend references = @Asset2.usda@
        ) {


A VariantSet is a composition arc that allows a content creator to package a discrete set of alternatives, between which a downstream consumer is able to non-destructively switch, or augment. A reasonable way to think about VariantSets is as a “switchable reference”. Each Variant of a VariantSet encapsulates a tree of scene description that will be composed onto the prim on which the VariantSet is defined, when the Variant is selected. VariantSet names must be legal USD identifiers. Here is an example of a very simple VariantSet:

#usda 1.0

def Xform "Implicits" (
    append variantSets = "shapeVariant"
    variantSet "shapeVariant" = {
        "Capsule" {
            def Capsule "Pill"
        "Cone" {
            def Cone "PartyHat"
        "Cube" {
            def Cube "Box"
        "Cylinder" {
            def Cylinder "Tube"
        "Sphere" {
            def Sphere "Ball"

Things to note about simpleVariantSet.usd

  • Variant selections are not required.

    If you copy/paste, then open simpleVariantSet.usd in usdview, nothing will be drawn! This is because we have not specified a selection for shapeVariant (see Variant for what a selection looks like), which is always a valid thing to do, and simply means none of the variants contained in the VariantSet will be applied. If you select the prim /Implicits in usdview's browser, and open the “Metadata” tab of the inspector in the lower-right-hand corner, you will find a drop-down selection box for shapeVariant, from which you can select any of the variations and see the viewport update in response. Each time you make a selection, usdview is authoring a variant selection on /Implicits in the opened stage’s session layer.

  • Variants can contain *any* scene description.

    Variants are not just about overrides! In simpleVariantSet.usd, we are creating a differently-named-and-typed child prim in each variant. Each variant can in fact create an entire subtree of prims (that will be combined on top of any referenced scene description), as well as apply overrides.

  • VariantSets are “inlined” in usda.

    Although VariantSets, in composition terms, behave very much like references and other arcs that target “remote” scene description, VariantSets are presented as “inlined scene description” inside the prim they modify (or rather, inside the prim, the root of whose subtree the VariantSet modifies).

Characteristics of VariantSets

  • A prim can have an unlimited number of VariantSets declared directly on itself; the VariantSets can be ordered (initial order is authored order) as part of their List Editing nature, and the final order of the VariantSets provides their relative strength with respect to each other, should their opinions overlap.

  • Because VariantSets are just composition arcs, this implies that VariantSets can be directly nested inside each other, by allowing a Variant of a VariantSet to introduce a new VariantSet. This allows a concise encoding for dependent VariantSets, wherein the options/variants available for the inner/nested VariantSet depends on the selection of the outer VariantSet; see below for an example.

  • Higher-level/downstream contexts can dynamically add new Variants to existing VariantSets. This ability facilitates the use of VariantSets to provide as-you-go asset version control, which can be especially useful, for example, in refining simulations or special effects. We might reference in a low-res water simulation in a weak “sequence layer” that is shared by a number of shots in a sequence. One shot , however, requires a closeup, necessitating a higher resolution simulation. If the sequence-level simulation was placed inside a version VariantSet, in a SequenceBase Variant, then the special shot can, in a layer stronger, simply introduce a new CloseupShot Variant to the version VariantSet. In that shot, both variants will be available and selectable. In other shots, only the SequenceBase Variant will be available.

  • VariantSets allow optimal scattering of instancing variation, because for any given instanceable prim, its instancing key, which is what we use to decide which scene-level instances will share the same prototype, takes the variant selections on the prim into account. So, if you build and publish an asset with one-or-more VariantSets on its root prim, an environment-building tool can confidently add many instances of the asset to a scene, scattering variation by scattering variant-selections, and the USD core will ensure only as many unique prototypes are compose as there are unique combinations of variant-selections.

Nested VariantSets

As mentioned above, VariantSets can be nested directly inside each other, on the same prim. VariantSet nesting in USD can be accomplished straightforwardly by nesting the use of UsdEditContext objects in code. Following is a small python program that nests two VariantSets, demonstrating that the contents of the inner VariantSet can vary from Variant to Variant of the outer VariantSet.
from pxr import Sdf, Usd
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateNew("nestedVariants.usd")
prim = stage.DefinePrim("/Employee")
title = prim.CreateAttribute("title", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.String)
variantSets = prim.GetVariantSets()

critters = [ "Bug", "Bear", "Dragon" ]
jobs = [ "Squasher", "Rider", "Trainer" ]

critterVS = variantSets.AppendVariantSet("critterVariant")
for critter in critters:
    with critterVS.GetVariantEditContext():
        # All edits now go "inside" the selected critter variant
        jobVS = variantSets.AppendVariantSet("jobVariant")
        for job in jobs:
            if (job != "Squasher" or critter == "Bug") and \
               (job != "Rider" or critter != "Bug") :
                with jobVS.GetVariantEditContext():
                    # Now edits *additionally* go inside the selected job variant
                    title.Set(critter + job)


Try loading the resulting nestedVariants.usd in usdview. Note that as you select different critterVariants, the contents of jobVariant will change, as will of course, the resolved value of the title attribute on the /Employee prim. If you select “Bug” and “Squasher”, respectively, and then change critterVariant to Bear or Dragon” the jobVariant selection will become empty, because the selected variant is not a valid selection for the jobVariant VariantSet defined inside those critter variants. This is not an error condition, and the result is simply that no jobVariant is applied.


Visibility is a builtin attribute of the UsdGeomImageable base schema, and models the simplest form of “pruning” invisibility that is supported by most DCC apps. Visibility can take on two possible token string values:

  • inherited (the fallback value if the attribute is not authored)

  • invisible

If the resolved value is invisible, then neither the prim itself nor any prims in the subtree rooted at the prim should be rendered - this is what we mean by “pruning invisibility”, since invisible subtrees are definitively pruned in their entirety. If the resolve value is inherited, it means that the computed visibility (as provided by UsdGeomImageable::ComputeVisibility) of the prim will be whatever the computed value of the prim’s namespace parent is.

Visibility may be animated, allowing a sub-tree of geometry to be renderable for some segment of a shot, and absent from others; unlike the action of deactivating geometry prims, invisible geometry is still available for inspection, for positioning, for defining volumes, etc.