Base class for additional information to identify a texture in a file that can contain several textur...
Class to identify a texture file or a texture within the texture file (e.g., a frame in a movie).
HDST_API HdStTextureIdentifier(const TfToken &filePath, std::unique_ptr< const HdStSubtextureIdentifier > &&subtextureId)
C'tor for files that can contain more than one texture (e.g., frames in a movie, grids in a VDB file)...
const HdStSubtextureIdentifier * GetSubtextureIdentifier() const
Get additional information identifying a texture in a file that can contain more than one texture (e....
HDST_API HdStTextureIdentifier(const TfToken &filePath)
C'tor for files that can contain only one texture.
const TfToken & GetFilePath() const
Get file path of texture file.