►Npxr_CLI | |
►NCLI | |
►Ndetail | |
CAppFriend | This class is simply to allow tests access to App's protected functions |
Celement_type | Handy helper to access the element_type generically |
Celement_value_type | Combination of the element type and value type - remove pointer (including smart pointers) and get the value_type of the container |
CExistingDirectoryValidator | Check for an existing directory (returns error message if check fails) |
CExistingFileValidator | Check for an existing file (returns error message if check fails) |
CExistingPathValidator | Check for an existing path |
CIPV4Validator | Validate the given string is a legal ipv4 address |
Cis_complex | Check for complex |
Cis_istreamable | Check for input streamability |
Cis_mutable_container< T, conditional_t< false, void_t< typename T::value_type, decltype(std::declval< T >().end()), decltype(std::declval< T >().clear()), decltype(std::declval< T >().insert(std::declval< decltype(std::declval< T >().end())>(), std::declval< const typename T::value_type & >()))>, void > > | Type trait to test if a type is a mutable container meaning it has a value_type, it has an iterator, a clear, and end methods and an insert function |
Cis_readable_container< T, conditional_t< false, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().end()), decltype(std::declval< T >().begin())>, void > > | Type trait to test if a type is a container meaning it has a value_type, it has an iterator, a clear, and an end methods and an insert function |
CNonexistentPathValidator | Check for an non-existing path |
Cpair_adaptor | Adaptor for set-like structure: This just wraps a normal container in a few utilities that do almost nothing |
Cpair_adaptor< T, conditional_t< false, void_t< typename T::value_type::first_type, typename T::value_type::second_type >, void > > | Adaptor for map-like structure (true version, must have key_type and mapped_type) |
Csubtype_count | Set of overloads to get the type size of an object |
Csubtype_count_min | Forward declare the subtype_count_min structure |
Ctype_count | This will only trigger for actual void type |
Ctype_count< T, typename std::enable_if< is_complex< T >::value >::type > | Type size for complex since it sometimes looks like a wrapper |
Ctype_count< T, typename std::enable_if< is_mutable_container< T >::value >::type > | Type size of types that are wrappers,except complex and tuples(which can also be wrappers sometimes) |
Ctype_count< T, typename std::enable_if< is_wrapper< T >::value &&!is_complex< T >::value &&!is_tuple_like< T >::value &&!is_mutable_container< T >::value >::type > | Type size of types that are wrappers,except containers complex and tuples(which can also be wrappers sometimes) |
Ctype_count< T, typename std::enable_if<!is_wrapper< T >::value &&!is_tuple_like< T >::value &&!is_complex< T >::value &&!std::is_void< T >::value >::type > | Type size for regular object types that do not look like a tuple |
Ctype_count_base | This will only trigger for actual void type |
Ctype_count_base< T, typename std::enable_if< is_mutable_container< T >::value >::type > | Type count base for containers is the type_count_base of the individual element |
Ctype_count_base< T, typename std::enable_if< is_tuple_like< T >::value &&!is_mutable_container< T >::value >::type > | Base tuple size |
Ctype_count_base< T, typename std::enable_if<!is_tuple_like< T >::value &&!is_mutable_container< T >::value &&!std::is_void< T >::value >::type > | Type size for regular object types that do not look like a tuple |
Cwrapped_type | Template to get the underlying value type if it exists or use a default |
Cwrapped_type< T, def, typename std::enable_if< is_wrapper< T >::value >::type > | Type size for regular object types that do not look like a tuple |
CApp | Creates a command line program, with very few defaults |
CArgumentMismatch | Thrown when the wrong number of arguments has been received |
CAsNumberWithUnit | Multiply a number by a factor using given mapping |
CAsSizeValue | Converts a human-readable size string (with unit literal) to uin64_t size |
CBadNameString | Thrown on construction of a bad name |
CBound | Produce a bounded range (factory). Min and max are inclusive |
CCallForAllHelp | Usually something like –help-all on command line |
CCallForHelp | -h or –help on command line |
CCallForVersion | -v or –version on command line |
CCheckedTransformer | Translate named items to other or a value set |
CConfig | This class provides a converter for configuration files |
CConfigBase | This converter works with INI/TOML files; to write INI files use ConfigINI |
CConfigError | Thrown when extra values are found in an INI file |
CConfigINI | ConfigINI generates a "standard" INI compliant output |
CConfigItem | Holds values to load into Options |
CConstructionError | Construction errors (not in parsing) |
CConversionError | Thrown when conversion call back fails, such as when an int fails to coerce to a string |
CCustomValidator | Class wrapping some of the accessors of Validator |
CError | All errors derive from this one |
CExcludesError | Thrown when an excludes option is present |
CExtrasError | Thrown when too many positionals or options are found |
CFileError | Thrown when parsing an INI file and it is missing |
CFileOnDefaultPath | Modify a path if the file is a particular default location, can be used as Check or transform with the error return optionally disabled |
CFormatter | This is the default Formatter for CLI11 |
CFormatterBase | This is the minimum requirements to run a formatter |
CFormatterLambda | This is a specialty override for lambda functions |
CHorribleError | This is just a safety check to verify selection and parsing match - you should not ever see it Strings are directly added to this error, but again, it should never be seen |
CIncorrectConstruction | Thrown when an option is set to conflicting values (non-vector and multi args, for example) |
CInvalidError | Thrown when validation fails before parsing |
Cis_bool | Check to see if something is bool (fail check by default) |
Cis_bool< bool > | Check to see if something is bool (true if actually a bool) |
Cis_copyable_ptr | Check to see if something is copyable pointer |
Cis_shared_ptr | Check to see if something is a shared pointer |
Cis_shared_ptr< const std::shared_ptr< T > > | Check to see if something is a shared pointer (True if really a shared pointer) |
Cis_shared_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | Check to see if something is a shared pointer (True if really a shared pointer) |
CIsMember | Verify items are in a set |
CIsMemberType | This can be specialized to override the type deduction for IsMember |
CIsMemberType< const char * > | The main custom type needed here is const char * should be a string |
Cmake_void | A copy of std::void_t from C++17 (helper for C++11 and C++14) |
COption_group | Extension of App to better manage groups of options |
COptionAlreadyAdded | Thrown when an option already exists |
COptionBase | This is the CRTP base class for Option and OptionDefaults |
COptionDefaults | This is a version of OptionBase that only supports setting values, for defaults |
COptionNotFound | Thrown when counting a non-existent option |
CParseError | Anything that can error in Parse |
CRange | Produce a range (factory). Min and max are inclusive |
CRequiredError | Thrown when a required option is missing |
CRequiresError | Thrown when a requires option is missing |
CRuntimeError | Does not output a diagnostic in CLI11_PARSE, but allows main() to return with a specific error code |
CSuccess | This is a successful completion on parsing, supposed to exit |
CTransformer | Translate named items to other or a value set |
CTypeValidator | Validate the input as a particular type |
CValidationError | Thrown when validation of results fails |
CValidator | Some validators that are provided |
►Npxr_tsl | MIT License |
►Ndetail_robin_hash | |
Cbucket_entry | Each bucket entry has: |
Cbucket_entry_hash | Helper class that stores a truncated hash if StoreHash is true and nothing otherwise |
►Crobin_hash | Internal common class used by robin_map and robin_set |
Crobin_iterator | The 'operator*()' and 'operator->()' methods return a const reference and const pointer respectively to the stored value type |
►Nrh | |
Cmod_growth_policy | Grow the hash table by GrowthFactor::num / GrowthFactor::den and use a modulo to map a hash to a bucket |
Cpower_of_two_growth_policy | Grow the hash table by a factor of GrowthFactor keeping the bucket count to a power of two |
Cprime_growth_policy | Grow the hash table by using prime numbers as bucket count |
Crobin_map | Implementation of a hash map using open-addressing and the robin hood hashing algorithm with backward shift deletion |
Crobin_set | Implementation of a hash set using open-addressing and the robin hood hashing algorithm with backward shift deletion |
C Given | To determine how to compute the flattened data source which is in the prim container data source |
C_NdrFilesystemDiscoveryPlugin | Discovers nodes on the filesystem |
CArAsset | Interface for accessing the contents of an asset |
CArAssetInfo | Contains information about a resolved asset |
CArchIntervalTimer | A simple timer class for measuring an interval of time using the ArchTickTimer facilities |
CArchMallocHook | Override default malloc() functionality |
CArDefaultResolver | Default asset resolution implementation used when no plugin implementation is provided |
CArDefaultResolverContext | Resolver context object that specifies a search path to use during asset resolution |
CArFilesystemAsset | ArAsset implementation for asset represented by a file on a filesystem |
CArFilesystemWritableAsset | ArWritableAsset implementation for asset represented by a file on a filesystem |
CArInMemoryAsset | ArAsset implementation that stores asset content in a heap-allocated buffer managed by this object |
CArIsContextObject | Metafunction to determine whether the templated object type is a valid context object |
CArPackageResolver | Interface for resolving assets within package assets |
CArResolvedPath | Represents a resolved asset path |
CArResolver | Interface for the asset resolution system |
CArResolverContext | An asset resolver context allows clients to provide additional data to the resolver for use during resolution |
CArResolverContextBinder | Helper object for managing the binding and unbinding of ArResolverContext objects with the asset resolver |
CArResolverScopedCache | Helper object for managing asset resolver cache scopes |
CArThreadLocalScopedCache | Utility class for custom resolver implementations |
CArTimestamp | Represents a timestamp for an asset |
CArWritableAsset | Interface for writing data to an asset |
CCameraUtilFraming | Framing information |
CCameraUtilScreenWindowParameters | Given a camera object, compute parameters suitable for setting up RenderMan |
CGarchGLDebugWindow | Platform specific minimum GL widget for unit tests |
CGarchGLPlatformDebugContext | Platform specific context (e.g |
CGeomUtilCapsuleMeshGenerator | This class provides an implementation for generating topology, point positions and surface normals on a capsule |
CGeomUtilConeMeshGenerator | This class provides an implementation for generating topology, point positions and surface normals on a cone of a given radius and height |
CGeomUtilCuboidMeshGenerator | This class provides an implementation for generating topology, point positions and surface normals on a rectangular cuboid given the dimensions along the X, Y and Z axes |
CGeomUtilCylinderMeshGenerator | This class provides an implementation for generating topology, point positions and surface normals on a cylinder with a given radius and height |
CGeomUtilDiskMeshGenerator | This class provides an implementation for generating topology, point positions and surface normals on a circular disk given the radius with numRadial segments |
CGeomUtilMeshGeneratorBase | This class provides common implementation for the different mesh generator classes in GeomUtil |
CGeomUtilPlaneMeshGenerator | This class provides an implementation for generating topology, point positions and surface normals on a rectangular plane given the dimensions along the X and Y axes |
CGeomUtilSphereMeshGenerator | This class provides an implementation for generating topology, point positions and surface normals on a sphere with a given radius |
CGfBBox3d | Basic type: arbitrarily oriented 3D bounding box |
CGfCamera | Object-based representation of a camera |
CGfColor | Represents a color in a specific color space |
CGfColorSpace | Basic type: ColorSpace |
CGfDualQuatd | Basic type: a real part quaternion and a dual part quaternion |
CGfDualQuatf | Basic type: a real part quaternion and a dual part quaternion |
CGfDualQuath | Basic type: a real part quaternion and a dual part quaternion |
CGfFrustum | Basic type: View frustum |
CGfInterval | A basic mathematical interval class |
CGfIsArithmetic | A metafunction which is equivalent to std::arithmetic but also includes any specializations from GfIsFloatingPoint (like GfHalf) |
CGfIsFloatingPoint | A metafunction which is equivalent to std::is_floating_point but allows for additional specialization for types like GfHalf |
CGfIsGfDualQuat | A metafunction with a static const bool member 'value' that is true for GfDualQuat types and false for all other types |
CGfIsGfMatrix | A metafunction with a static const bool member 'value' that is true for GfMatrix types, like GfMatrix3d, GfMatrix4f, etc and false for all other types |
CGfIsGfQuat | A metafunction with a static const bool member 'value' that is true for GfQuat types and false for all other types |
CGfIsGfRange | A metafunction with a static const bool member 'value' that is true for GfRange types and false for all other types |
CGfIsGfVec | A metafunction with a static const bool member 'value' that is true for GfVec types, like GfVec2i, GfVec4d, etc and false for all other types |
CGfLine | Basic type: 3D line |
CGfLine2d | Basic type: 2D line |
CGfLineSeg | Basic type: 3D line segment |
CGfLineSeg2d | Basic type: 2D line segment |
CGfMatrix2d | Stores a 2x2 matrix of double elements |
CGfMatrix2f | Stores a 2x2 matrix of float elements |
CGfMatrix3d | Stores a 3x3 matrix of double elements |
CGfMatrix3f | Stores a 3x3 matrix of float elements |
CGfMatrix4d | Stores a 4x4 matrix of double elements |
CGfMatrix4f | Stores a 4x4 matrix of float elements |
CGfMatrixData | A class template used by GfMatrixXX to store values |
CGfMultiInterval | GfMultiInterval represents a subset of the real number line as an ordered set of non-intersecting GfIntervals |
CGfPlane | Basic type: 3-dimensional plane |
CGfQuatd | Basic type: a quaternion, a complex number with a real coefficient and three imaginary coefficients, stored as a 3-vector |
CGfQuaternion | Basic type: complex number with scalar real part and vector imaginary part |
CGfQuatf | Basic type: a quaternion, a complex number with a real coefficient and three imaginary coefficients, stored as a 3-vector |
CGfQuath | Basic type: a quaternion, a complex number with a real coefficient and three imaginary coefficients, stored as a 3-vector |
CGfRange1d | Basic type: 1-dimensional floating point range |
CGfRange1f | Basic type: 1-dimensional floating point range |
CGfRange2d | Basic type: 2-dimensional floating point range |
CGfRange2f | Basic type: 2-dimensional floating point range |
CGfRange3d | Basic type: 3-dimensional floating point range |
CGfRange3f | Basic type: 3-dimensional floating point range |
CGfRay | Basic type: Ray used for intersection testing |
CGfRect2i | A 2D rectangle with integer coordinates |
CGfRotation | Basic type: 3-space rotation specification |
CGfSize2 | Two-dimensional array of sizes |
CGfSize3 | Three-dimensional array of sizes |
CGfTransform | Basic type: Compound linear transformation |
CGfVec2d | Basic type for a vector of 2 double components |
CGfVec2f | Basic type for a vector of 2 float components |
CGfVec2h | Basic type for a vector of 2 GfHalf components |
CGfVec2i | Basic type for a vector of 2 int components |
CGfVec3d | Basic type for a vector of 3 double components |
CGfVec3f | Basic type for a vector of 3 float components |
CGfVec3h | Basic type for a vector of 3 GfHalf components |
CGfVec3i | Basic type for a vector of 3 int components |
CGfVec4d | Basic type for a vector of 4 double components |
CGfVec4f | Basic type for a vector of 4 float components |
CGfVec4h | Basic type for a vector of 4 GfHalf components |
CGfVec4i | Basic type for a vector of 4 int components |
CGlfAnyGLContextScopeHolder | Helper class to make the shared GL context current if there is no valid current context, or when the current context isn't sharing with the shared context |
CGlfContextCaps | This class is intended to be a cache of the capabilites (resource limits and features) of the underlying GL context |
CGlfDebugGroup | Represents a GL debug group in Glf |
►CGlfDrawTarget | A class representing a GL render target with mutliple image attachments |
CAttachmentsContainer | Weak/Ref-based container for the the map of texture attachments |
CGlfGLContext | Provides window system independent access to GL contexts |
CGlfGLContextRegistrationInterface | Interface for registering a GlfGLContext system |
CGlfGLContextScopeHolder | Helper class to make a GL context current |
CGlfGLQueryObject | Represents a GL query object in Glf |
CGlfSharedGLContextScopeHolder | Helper class to make the shared GL context current |
CGlfTestGLContext | Testing support class for GlfGLContext |
►CGlfTexture | Represents a texture object in Glf |
CBinding | A texture has one or more bindings which describe how the different aspects of the texture should be bound in order to allow shader access |
CGlfUniformBlock | Manages a GL uniform buffer object |
CHdAovDescriptor | A bundle of state describing an AOV ("Arbitrary Output Variable") display channel |
CHdAssetStUvTextureObject | A uv texture loading the asset identified by the texture identifier |
CHdBasisCurves | Hydra Schema for a collection of curves using a particular basis |
CHdBasisCurvesReprDesc | Descriptor to configure a drawItem for a repr |
CHdBasisCurvesTopology | Topology data for basisCurves |
CHdBlockDataSource | A datasource representing the absence of a datasource |
CHdBprim | Bprim (buffer prim) is a base class of managing a blob of data that is used to communicate between the scene delegate and render |
CHdBufferArray | Similar to a VAO, this object is a bundle of coherent buffers |
CHdBufferArrayRange | Interface class for representing range (subset) locator of HdBufferArray |
CHdBufferArrayRangeContainer | A resizable container of HdBufferArrayRanges |
CHdBufferSource | A transient buffer of data that has not yet been committed |
►CHdBufferSpec | Describes each named resource of buffer array |
CHashFunctor | Functor to use for unordered sets, maps |
CHdCamera | Hydra schema for a camera that pulls the params (see above) during Sync |
CHdChangeTracker | Tracks changes from the HdSceneDelegate, providing invalidation cues to the render engine |
CHdCollectionExpressionEvaluator | Evaluates SdfPathExpressions with prims from a given HdSceneIndex |
CHdCommandArgDescriptor | A bundle of state describing an argument to a command |
CHdCommandDescriptor | A bundle of state describing a "command" |
CHdComputedBufferSource | A abstract base class for cpu computation followed by buffer transfer to the GPU |
CHdContainerDataSource | A datasource representing structured (named, hierarchical) data, for example a geometric primitive or a sub-object like a material definition |
CHdContainerSchema | Base class for a schema backed by a container whose children have arbitrary names |
CHdCoordSys | HdCoordSys representes a coordinate system as a Hydra state prim |
CHdDataSourceBase | Represents an object which can produce scene data |
CHdDataSourceLegacyPrim | This is an HdContainerDataSource which represents a prim-level data source for adapting HdSceneDelegate calls into the forms defined by HdSchemas during emulation of legacy scene delegates |
CHdDataSourceLocator | Represents an object that can identify the location of a data source |
CHdDataSourceLocatorSet | Represents a set of data source locators closed under descendancy |
CHdDataSourceMaterialNetworkInterface | Implements HdMaterialNetworkInterface for reading from and overriding values within data sources |
CHdDirtyBitsTranslator | A set of optimized functions for translating between dirty bits and datasource locators for different prim types |
CHdDirtyList | Used for faster iteration of dirty Rprims by the render index |
CHdDisplayStyle | Describes how the geometry of a prim should be displayed |
CHdDrawingCoord | A tiny set of integers, which provides an indirection mapping from the conceptual space of an HdRprim's resources (topological, primvar & instancing) to the index within HdBufferArrayRangeContainer, where the resource is stored |
CHdDrawItem | A draw item is a light-weight representation of an HdRprim's resources and material to be used for rendering |
CHdDriver | HdDriver represents a device object, commonly a render device, that is owned by the application and passed to HdRenderIndex |
CHdEmbreeBufferSampler | A utility class that knows how to sample an element from a type-tagged buffer (like HdVtBufferSource) |
CHdEmbreeConfig | This class is a singleton, holding configuration parameters for HdEmbree |
CHdEmbreeConstantSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars with "constant" interpolation mode |
CHdEmbreeInstanceContext | A small bit of state attached to each bit of instanced geometry in embree, for the benefit of HdEmbreeRenderer::_TraceRay |
CHdEmbreeInstancer | HdEmbree implements instancing by adding prototype geometry to the BVH multiple times within HdEmbreeMesh::Sync() |
CHdEmbreeMesh | An HdEmbree representation of a subdivision surface or poly-mesh object |
CHdEmbreePrimvarSampler | An abstract base class that knows how to sample a primvar signal given a ray hit coordinate: an <element, u, v> tuple |
CHdEmbreePrototypeContext | A small bit of state attached to each bit of prototype geometry in embree, for the benefit of HdEmbreeRenderer::_TraceRay |
CHdEmbreeRenderDelegate | Render delegates provide renderer-specific functionality to the render index, the main hydra state management structure |
CHdEmbreeRenderer | HdEmbreeRenderer implements a renderer on top of Embree's raycasting abilities |
CHdEmbreeRendererPlugin | A registered child of HdRendererPlugin, this is the class that gets loaded when a hydra application asks to draw with a certain renderer |
CHdEmbreeRenderParam | The render delegate can create an object of type HdRenderParam, to pass to each prim during Sync() |
CHdEmbreeRenderPass | HdRenderPass represents a single render iteration, rendering a view of the scene (the HdRprimCollection) for a specific viewer (the camera/viewport parameters in HdRenderPassState) to the current draw target |
CHdEmbreeRTCBufferAllocator | Utility class to track which embree user vertex buffers are currently in use |
CHdEmbreeSubdivVertexSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars on subdiv meshes with "vertex" interpolation mode |
CHdEmbreeTriangleFaceVaryingSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars on triangle meshes with "face-varying" interpolation modes |
CHdEmbreeTriangleVertexSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars on triangle meshes with "vertex" or "varying" interpolation modes |
CHdEmbreeTypeHelper | A utility class that helps map between C++ types and Hd type tags |
CHdEmbreeUniformSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars with "uniform" interpolation mode |
CHdEncapsulatingSceneIndexBase | A mix-in class for scene indices that implement their behaviour by creating other scene indices (internally) |
CHdEngine | The application-facing entry point top-level entry point for accessing Hydra |
CHdExtComputation | Hydra Representation of a Client defined computation |
CHdExtComputationCallback | A callback for an ext computation filling the outputs given the input values and values of the input computations |
CHdExtComputationContext | Interface class that defines the execution environment for the client to run a computation |
CHdExtComputationContextInternal | Hydra implementation of the HdExtComputationContext public interface |
CHdExtComputationInputDescriptor | Describes an input to an ExtComputation that takes data from the output of another ExtComputation |
CHdExtComputationOutputDescriptor | Describes an output of an ExtComputation |
CHdExtComputationPrimvarDescriptor | Extends HdPrimvarDescriptor to describe a primvar that takes data from the output of an ExtComputation |
CHdField | Hydra schema for a USD field primitive |
CHdFilteringSceneIndexBase | An abstract base class for scene indexes that have one or more input scene indexes which serve as a basis for their own scene |
CHdFlattenedOverlayDataSourceProvider | Flattens a data source by using HdOverlayContainerDataSource |
CHdFlatteningSceneIndex | A scene index that observes an input scene index and produces a comparable scene in which inherited state is represented at leaf prims |
CHdGeomSubset | Describes a subset of a piece of geometry as a set of indices |
CHdGpGenerativeProcedural | HdGpGenerativeProcedural is the base class for procedurals which have full access to an input scene in order to create and update a hierarchy of child prims within a hydra scene index |
CHdGpGenerativeProceduralFilteringSceneIndex | HdGpGenerativeProceduralFilteringSceneIndex is a scene index which filters prims representing generative procedurals within its incoming scene against a requested pattern |
CHdGpGenerativeProceduralPlugin | HdGpGenerativeProceduralPlugin represents an HdGpGenerativeProcedural for plug-in discovery via HdGpGenerativeProceduralPluginRegistry |
CHdGpGenerativeProceduralResolvingSceneIndex | HdGpGenerativeProceduralResolvingSceneIndex is a scene index which evaluates prims representing generative procedurals within its incoming scene and outputs their resulting prims its own observers |
CHdGpSceneIndexPlugin | HdGpSceneIndexPlugin provides HdSceneIndexPluginRegistry access to instantiate HdGpGenerativeProceduralResolvingSceneIndex either directly or automatically via RegisterSceneIndexForRenderer |
CHdImageShader | An image shader |
CHdIndexedTimeSampleArray | An array of a value and its indices sampled over time, in struct-of-arrays layout |
CHdInstance | This class is used as an interface to a shared instance in HdInstanceRegistry |
CHdInstancer | This class exists to facilitate point cloud style instancing |
CHdInstanceRegistry | HdInstanceRegistry is a dictionary container of HdInstance |
CHdInvalidatableContainerDataSource | Base class for container data sources that cache data but provide a locator to invalidate the cached data |
CHdLazyContainerDataSource | A container data source lazily evaluating the given thunk to forward all calls to the container data source computed by the thunk |
CHdLegacyGeomSubsetSceneIndex | HdLegacyGeomSubsetSceneIndex |
CHdLegacyPrimSceneIndex | Extends HdRetainedSceneIndex to instantiate and dirty HdDataSourceLegacyPrim data sources |
CHdLegacyTaskFactory | An abstract base class to create implementations of HdTask |
CHdLight | A light model, used in conjunction with HdRenderPass |
CHdMapContainerDataSource | Applies function to all data sources in a container data source (non-recursively) |
CHdMaterial | Hydra Schema for a material object |
CHdMaterialConnection2 | HdMaterialNetwork2 |
CHdMaterialFilteringSceneIndexBase | Base class for implementing scene indices which read from and write to only material network data sources |
CHdMaterialNetwork | Describes a material network composed of nodes, primvars, and relationships between the nodes and terminals of those nodes |
CHdMaterialNetwork2 | Container of nodes and top-level terminal connections |
CHdMaterialNetwork2Interface | Implements HdMaterialNetworkInterface interface backed by an HdMaterialNetwork2 – which is useful for implementing material filtering functions without being tied to the legacy data model |
CHdMaterialNetworkInterface | Abstract interface for querying and mutating a material network |
CHdMaterialNetworkMap | Describes a map from network type to network |
CHdMaterialNode | Describes a material node which is made of a path, an identifier and a list of parameters |
CHdMaterialNode2 | Describes an instance of a node within a network A node contains a (shader) type identifier, parameter values, and connections to upstream nodes |
CHdMaterialRelationship | Describes a connection between two nodes in a material |
CHdMergingSceneIndex | Merges multiple scenes together |
CHdMesh | Hydra Schema for a subdivision surface or poly-mesh object |
CHdMeshEdgeIndexTable | Mesh edges are described as a pair of adjacent vertices encoded as GfVec2i |
CHdMeshReprDesc | Descriptor to configure the drawItem(s) for a repr |
CHdMeshTopology | Topology data for meshes |
CHdMeshTriQuadBuilder | Helper class for emitting a buffer of quad indices, optionally splitting each quad into two triangles |
CHdMeshUtil | A collection of utility algorithms for generating triangulation and quadrangulation of an input topology |
CHdModelDrawMode | Describes optional alternative imaging behavior for prims |
CHdNullBufferSource | A abstract base class for pure cpu computation |
CHdOverlayContainerDataSource | Lazily composes two or more container source hierarchies Earlier entries on the containers array have stronger opinion strength for overlapping child names |
CHdParsedAovToken | Represents an AOV token which has been parsed to extract the prefix (in the case of "primvars:"/"lpe:"/etc.) |
CHdPerfLog | Performance counter monitoring |
CHdPluginRenderDelegateUniqueHandle | A (movable) handle for a render delegate that was created using a a plugin |
CHdPoints | Hydra Schema for a point cloud |
CHdPointsReprDesc | Descriptor to configure a drawItem for a repr |
CHdPrefixingSceneIndex | A prefixing scene index is one in which the input scene contains data sources whose paths are all prefixed with a given prefix |
CHdPrimvarDescriptor | Describes a primvar |
CHdPrman_DependencySceneIndexPlugin | Plugin adds a scene index that declares hdprman-specific dependencies to trigger the necessary invalidation |
CHdPrman_Gprim | A mix-in template that adds shared gprim behavior to support various HdRprim types |
CHdPrman_GprimBase | A common base class for HdPrman_Gprim types |
CHdPrman_RileyConversionSceneIndexPlugin | Converts hydra prims to riley prims |
CHdPrman_RileyFallbackMaterialSceneIndexPlugin | Prman scene index adding hard-coded fallback material |
CHdPrman_RileyGlobalsSceneIndexPlugin | Prman scene index plugin that inspects, e.g., HdSceneGlobalsSchema to add a riley:globals prim that calls Riley::SetOptions |
CHdPrman_TetMeshConversionSceneIndexPlugin | Prman scene index plugin that configures the Tet Mesh Conversion scene index to generate meshes for Tet Meshes |
CHdPrman_Xcpt | Defines an XcptHander for hdPrman |
►CHdPrmanCamera | A representation for cameras that pulls on camera parameters used by Riley cameras |
CShutterCurve | See GetShutterCurve() below for a description of what these values represent |
CHdPrmanCoordSys | A representation for coordinate systems |
CHdPrmanLight | A representation for lights |
CHdPrmanLightFilter | A representation for light filters |
CHdPrmanMaterial | A representation for materials (including displacement) in prman |
CHdQuadInfo | A helper class for quadrangulation computation |
CHdRenderBuffer | A render buffer is a handle to a data resource that can be rendered into, such as a 2d image for a draw target or auxiliary rendering output |
CHdRenderBufferDescriptor | Describes the allocation structure of a render buffer bprim |
CHdRendererPlugin | This class defines a renderer plugin interface for Hydra |
CHdRendererPluginHandle | A handle for HdRendererPlugin also storing the plugin id |
CHdRenderIndex | The Hydra render index is a flattened representation of the client scene graph, which may be composed of several self-contained scene graphs, each of which provides a HdSceneDelegate adapter for data access |
CHdRenderParam | The HdRenderParam is an opaque (to core Hydra) handle, to an object that is obtained from the render delegate and passed to each prim during Sync processing |
CHdRenderPass | An abstract class representing a single render iteration over a set of prims (the HdRprimCollection), for the camera/viewport parameters in HdRenderPassState |
CHdRenderPassAovBinding | A renderpass AOV represents a binding of some output of the rendering process to an output buffer |
CHdRenderPassState | A set of rendering parameters used among render passes |
CHdRenderSettingDescriptor | HdRenderSettingDescriptor represents a render setting that a render delegate wants to export (e.g |
CHdRenderSettings | Hydra prim backing render settings scene description |
CHdRenderThread | HdRenderThread is a utility that specific render delegates can choose to use depending on their needs |
CHdRepr | An HdRepr refers to a (single) topological representation of an rprim, and owns the draw item(s) that visually represent it |
CHdReprSelector | Describes one or more authored display representations for an rprim |
CHdResourceRegistry | A central registry for resources |
CHdRetainedContainerDataSource | A retained container data source is a data source whose data are available locally, meaning that they are fully stored and contained within the data source |
CHdRetainedSampledDataSource | A retained data source for sampled data |
CHdRetainedSceneIndex | Concrete scene container which can be externally populated and dirtied |
CHdRetainedSmallVectorDataSource | A retained data source version of HdVectorDataSource |
CHdRetainedTypedMultisampleDataSource | Similar to HdRetainedTypedSampledDataSource but is capable of holding on to multiple samples at once |
CHdRetainedTypedSampledDataSource | Similar to HdRetainedSampledDataSource but provides strongly typed semantics |
CHdRprim | The render engine state for a given rprim from the scene graph |
CHdRprimCollection | A named, semantic collection of objects |
CHdSampledDataSource | A datasource representing time-sampled values |
CHdSamplerParameters | Collection of standard parameters such as wrap modes to sample a texture |
CHdSceneDelegate | Adapter class providing data exchange with the client scene graph |
CHdSceneIndexAdapterSceneDelegate | Scene delegate which observes notices from an HdSceneIndex and applies them to an HdRenderIndex |
CHdSceneIndexBase | Abstract interface to scene data |
CHdSceneIndexNameRegistry | A registry containing named instances of Hydra indexes |
►CHdSceneIndexObserver | Observer of scene data |
CAddedPrimEntry | A notice indicating a prim of a given type was added to the scene |
CDirtiedPrimEntry | A notice indicating a prim was invalidated |
CRemovedPrimEntry | A notice indicating a prim subtree was removed from the scene |
CRenamedPrimEntry | A notice indicating a prim (and its descendents) was renamed or reparented |
CHdSceneIndexPrim | Small struct representing a 'prim' in the Hydra scene index |
CHdSceneIndexPrimView | A range to iterate over all descendants of a given prim (including the prim itself) in a scene index in depth-first order |
CHdSchema | Schema classes represent a structured view of the inherently unstructured container data source passed into the constructor |
CHdSchemaBasedContainerSchema | Template class for a schema backed by a container whose children have arbitrary names but an expected schema type |
CHdSchemaBasedVectorSchema | Template class wrapping a vector data source whose children are container data source conforming to an expected schema |
CHdSelection | HdSelection holds a collection of selected items per selection mode |
CHdsiCoordSysPrimSceneIndex | If prim P has a coord sys binding FOO to another prim Q, the scene index will add a coord sys prim Q.__coordSys:FOO under Q |
CHdsiExtComputationDependencySceneIndex | Adds dependencies to dependencies schema for ext computations |
CHdSiExtComputationPrimvarPruningSceneIndex | Hydra ExtComputations provide a simple computation framework allowing primvars to be computed using CPU or GPU kernels |
CHdsiImplicitSurfaceSceneIndex | The implicit surface scene index can be "configured" to either generate the mesh for a given implicit primitive (for renderers that don't natively support it) or overload the transform to account for a different "spine" axis (relevant for cones, capsules and cylinders) for those that do |
►CHdsiLegacyDisplayStyleOverrideSceneIndex | A scene index overriding the legacy display style for each prim |
COptionalInt | A replacement for std::optional<int> that is not available until C++17 |
CHdsiLightLinkingSceneIndex | Nested point instancers is not yet supported |
CHdsiMaterialBindingResolvingSceneIndex | Scene Index that resolves materialBindings that have multiple purposes into a single purpose |
CHdsiMaterialPrimvarTransferSceneIndex | Transfers primvars present on the locally bound material |
CHdSingleInputFilteringSceneIndexBase | An abstract base class for a filtering scene index that observes a single input scene index |
CHdsiNurbsApproximatingSceneIndex | Converts prims of type nurbsCurves and nurbsPatches to basisCurves and mesh, respectively |
CHdsiPinnedCurveExpandingSceneIndex | Pinned curves are a special case of non-periodic cubic curves (relevant only for BSpline and CatmullRom basis) where the authored intent is for each curve to begin and end at its first and last control points respectively |
►CHdsiPrimManagingSceneIndexObserver | A scene index observer that turns prims in the observed scene index into instances (of RAII subclasses) of PrimBase using the given prim factory |
CPrimBase | Base class for prims managed by the observer |
CPrimFactoryBase | Base class for a prim factory given to the observer |
CHdsiPrimTypeAndPathPruningSceneIndex | Scene Index that prunes prims if its type is in a given list and its path matches a given predicate |
►CHdsiPrimTypeNoticeBatchingSceneIndex | A filtering scene index batching prim notices by type using a given priority functor |
CPrimTypePriorityFunctor | Base class for functor mapping prim types to priorities |
CHdsiPrimTypePruningSceneIndex | Scene Index that prunes prims of given type (e.g., material) and (optionally) bindings to that prim type (e.g., materialBindings) |
CHdsiRenderSettingsFilteringSceneIndex | Scene index that provides the following functionality in service of the HdRenderSettingsSchema: |
CHdsiSceneGlobalsSceneIndex | Scene index that populates a "sceneGlobals" data source as modeled by HdSceneGlobalsSchema and provides public API to mutate it |
CHdsiSwitchingSceneIndex | This is a scene index that can switch between multiple inputs (which are fixed at construction time) |
CHdsiTetMeshConversionSceneIndex | A scene index converting TetMeshes into standard triangle based Meshes |
CHdSprim | Sprim (state prim) is a base class of managing state for non-drawable scene entity (e.g |
CHdStAggregationStrategy | Aggregation strategy base class |
CHdStAssetUvSubtextureIdentifier | Specifies whether a UV texture should be loaded flipped vertically, whether it should be loaded with pre-multiplied alpha values, and the color space in which the texture is encoded |
CHdStBasisCurves | A collection of curves using a particular basis |
CHdStBinding | Bindings are used for buffers or textures, it simply associates a binding type with a binding location |
CHdStBindingRequest | BindingRequest allows externally allocated buffers to be bound at render time |
CHdStBufferArrayRange | Interface class for representing range (subset) locator of HdBufferArray |
CHdStBufferArrayRangeContainer | A resizable container of HdBufferArrayRanges |
CHdStBufferArrayRegistry | Manages the pool of buffer arrays |
CHdStBufferRelocator | A utility class to perform batched buffer copy |
CHdStBufferResource | A GPU resource contained within an underlying HgiBuffer |
CHdStCommandBuffer | A buffer of commands (HdStDrawItem or HdComputeItem objects) to be executed |
CHdStComputation | An interface class for GPU computation |
CHdStCopyComputationGPU | A GPU computation which transfers a vbo range specified by src and name to the given range |
CHdStDispatchBuffer | A VBO of a simple array of unsigned integers |
CHdStDrawItemInstance | A container to store instance state for a drawitem |
CHdStDrawTarget | Represents an render to texture render pass |
CHdStDrawTargetRenderPassState | Represents common non-gl context specific render pass state for a draw target |
CHdStDynamicUvSubtextureIdentifier | Used as a tag that the Storm texture system returns a HdStDynamicUvTextureObject that is populated by a client rather than by the Storm texture system |
CHdStDynamicUvTextureImplementation | Allows external clients to specify how a UV texture is loaded from, e.g., a file and how it is committed to the GPU |
CHdStDynamicUvTextureObject | A uv texture that is managed but not populated by the Storm texture system |
CHdStExtCompCpuComputation | A Buffer Source that represents a CPU implementation of a ExtComputation |
CHdStExtCompGpuComputation | A Computation that represents a GPU implementation of a ExtComputation |
CHdStExtCompGpuComputationResource | A resource that represents the persistent GPU resources of an ExtComputation |
CHdStExtCompGpuPrimvarBufferSource | A buffer source mapped to an output of an ExtComp CPU computation |
CHdStExtCompPrimvarBufferSource | Hd Buffer Source that binds a primvar to a Ext Computation output |
CHdStExtComputation | Specialization of HdExtComputation which manages inputs as GPU resources |
CHdStField | Represents a Field Buffer Prim |
CHdStField3DAssetSubtextureIdentifier | Identifies the grid in a Field3DAsset file |
CHdStFieldBaseSubtextureIdentifier | Base class for information identifying a grid in a volume field file |
CHdStFieldSamplerObject | A sampler suitable for HdStFieldTextureObject |
CHdStFieldTextureObject | A uvw texture with a bounding box describing how to transform it |
CHdStGLSLFXShader | A simple specialization of HdSt_MaterialNetworkShader used to load the built-in fallback material network |
CHdStGLSLProgram | An instance of a glsl program |
CHdStHgiConversions | Converts from Hd types to Hgi types |
CHdStInstancer | HdSt implements instancing by drawing each proto multiple times with a single draw call |
►CHdStInterleavedMemoryManager | Interleaved memory manager (base class) |
C_StripedInterleavedBuffer | Striped buffer |
C_StripedInterleavedBufferRange | Specialized buffer array range |
CHdStLight | A light model for use in Storm |
CHdStLightingShader | A lighting shader base class |
CHdStMaterialNetwork | Helps HdStMaterial process a Hydra material network into shader source code and parameters values |
CHdStMesh | A subdivision surface or poly-mesh object |
CHdStOpenVDBAssetSubtextureIdentifier | Identifies a grid in an OpenVDB file |
CHdStPoints | Points |
CHdStPtexSamplerObject | Ptex doesn't bind samplers, so this class is just holding a sampler to resolve handles for bindless textures |
CHdStPtexSubtextureIdentifier | Specifies whether a Ptex texture should be loaded with pre-multiplied alpha values |
CHdStPtexTextureObject | A Ptex texture |
CHdStRenderDelegate | HdStRenderDelegate |
CHdStRenderParam | The render delegate can create an object of type HdRenderParam, to pass to each prim during Sync() |
CHdStRenderPassShader | A shader that supports common renderPass functionality |
CHdStRenderPassState | A set of rendering parameters used among render passes |
CHdStResourceRegistry | A central registry of all GPU resources |
CHdStSamplerObject | A base class encapsulating a GPU sampler object |
►CHdStShaderCode | A base class representing the implementation (code) of a shader, used in conjunction with HdRenderPass |
CNamedTextureHandle | Information necessary to bind textures and create accessor for the texture |
CResourceContext | The context available in implementations of AddResourcesFromTextures |
CHdStSimpleLightingShader | A shader that supports simple lighting functionality |
CHdStStagingBuffer | Provides a staging buffer for CPU writes of triple-buffered resources |
CHdStSubtextureIdentifier | Base class for additional information to identify a texture in a file that can contain several textures (e.g., frames in a movie or grids in an OpenVDB file) |
CHdStTextureCpuData | Represents CPU data that can be stored in a HdStUvTextureObject, mostly, likely during the load phase to be committed to the GPU |
CHdStTextureHandle | Represents a texture and sampler that will be allocated and loaded from a texture file during commit, possibly a texture sampler handle and a memory request |
CHdStTextureIdentifier | Class to identify a texture file or a texture within the texture file (e.g., a frame in a movie) |
CHdStTextureObject | Base class for a texture object |
CHdStTextureUtils | Helpers for loading textures |
CHdStTypedSamplerObject | A template alias such that, e.g., HdStUvSamplerObject can be accessed as HdStTypedSamplerObject<HdStTextureType::Uv> |
CHdStTypedTextureObject | A template alias such that, e.g., HdStUvTextureObject can be accessed as HdStTypedTextureObject<HdStTextureType::Uv> |
CHdStUdimSamplerObject | A sampler suitable for Udim textures (wraps one GPU sampler for the texels texture) |
CHdStUdimSubtextureIdentifier | Specifies whether a Udim texture should be loaded with pre-multiplied alpha values and the color space in which the texture is encoded |
CHdStUdimTextureObject | A UDIM texture |
CHdStUvSamplerObject | A sampler suitable for HdStUvTextureObject |
CHdStUvTextureObject | A base class for uv textures |
►CHdStVBOMemoryManager | VBO memory manager |
C_StripedBufferArray | Striped buffer array |
C_StripedBufferArrayRange | Specialized buffer array range |
►CHdStVBOSimpleMemoryManager | VBO simple memory manager |
C_SimpleBufferArray | Simple buffer array (non-aggregated) |
C_SimpleBufferArrayRange | Specialized buffer array range for SimpleBufferArray |
CHdStVolume | Represents a Volume Prim |
CHdSyncRequestVector | The SceneDelegate is requested to synchronize prims as the result of executing a specific render pass, the following data structure is passed back to the delegate to drive synchronization |
CHdTask | HdTask represents a unit of work to perform during a Hydra render |
CHdTimeSampleArray | An array of a value sampled over time, in struct-of-arrays layout |
CHdTupleType | HdTupleType represents zero, one, or more values of the same HdType |
CHdTypedContainerSchema | Template class for a schema backed by a container whose children have arbitrary names but an expected data source type |
CHdTypedSampledDataSource | A datasource representing a concretely-typed sampled value |
CHdTypedVectorSchema | Template class wrapping a vector data source whose children are data source of an expected type |
CHdUnitTestDelegate | A simple delegate class for unit test driver |
CHdVec4f_2_10_10_10_REV | HdVec4f_2_10_10_10_REV is a compact representation of a GfVec4f |
CHdVectorDataSource | A datasource representing indexed data |
CHdVectorSchema | Base class wrapping a vector data source |
CHdVolume | Hd schema for a renderable volume primitive |
CHdVolumeFieldDescriptor | Description of a single field related to a volume primitive |
CHdVtBufferSource | An implementation of HdBufferSource where the source data value is a VtValue |
CHdxAovInputTask | A task for taking input AOV data comming from a render buffer that was filled by render tasks and converting it to a HgiTexture |
CHdxAovInputTaskParams | AovInput parameters |
CHdxBoundingBoxTask | A task for rendering bounding boxes |
CHdxBoundingBoxTaskParams | BoundingBoxTask parameters |
CHdxColorChannelTask | A task for choosing a color channel for display |
CHdxColorChannelTaskParams | ColorChannelTask parameters |
CHdxColorCorrectionTask | A task for performing color correction (and optionally color grading) on a color buffer to transform its color for display |
CHdxColorCorrectionTaskParams | ColorCorrectionTask parameters |
CHdxColorizeSelectionTask | A task for taking ID buffer data and turning it into a "selection overlay" that can be composited on top of hydra's color output |
CHdxColorizeSelectionTaskParams | Input parameters for HdxColorizeSelectionTask |
CHdxEffectsShader | This class provides functionality to create and manage a single HgiGraphicsPipeline instance and to issue draw calls to that instance |
CHdxFreeCameraPrimDataSource | A data source conforming to the HdCameraSchema and HdXformSchema populated from a GfCamera or camera matrices and a window policy |
CHdxFreeCameraSceneDelegate | A simple scene delegate adding a camera prim to the given render index |
CHdxFullscreenShader | This class is a utility for rendering deep raytracer or aov output (color/depth) to a hgi texture |
CHdxHgiConversions | Converts from Hd types to Hgi types |
CHdxInstancerContext | Information about an instancer instancing a picked object (or an instancer instancing such an instancer and so on) |
CHdxOitBufferAccessor | Class for OIT render tasks to access the OIT buffers |
CHdxOitRenderTask | A task for rendering transparent geometry into OIT buffers |
CHdxOitResolveTask | A task for resolving previous passes to pixels |
CHdxOitResolveTaskParams | OIT resolve task params |
CHdxOitVolumeRenderTask | A task for rendering transparent geometry into OIT buffers |
CHdxPickFromRenderBufferTask | A task for running picking queries against pre-existing id buffers |
CHdxPickFromRenderBufferTaskParams | Pick task params |
CHdxPickHit | Picking hit structure |
CHdxPickResult | A utility class for resolving ID buffers into hits |
CHdxPickTask | A task for running picking queries against the current scene |
CHdxPickTaskContextParams | Pick task context params |
CHdxPickTaskParams | Pick task params |
CHdxPresentTask | A task for taking the final result of the aovs and compositing it over the currently bound framebuffer |
CHdxPresentTaskParams | PresentTask parameters |
CHdxPrimOriginInfo | A helper to extract information about the picked prim that allows modern applications to identify a prim and, e.g., obtain the scene path such as the path of the corresponding UsdPrim |
CHdxRenderSetupTask | A task for setting up render pass state (camera, renderpass shader, GL states) |
CHdxRenderTask | A task for rendering geometry to pixels |
CHdxRenderTaskParams | RenderTask parameters (renderpass state) |
CHdxSelectionSceneIndexObserver | Queries each prim of the given scene index for the HdSelectionsSchema to compute a HdSelection |
CHdxSelectionTask | The SelectionTask is responsible for setting up render pass global buffers for selection and depositing those buffers into the task context for down stream consumption |
CHdxSelectionTracker | HdxSelectionTracker takes HdSelection and generates a GPU buffer to be used |
CHdxShadowTask | A task for generating shadow maps |
CHdxSkydomeTask | If we have a domelight present in the lighting context the SkydomeTask will render the associated environment map as a Skydome |
CHdxTask | Base class for (some) tasks in Hdx that provides common progressive rendering and Hgi functionality |
CHdxVisualizeAovTask | A task for visualizing non-color AOVs such as depth, normals, primId |
CHdxVisualizeAovTaskParams | aovName : The name of the aov to visualize |
CHfPluginBase | Base class for all hydra plugin classes |
CHfPluginDesc | Common structure used to report registered plugins in one of the plugin registries |
CHfPluginRegistry | Base class for registering Hydra plugins using the plug mechanism |
CHgi | Hydra Graphics Interface |
CHgiAttachmentDesc | Describes the properties of a framebuffer attachment |
CHgiBlitCmds | A graphics API independent abstraction of resource copy commands |
CHgiBuffer | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU buffer resource (base class) |
CHgiBufferBindDesc | Describes the binding information of a buffer (or array of buffers) |
CHgiBufferCpuToGpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy buffer data from CPU to GPU |
CHgiBufferDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU buffer |
CHgiBufferGpuToCpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy buffer data from GPU to CPU |
CHgiBufferGpuToGpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy buffer data from GPU to GPU |
CHgiBufferToTextureOp | Describes the properties needed to copy GPU buffer data into a GPU texture |
CHgiCapabilities | Reports the capabilities of the Hgi device |
CHgiCmds | Graphics commands are recorded in 'cmds' objects which are later submitted to hgi |
CHgiComponentMapping | Describes color component mapping |
CHgiComputeCmds | A graphics API independent abstraction of compute commands |
CHgiComputeCmdsDesc | Describes the properties to construct a HgiComputeCmds |
CHgiComputePipeline | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU compute pipeline resource |
CHgiComputePipelineDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU compute pipeline |
CHgiComputeShaderConstantsDesc | A small, but fast buffer of uniform data for shaders |
CHgiDepthStencilState | Properties to configure depth and stencil test |
CHgiFactoryBase | Hgi factory for plugin system |
CHgiGL | OpenGL implementation of the Hydra Graphics Interface |
CHgiGLBlitCmds | OpenGL implementation of HgiBlitCmds |
CHgiGLBuffer | Represents an OpenGL GPU buffer resource |
CHgiGLCapabilities | Reports the capabilities of the HgiGL device |
CHgiGLComputeCmds | OpenGL implementation of HgiComputeCmds |
CHgiGLComputePipeline | OpenGL implementation of HgiComputePipeline |
CHgiGLContextArena | Represents an arena for the HgiGL instance to manage container object resources that are tied to the current GL context (and can't be shared) |
CHgiGLDevice | OpenGL implementation of GPU device |
CHgiGLGarbageCollector | Handles garbage collection of opengl objects by delaying their destruction until those objects are no longer used |
CHgiGLGraphicsCmds | OpenGL implementation of HgiGraphicsCmds |
CHgiGLOps | A collection of functions used by cmds objects to do deferred cmd recording |
CHgiGLPipeline | OpenGL implementation of HgiGraphicsPipeline |
CHgiGLResourceBindings | OpenGL implementation of HgiResourceBindings |
CHgiGLSampler | OpenGL implementation of HgiSampler |
CHgiGLShaderFunction | OpenGL implementation of HgiShaderFunction |
CHgiGLShaderProgram | OpenGL implementation of HgiShaderProgram |
CHgiGLTexture | Represents a OpenGL GPU texture resource |
CHgiGraphicsCmds | A graphics API independent abstraction of graphics commands |
CHgiGraphicsCmdsDesc | Describes the properties to begin a HgiGraphicsCmds |
CHgiGraphicsPipeline | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU graphics pipeline resource |
CHgiGraphicsPipelineDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU pipeline |
CHgiGraphicsShaderConstantsDesc | A small, but fast buffer of uniform data for shaders |
CHgiHandle | Handle that contains a hgi object and unique id |
CHgiIndirectCommandEncoder | The indirect command encoder is used to record the drawing primitives for a batch and capture the resource bindings so that it can be executed efficently in a later stage of rendering |
CHgiInterop | Hydra Graphics Interface Interop |
CHgiMipInfo | HgiMipInfo describes size and other info for a mip level |
CHgiMultiSampleState | Properties to configure multi sampling |
CHgiRasterizationState | Properties to configure the rasterization state |
CHgiResourceBindings | Represents a collection of buffers, texture and vertex attributes that will be used by an cmds object (and pipeline) |
CHgiResourceBindingsDesc | Describes a set of resources that are bound to the GPU during encoding |
CHgiSampler | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU sampler resource that perform texture sampling operations |
CHgiSamplerDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU sampler |
CHgiShaderFunction | Represents one shader stage function (code snippet) |
CHgiShaderFunctionBufferDesc | Describes a buffer to be passed into a shader |
CHgiShaderFunctionComputeDesc | Describes a compute function's description |
CHgiShaderFunctionDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU shader function |
CHgiShaderFunctionFragmentDesc | Describes a fragment function's description |
CHgiShaderFunctionGeometryDesc | Describes a geometry function's description |
CHgiShaderFunctionParamBlockDesc | Describes an interstage param block between shader stages |
CHgiShaderFunctionParamDesc | Describes a param passed into a shader or between shader stages |
CHgiShaderFunctionTessellationDesc | Describes a tessellation function's description |
CHgiShaderFunctionTextureDesc | Describes a texture to be passed into a shader |
CHgiShaderGenerator | Base class for shader function generation Given a descriptor, converts glslfx domain language to concrete shader languages |
CHgiShaderProgram | Represents a collection of shader functions |
CHgiShaderProgramDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU shader program |
CHgiShaderSection | A base class for a Shader Section |
CHgiStencilState | stencilFailOp: The operation executed when the stencil test fails |
CHgiTessellationState | Properties to configure tessellation |
CHgiTexture | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU texture resource |
CHgiTextureBindDesc | Describes the binding information of a texture (or array of textures) |
CHgiTextureCpuToGpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy texture data from CPU to GPU |
CHgiTextureDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU texture |
CHgiTextureGpuToCpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy texture data from GPU to CPU |
CHgiTextureToBufferOp | Describes the properties needed to copy GPU texture data into a GPU buffer |
CHgiTextureView | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU texture view resource |
CHgiTextureViewDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU texture view from an existing GPU texture object |
CHgiVertexAttributeDesc | Describes one attribute of a vertex |
CHgiVertexBufferBinding | Describes a buffer to be bound during encoding |
CHgiVertexBufferDesc | Describes the attributes of a vertex buffer |
CHioFieldTextureData | An interface class for reading volume files having a transformation |
CHioFieldTextureDataFactoryBase | A base class to make HioFieldTextureData objects, implemented by plugins |
CHioGlslfx | A class representing the config and shader source of a glslfx file |
►CHioGlslfxConfig | A class representing the configuration of a glslfx file |
CAttribute | A class representing an attribute |
CParameter | A class representing a parameter |
CTexture | A class representing a texture |
►CHioGlslfxResourceLayout | The resource layout for stages in a shader pipeline |
CElement | Specifies a resource element |
CMember | Specifies a member of an aggregate resource element |
CTextureElement | Specifies a texture element |
►CHioImage | A base class for reading and writing texture image data |
CStorageSpec | Describes the memory layout and storage of a texture image |
CHioImageRegistry | Manages plugin registration and loading for HioImage subclasses |
CHioOpenVDBArAssetInterface | Interface for an ArAsset subclass that enables direct access to OpenVDB grids |
CJsParseError | A struct containing information about a JSON parsing error |
CJsValue | A discriminated union type for JSON values |
CJsValueTypeConverter | A helper class that can convert recursive JsValue structures to identical structures using a different container type |
CJsWriter | This class provides an interface to writing json values directly to a stream |
CKindRegistry | A singleton that holds known kinds and information about them |
CMatfiltVstructConditionalEvaluator | Parses and evaluates a single expression of "virtual struct conditional
grammar" |
CNdrDiscoveryPlugin | Interface for discovery plugins |
CNdrDiscoveryPluginContext | A context for discovery |
CNdrDiscoveryUri | Struct for holding a URI and its resolved URI for a file discovered by NdrFsHelpersDiscoverFiles |
CNdrNode | Represents an abstract node |
CNdrNodeDiscoveryResult | Represents the raw data of a node, and some other bits of metadata, that were determined via a NdrDiscoveryPlugin |
CNdrParserPlugin | Interface for parser plugins |
CNdrProperty | Represents a property (input or output) that is part of a NdrNode instance |
CNdrRegistry | The registry provides access to node information |
CNdrSdfTypeIndicator | Represents a mapping from an Ndr Property type to Sdf type |
CPcpArc | Represents an arc connecting two nodes in the prim index |
CPcpArcInfo | Helper information about an arc |
CPcpCache | PcpCache is the context required to make requests of the Pcp composition algorithm and cache the results |
CPcpCacheChanges | Types of changes per cache |
CPcpChanges | Describes Pcp changes |
CPcpCulledDependency | Description of a dependency that has been culled from the corresponding prim index |
CPcpDependency | Description of a dependency |
►CPcpDependentNamespaceEdits | Structure for bundling all the edits that need to be performed in order to perform a namespace edit and fix up downstream composition dependencies on dependent prim indexes in dependent PcpCaches |
CCompositionFieldEdit | Description of an edit to a prim spec composition field, such as references, inherits, or relocates |
CSpecMoveEditDescription | Description of spec move edit which consistents of the old (source) path and the new (destination) path |
CPcpDynamicFileFormatContext | Context object for the current state of a prim index that is being built that allows implementations of PcpDynamicFileFormatInterface to compose field values when generating dynamic file format arguments |
CPcpDynamicFileFormatDependencyData | Contains the necessary information for storing a prim index's dependency on dynamic file format arguments and determining if a field change affects the prim index |
CPcpDynamicFileFormatInterface | Interface mixin that can be included by SdfFileFormat subclasses to enable dynamic file format argument generation for a file format plugin |
CPcpErrorArcCycle | Arcs between PcpNodes that form a cycle |
CPcpErrorArcPermissionDenied | Arcs that were not made between PcpNodes because of permission restrictions |
CPcpErrorArcToProhibitedChild | Arcs that were not made between PcpNodes because the target is a prohibited child prim of its parent due to relocations |
CPcpErrorBase | Base class for all error types |
CPcpErrorCapacityExceeded | Exceeded the capacity for composition arcs at a single site |
CPcpErrorInconsistentAttributeType | Attributes that have specs with conflicting definitions |
CPcpErrorInconsistentAttributeVariability | Attributes that have specs with conflicting variability |
CPcpErrorInconsistentPropertyType | Properties that have specs with conflicting definitions |
CPcpErrorInvalidAssetPath | Invalid asset paths used by references or payloads |
CPcpErrorInvalidAuthoredRelocation | Invalid authored relocation found in a relocates field |
CPcpErrorInvalidConflictingRelocation | Relocation conflicts with another relocation in the layer stack |
CPcpErrorInvalidExternalTargetPath | Invalid target or connection path in some scope that points to an object outside of that scope |
CPcpErrorInvalidInstanceTargetPath | Invalid target or connection path authored in an inherited class that points to an instance of that class |
CPcpErrorInvalidPrimPath | Invalid prim paths used by references or payloads |
CPcpErrorInvalidReferenceOffset | References or payloads that use invalid layer offsets |
►CPcpErrorInvalidSameTargetRelocations | Multiple relocations in the layer stack have the same target |
CRelocationSource | Info about each relocate source that has the same target path |
CPcpErrorInvalidSublayerOffset | Sublayers that use invalid layer offsets |
CPcpErrorInvalidSublayerOwnership | Sibling layers that have the same owner |
CPcpErrorInvalidSublayerPath | Asset paths that could not be both resolved and loaded |
CPcpErrorInvalidTargetPath | Invalid target or connection path |
CPcpErrorMutedAssetPath | Muted asset paths used by references or payloads |
CPcpErrorOpinionAtRelocationSource | Opinions were found at a relocation source path |
CPcpErrorPrimPermissionDenied | Layers with illegal opinions about private prims |
CPcpErrorPropertyPermissionDenied | Layers with illegal opinions about private properties |
CPcpErrorRelocationBase | Base class for composition errors related to relocates |
CPcpErrorSublayerCycle | Layers that recursively sublayer themselves |
CPcpErrorTargetPathBase | Base class for composition errors related to target or connection paths |
CPcpErrorTargetPermissionDenied | Paths with illegal opinions about private targets |
CPcpErrorUnresolvedPrimPath | Asset paths that could not be both resolved and loaded |
CPcpErrorVariableExpressionError | Error when evaluating a variable expression |
CPcpExpressionVariableCachingComposer | Helper object for computing PcpExpressionVariable objects |
CPcpExpressionVariables | Object containing composed expression variables associated with a given layer stack, identified by a PcpExpressionVariablesSource |
CPcpExpressionVariablesDependencyData | Captures the expression variables used by an associated prim index during composition |
CPcpExpressionVariablesSource | Represents the layer stack associated with a set of expression variables |
►CPcpInstanceKey | A PcpInstanceKey identifies instanceable prim indexes that share the same set of opinions |
CHash | Hash functor |
CPcpIteratorTraits | Traits class for retrieving useful characteristics about one of the Pcp iterator types above |
CPcpLayerRelocatesEditBuilder | Utility class for building up a map of valid relocates and producing the layer metadata edits that can be performed to set these relocates on a layer stack |
CPcpLayerStack | Represents a stack of layers that contribute opinions to composition |
CPcpLayerStackChanges | Types of changes per layer stack |
CPcpLayerStackIdentifier | Arguments used to identify a layer stack |
CPcpLayerStackSite | A site specifies a path in a layer stack of scene description |
CPcpLifeboat | Structure used to temporarily retain layers and layerStacks within a code block |
►CPcpMapExpression | An expression that yields a PcpMapFunction value |
CVariable | A Variable is a mutable memory cell that holds a value |
CPcpMapFunction | A function that maps values from one namespace (and time domain) to another |
►CPcpNamespaceEdits | Sites that must respond to a namespace edit |
CCacheSite | Cache site that must respond to a namespace edit |
CLayerStackSite | Layer stack site that must respond to a namespace edit |
CPcpNodeIterator | Object used to iterate over nodes in the prim index graph in strong-to-weak order |
►CPcpNodeRef | PcpNode represents a node in an expression tree for compositing scene description |
CHash | Hash functor |
CPcpNodeReverseIterator | Object used to iterate over nodes in the prim index graph in weak-to-strong order |
CPcpPrimIndex | PcpPrimIndex is an index of the all sites of scene description that contribute opinions to a specific prim, under composition semantics |
CPcpPrimIndexInputs | Inputs for the prim indexing procedure |
CPcpPrimIndexOutputs | Outputs of the prim indexing procedure |
CPcpPrimIterator | Object used to iterate over prim specs in the prim index graph in strong-to-weak order |
CPcpPrimReverseIterator | Object used to iterate over prim specs in the prim index graph in weak-to-strong order |
CPcpPropertyIndex | PcpPropertyIndex is an index of all sites in scene description that contribute opinions to a specific property, under composition semantics |
CPcpPropertyIterator | Object used to iterate over property specs in a property index in strong-to-weak order |
CPcpPropertyReverseIterator | Object used to iterate over property specs in a property index in weak-to-strong order |
CPcpSite | A site specifies a path in a layer stack of scene description |
CPcpSiteTrackerSegment | Used to keep track of which sites have been visited and through what type of arcs |
CPcpTargetIndex | A PcpTargetIndex represents the results of indexing the target paths of a relationship or attribute |
►CPlugNotice | Notifications sent by the Plug library |
CBase | Base class for all Plug notices |
CDidRegisterPlugins | Notice sent after new plugins have been registered with the Plug registry |
CPlugPlugin | Defines an interface to registered plugins |
CPlugRegistry | Defines an interface for registering plugins |
CPlugStaticInterface | Provides access to an interface into a plugin |
CPxOsdMeshTopology | Topology data for meshes |
►CPxOsdMeshTopologyValidation | Utility to help validate an OpenSubdiv Mesh topology |
CInvalidation | A tuple containing a code describing an invalidation and a descriptive message |
CPxOsdSubdivTags | Tags for non-hierarchial subdiv surfaces |
CSdfAbstractData | Interface for scene description data storage |
CSdfAbstractDataConstTypedValue | The fully-typed container for a field value in an SdfAbstractData |
CSdfAbstractDataConstValue | A type-erased container for a const field value in an SdfAbstractData |
CSdfAbstractDataSpecVisitor | Base class for objects used to visit specs in an SdfAbstractData object |
CSdfAbstractDataTypedValue | The fully-typed container for a field value in an SdfAbstractData |
CSdfAbstractDataValue | A type-erased container for a field value in an SdfAbstractData |
CSdfAdaptedChildrenViewCreator | Helper class to convert a given view of type _View to an adapted view using _Adapter as the adapter class |
CSdfAllowed | Indicates if an operation is allowed and, if not, why not |
CSdfAssetPath | Contains an asset path and an optional resolved path |
CSdfAttributeSpec | A subclass of SdfPropertySpec that holds typed data |
CSdfAttributeViewPredicate | Predicate for viewing attributes |
CSdfBatchNamespaceEdit | A description of an arbitrarily complex namespace edit |
►CSdfChangeList | A list of scene description modifications, organized by the namespace paths where the changes occur |
CEntry | Entry of changes at a single path in namespace |
CSdfChildrenView | Provides a view onto an object's children |
CSdfChildrenViewTrivialAdapter | Special case adapter that does no conversions |
CSdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate | Special case predicate that always passes |
CSdfCleanupEnabler | An RAII class which, when an instance is alive, enables scheduling of automatic cleanup of SdfLayers |
CSdfCopySpecsValueEdit | Value containing an editing operation for SdfCopySpecs |
CSdfData | SdfData provides concrete scene description data storage |
CSdfFileFormat | Base class for file format implementations |
CSdfGenericSpecViewPredicate | Predicate for viewing properties |
CSdfHandle | SdfHandle is a smart ptr that calls IsDormant() on the pointed-to object as an extra expiration check so that dormant objects appear to be expired |
CSdfIdentityMapEditProxyValuePolicy | A value policy for SdfMapEditProxy that does nothing |
►CSdfLayer | A scene description container that can combine with other such containers to form simple component assets, and successively larger aggregates |
CDetachedLayerRules | Object used to specify detached layers |
CSdfLayerHints | Contains hints about layer contents that may be used to accelerate certain composition operations |
►CSdfLayerOffset | Represents a time offset and scale between layers |
CHash | Hash functor for hash maps and sets |
CSdfLayerStateDelegateBase | Maintains authoring state information for an associated layer |
CSdfLayerTree | A SdfLayerTree is an immutable tree structure representing a sublayer stack and its recursive structure |
CSdfListEditorProxy | Represents a set of list editing operations |
CSdfListOp | SdfListOp is a value type representing an operation that edits a list |
CSdfListProxy | Represents a single list of list editing operations |
CSdfMapEditProxy | A proxy for editing map-like values |
CSdfNameKeyPolicy | Key policy for std::string names |
CSdfNamespaceEdit | A single namespace edit |
CSdfNamespaceEditDetail | Detailed information about a namespace edit |
CSdfNameTokenKeyPolicy | Key policy for TfToken names |
►CSdfNotice | Wrapper class for Sdf notices |
CBase | Base notification class for scene |
CBaseLayersDidChange | Base class for LayersDidChange and LayersDidChangeSentPerLayer |
CLayerDidReloadContent | Sent after a layer is reloaded |
CLayerDidReplaceContent | Sent after a layer has been loaded from a file |
CLayerDidSaveLayerToFile | Sent after a layer is saved to file |
CLayerDirtinessChanged | Similar behavior to LayersDidChange, but only gets sent if a change in the dirty status of a layer occurs |
CLayerIdentifierDidChange | Sent when the identifier of a layer has changed |
CLayerInfoDidChange | Sent when the (scene spec) info of a layer have changed |
CLayerMutenessChanged | Sent after a layer has been added or removed from the set of muted layers |
CLayersDidChange | Global notice sent to indicate that layer contents have changed |
CLayersDidChangeSentPerLayer | Notice sent per-layer indicating all layers whose contents have changed within a single round of change processing |
CSdfOpaqueValue | In-memory representation of the value of an opaque attribute |
CSdfPath | A path value used to locate objects in layers or scenegraphs |
CSdfPathAncestorsRange | Range representing a path and ancestors, and providing methods for iterating over them |
►CSdfPathExpression | Objects of this class represent a logical expression syntax tree consisting of SdfPathPattern s, (with optionally embedded predicate expressions), and Expression References joined by the set-algebraic operators + (union), & (intersection), - (difference), ~ (complement) and an implied-union operator represented by two subexpressions joined by whitespace |
CExpressionReference | Objects of this class represent references to other path expressions, which will be resolved later by a call to ResolveReferences() or ComposeOver() |
►CSdfPathExpressionEval | Objects of this class evaluate complete SdfPathExpressions |
CIncrementalSearcher | This class implements stateful incremental search over DomainType objects in depth-first order |
CSdfPathKeyPolicy | Key policy for SdfPath ; converts all SdfPaths to absolute |
►CSdfPathPattern | Objects of this class represent SdfPath matching patterns, consisting of an SdfPath prefix followed by a sequence of components, which may contain wildcards and optional embedded predicate expressions (see SdfPredicateExpression) |
CComponent | A component represents a pattern matching component past the initial SdfPath prefix |
►CSdfPathTable | A mapping from SdfPath to MappedType, somewhat similar to map<SdfPath, MappedType> and TfHashMap<SdfPath, MappedType>, but with key differences |
CNodeHandle | A handle owning a path table node that may be used to "reserve" a stable memory location for key & mapped object |
CSdfPayload | Represents a payload and all its meta data |
CSdfPayloadTypePolicy | List editor type policy for SdfPayload |
►CSdfPredicateExpression | Represents a logical expression syntax tree consisting of predicate function calls joined by the logical operators 'and', 'or', 'not', and an implied-and operator that represents two subexpressions joined by only whitespace |
CFnArg | Represents a function argument name and value |
CFnCall | Represents a function call in an expression with calling style, function name, and arguments |
CSdfPredicateFunctionResult | Represents the result of a predicate function: a pair of the boolean result and a Constancy token indicating whether the function result is constant over "descendant" objects, or that it might vary over "descendant" objects |
CSdfPredicateLibrary | Represents a library of predicate functions for use with SdfPredicateExpression |
►CSdfPredicateParamNamesAndDefaults | Represents named function parameters, with optional default values |
CParam | Single named parameter with an optional default value |
CSdfPredicateProgram | Represents a callable "program", the result of linking an SdfPredicateExpression with an SdfPredicateLibrary via SdfLinkPredicateExpression() |
CSdfPrimSpec | Represents a prim description in an SdfLayer object |
CSdfPropertySpec | Base class for SdfAttributeSpec and SdfRelationshipSpec |
CSdfPyWrapListOp | Helper class for wrapping SdfListOp objects for Python |
►CSdfReference | Represents a reference and all its meta data |
CIdentityEqual | Struct that defines equality of SdfReferences based on their identity (the asset path and prim path) |
CIdentityLessThan | Struct that defines a strict weak ordering of SdfReferences based on their identity (the asset path and prim path) |
CSdfReferenceTypePolicy | List editor type policy for SdfReference |
CSdfRelationshipSpec | A property that contains a reference to one or more SdfPrimSpec instances |
CSdfRelationshipViewPredicate | Predicate for viewing relationships |
CSdfRelocatesMapProxyValuePolicy | Map edit proxy value policy for relocates maps |
CSdfSchema | Class that provides information about the various scene description fields |
►CSdfSchemaBase | Generic class that provides information about scene description fields but doesn't actually provide any fields |
C_SpecDefiner | Class that defines fields for a spec type |
C_ValueTypeRegistrar | A helper for registering value types |
CEmptyTag | Construct an SdfSchemaBase but does not populate it with standard fields and types |
CFieldDefinition | Class defining various attributes for a field |
CSpecDefinition | Class representing fields and other information for a spec type |
CSdfSimpleLayerStateDelegate | A layer state delegate that simply records whether any changes have been made to a layer |
CSdfSite | An SdfSite is a simple representation of a location in a layer where opinions may possibly be found |
CSdfSpec | Base class for all Sdf spec classes |
CSdfSpecTypeRegistration | Provides functions to register spec types with the runtime typing system used to cast between C++ spec types |
CSdfSubLayerTypePolicy | List editor type policy for sublayers |
CSdfTextFileFormat | Sdf text file format |
CSdfTimeCode | Value type that represents a time code |
CSdfTupleDimensions | Represents the shape of a value type (or that of an element in an array) |
CSdfUnregisteredValue | Stores a representation of the value for an unregistered metadata field encountered during text layer parsing |
CSdfValueBlock | A special value type that can be used to explicitly author an opinion for an attribute's default value or time sample value that represents having no value |
CSdfValueTypeName | Represents a value type name, i.e |
CSdfValueTypeNameHash | Functor for hashing a SdfValueTypeName |
►CSdfVariableExpression | Class responsible for parsing and evaluating variable expressions |
CEmptyList | A result value representing an empty list |
CSdfVariantSetSpec | Represents a coherent set of alternate representations for part of a scene |
CSdfVariantSpec | Represents a single variant in a variant set |
CSdrRegistry | The shading-specialized version of NdrRegistry |
CSdrShaderNode | A specialized version of NdrNode which holds shading information |
CSdrShaderProperty | A specialized version of NdrProperty which holds shading information |
CTfAnyUniquePtr | A simple type-erased container that provides only destruction, moves and immutable, untyped access to the held value |
CTfAnyWeakPtr | Provides the ability to hold an arbitrary TfWeakPtr in a non-type-specific manner in order to observe whether it has expired or not |
CTfAtomicOfstreamWrapper | A class that wraps a file output stream, providing improved tolerance for write failures |
CTfBaseException | The base class for exceptions supported by the Tf exceptions facilities |
►CTfBigRWMutex | This class implements a readers-writer mutex and provides a scoped lock utility |
CScopedLock | Scoped lock utility class |
►CTfBits | Fast bit array that keeps track of the number of bits set and can find the next set in a timely manner |
CFastHash | A hash functor for TfBits that is faster than Hash |
CHash | Hash for TfBits |
CView | Iterator support |
►CTfCompressedBits | Fast, compressed bit array which is capable of performing logical operations without first decompressing the internal data representation |
CFastHash | A hash functor for TfCompressedBits that is faster than Hash |
CHash | Hash for TfCompressedBits |
CView | Iterator support |
CTfCStrHashWrapper | A structure that wraps a char pointer, indicating intent that it should be hashed as a c-style null terminated string |
CTfDebug | Enum-based debugging messages |
CTfDebugSymbolEnableChangedNotice | Sent when a debug symbol has been enabled or disabled |
CTfDebugSymbolsChangedNotice | Sent when the list of available debug symbol names has changed |
CTfDeclarePtrs | Templated struct used for type definition macros |
CTfDelegatedCountDoNotIncrementTagType | When constructing a TfDelegatedCountPtr from a raw pointer, use the TfDelegatedCountDoNotIncrementTag to avoid incrementing the delegated count on construction |
CTfDelegatedCountIncrementTagType | When constructing a TfDelegatedCountPtr from a raw pointer, use the TfDelegatedCountIncrementTag to explicitly signal that the pointer's delegated count should be incremented on construction |
CTfDelegatedCountPtr | Stores a pointer to a ValueType which uses TfDelegatedCountIncrement and TfDelegatedCountDecrement to bookkeep |
CTfDeleter | Function object for deleting any pointer |
CTfDenseHashMap | This is a space efficient container that mimics the TfHashMap API that uses a vector for storage when the size of the map is small |
CTfDenseHashSet | This is a space efficient container that mimics the TfHashSet API that uses a vector for storage when the size of the set is small |
CTfDiagnosticBase | Represents the base class of an object representing a diagnostic message |
►CTfDiagnosticMgr | Singleton class through which all errors and diagnostics pass |
CDelegate | One may set a delegate with the TfDiagnosticMgr which will be called to respond to errors and diagnostics |
CTfDictionaryLessThan | Provides dictionary ordering binary predicate function on strings |
CTfEnum | An enum class that records both enum type and enum value |
CTfEqualCString | A function object that compares two c-strings for equality |
CTfError | Represents an object that contains error information |
CTfErrorMark | Class used to record the end of the error-list |
CTfErrorTransport | A facility for transporting errors from thread to thread |
CTfFunctionRef | This class provides a non-owning reference to a type-erased callable object with a specified signature |
CTfGet | Function object for retrieving the N'th element of a std::pair or std::tuple |
CTfHash | A user-extensible hashing mechanism for use with runtime hash tables |
CTfHashCharPtr | A hash function object that hashes the address of a char pointer |
CTfHashCString | A hash function object that hashes null-terminated c-string content |
CTfIterator | A simple iterator adapter for STL containers |
►CTfMallocTag | Top-down memory tagging system |
CAuto | Scoped (i.e |
CCallStackInfo | This struct is used to represent a call stack taken for an allocation that was billed under a specific malloc tag |
►CCallTree | Summary data structure for malloc statistics |
CCallSite | Record of the bytes allocated under each different tag |
CPathNode | Node in the call tree structure |
►CTfNotice | The base class for objects used to notify interested parties (listeners) when events have occurred |
CBlock | Blocks sending of all notices in current thread |
CKey | Handle-object returned by TfNotice::Register() |
CProbe | Probe interface class which may be implemented and then registered via InsertProbe to introspect about notices as they are sent and delivered |
CTfPatternMatcher | Class for matching regular expressions |
CTfPointerAndBits | This class stores a T * and a small integer in the space of a T * |
CTfPyArg | Class representing a function argument |
CTfPyCall | Provide a way to call a Python callable |
CTfPyKwArg | Wrapper object for a keyword-argument pair in a call to TfPyInvoke* |
CTfPyLock | Convenience class for accessing the Python Global Interpreter Lock |
CTfPyMapToDictionary | A pxr_boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library maps to dictionaries |
CTfPyMethodResult | A reimplementation of pxr_boost::python::detail::method_result |
CTfPyModuleWasLoaded | A TfNotice that is sent when a script module is loaded |
CTfPyObjWrapper | Boost Python object wrapper |
CTfPyOverride | A reimplementation of pxr_boost::python::override |
CTfPyPairToTuple | A pxr_boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library pairs to tuples |
CTfPyRaiseOnError | A boost.python call policy class which, when applied to a wrapped function, will create an error mark before calling the function, and check that error mark after the function has completed |
CTfPySequenceToList | A pxr_boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library sequences to lists |
CTfPySequenceToListRefPtrFactory | A pxr_boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library sequences to lists of python owned objects |
CTfPySequenceToSet | A pxr_boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library sequences to sets |
CTfPySequenceToTuple | A pxr_boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library sequences to tuples |
CTfPyTraceInfo | Structure passed to python trace functions |
CTfPyWrapEnum | Used to wrap enum types for script |
CTfRefBase | Enable a concrete base class for use with TfRefPtr |
CTfRefPtr | Reference-counted smart pointer utility class |
►CTfRefPtrTracker | Provides tracking of TfRefPtr objects to particular objects |
CTrace | A track trace |
CTfRegistryManager | Manage initialization of registries |
CTfRegTest | TfRegTest is a singleton class, which is used to register functions with either type bool (*)(int, char*[]), or functions returning type bool and taking no arguments |
CTfSafeOutputFile | Opens a file for output, either for update "r+" or to completely replace "w+" |
CTfScoped | Execute code on exiting scope |
CTfScopedAutoVar | Reset variable on exiting scope |
CTfScopeDescription | This class is used to provide high-level descriptions about scopes of execution that could possibly block, or to provide relevant information about high-level action that would be useful in a crash report |
CTfScopedVar | Reset variable on exiting scope |
CTfScriptModuleLoader | Provides low-level facilities for shared libraries with script bindings to register themselves with their dependences, and provides a mechanism whereby those script modules will be loaded when necessary |
CTfSimpleRefBase | Enable a concrete base class for use with TfRefPtr that inhibits the "unique changed" facility of TfRefPtr |
CTfSingleton | Manage a single instance of an object (see |
CTfSizeofType | Metafunction returning sizeof(T) for a type T (or 0 if T is a void type) |
CTfSkipCallerFrames | This structure is used to indicate that some number of caller frames should be skipped when capturing exception stack traces at the throw point |
CTfSmallVector | This is a small-vector class with local storage optimization, the local storage can be specified via a template parameter, and expresses the number of entries the container can store locally |
CTfSpan | Represents a range of contiguous elements |
►CTfSpinMutex | This class implements a simple spin lock that emphasizes throughput when there is little to no contention |
CScopedLock | Scoped lock utility class |
►CTfSpinRWMutex | This class implements a readers-writer spin lock that emphasizes throughput when there is light contention or moderate contention dominated by readers |
CScopedLock | Scoped lock utility class |
CTfStacked | A TfStacked is used where a class needs to keep a stack of the objects currently in existence |
CTfStackedAccess | Classes that derive TfStacked may befriend TfStackedAccess if they wish to customize aspects TfStacked's behavior |
CTfStaticData | Create or return a previously created object instance of global data |
CTfStatus | Represents an object that contains information about a status message |
CTfStopwatch | Low-cost, high-resolution timer datatype |
CTfStreamDouble | A type which offers streaming for doubles in a canonical format that can safely roundtrip with the minimal number of digits |
CTfStreamFloat | A type which offers streaming for floats in a canonical format that can safely roundtrip with the minimal number of digits |
CTfTemplateString | TfTemplateString provides simple string substitutions based on named placeholders |
►CTfToken | Token for efficient comparison, assignment, and hashing of known strings |
CHashFunctor | Functor to use for hash maps from tokens to other things |
CTfTokenFastArbitraryLessThan | Fast but non-lexicographical (in fact, arbitrary) less-than comparison for TfTokens |
►CTfType | TfType represents a dynamic runtime type |
CBases | A type-list of C++ base types |
CFactoryBase | Base class of all factory types |
CTfTypeFunctions | Implements assorted functions based on compile-time type information |
CTfTypeInfoMap | A map whose key is a const std::type_info&, or a string alias |
CTfTypePythonClass | A boost.python visitor that associates the Python class object created by the wrapping with the TfType of the C++ type being wrapped |
CTfTypeWasDeclaredNotice | TfNotice sent after a TfType is declared |
CTfUtf8CodePoint | Wrapper for a 32-bit code point value that can be encoded as UTF-8 |
►CTfUtf8CodePointIterator | Defines an iterator over a UTF-8 encoded string that extracts unicode code point values |
CPastTheEndSentinel | Model iteration ending when the underlying iterator's end condition has been met |
CTfUtf8CodePointView | Wrapper for a UTF-8 encoded std::string_view that can be iterated over as code points instead of bytes |
CTfWarning | Represents an object that contains information about a warning |
CTfWeakBase | Enable a concrete base class for use with TfWeakPtr |
CTfWeakPtr | Pointer storage with deletion detection |
CTfWeakPtrFacadeAccess | This access class is befriended by TfWeakPtrFacade -derived classes to grant TfWeakPtrFacade access to specific internal functions provided by the derived classes |
CTraceAggregateNode | A representation of a call tree |
CTraceAggregateTree | A representation of a call tree |
CTraceAuto | A class which records a begin event when it is constructed, and a matching end event when it is destructed |
CTraceCategory | This singleton class provides a way to mark TraceEvent instances with category Ids which can be used to filter them |
►CTraceCollection | This class owns lists of TraceEvent instances per thread, and allows read access to them |
CVisitor | This interface provides a way to access data a TraceCollection |
CTraceCollectionAvailable | A TfNotice that is sent when the TraceCollector creates a TraceCollection |
►CTraceCollector | This is a singleton class that records TraceEvent instances and populates TraceCollection instances |
CDefaultCategory | Default Trace category which corresponds to events stored for TRACE_ macros |
►CTraceConcurrentList | This class supports thread safe insertion and iteration over a list of items |
Citerator | This class provides forward iterator support to iterate over all the items |
CTraceCounterAccumulator | This class accumulates counter values from TraceCollection instances |
CTraceCounterHolder | Holds on to a counter key, as well as the global collector for fast lookup |
CTraceDataBuffer | This class stores copies of data that are associated with TraceEvent instances |
►CTraceDynamicKey | This class stores data used to create dynamic keys which can be referenced in TraceEvent instances |
CHashFunctor | A Hash functor which uses the cached hash which may be used to store keys in a TfHashMap |
CTraceEvent | This represents an event recorded by a TraceCollector |
►CTraceEventContainer | Holds TraceEvent instances |
Cconst_iterator | Bidirectional iterator of TraceEvents |
CTraceEventData | This class holds data that can be stored in TraceEvents |
CTraceEventList | This class represents an ordered collection of TraceEvents and the TraceDynamicKeys and data that the events reference |
CTraceEventNode | TraceEventNode is used to represents call tree of a trace |
CTraceEventTree | This class contains a timeline call tree and a map of counters to their values over time |
►CTraceKey | A wrapper around a TraceStaticKeyData pointer that is stored in TraceEvent instances |
CHashFunctor | A Hash functor which may be used to store keys in a TfHashMap |
►CTraceReporter | This class converts streams of TraceEvent objects into call trees which can then be used as a data source to a GUI or written out to a file |
CParsedTree | Aggregate tree and its iteration count, parsed from a report |
CTraceReporterBase | This class is a base class for report implementations |
CTraceReporterDataSourceBase | This class is a base class for TraceReporterBase data sources |
CTraceReporterDataSourceCollection | This class is an implementation of TraceReporterDataSourceBase which provides access to a set number of TraceCollection instances |
CTraceReporterDataSourceCollector | This class is an implementation of TraceReporterDataSourceBase which retrieves TraceCollections from the TraceCollector singleton |
CTraceScopeAuto | A class which records a timestamp when it is created and a scope event when it is destructed |
CTraceSerialization | This class contains methods to read and write TraceCollection |
►CTraceStaticKeyData | This class holds data necessary to create keys for TraceEvent instances |
CStringLiteral | This is a helper class for the constructors of TraceStaticKeyData |
CTraceStringHash | This class provides a function to compute compile time hashes for string literals |
CTraceThreadId | This class represents an identifier for a thread |
CTsAntiRegressionAuthoringSelector | RAII helper class that locally sets the anti-regression authoring mode |
CTsDoubleKnot | A knot-construction convenience |
CTsEditBehaviorBlock | RAII helper class that temporarily prevents automatic behaviors when editing splines |
CTsExtrapolation | Extrapolation parameters for the ends of a spline beyond the knots |
CTsFloatKnot | A knot-construction convenience |
CTsHalfKnot | A knot-construction convenience |
CTsKnot | A knot belonging to a TsSpline |
CTsKnotMap | The knots in a spline |
CTsLoopParams | Inner-loop parameters |
►CTsRegressionPreventer | An authoring helper class that enforces non-regression in splines |
CSetResult | Details of the result of an interactive Set call |
CTsSpline | A mathematical description of a curved function from time to value |
CTsTypedKnot | A convenience for constructing knots with specified types |
CUsdAPISchemaBase | The base class for all API schemas |
CUsdAppUtilsFrameRecorder | A utility class for recording images of USD stages |
CUsdAttribute | Scenegraph object for authoring and retrieving numeric, string, and array valued data, sampled over time |
CUsdAttributeQuery | Object for efficiently making repeated queries for attribute values |
CUsdClipsAPI | UsdClipsAPI is an API schema that provides an interface to a prim's clip metadata |
CUsdCollectionAPI | A general purpose API schema used to describe a collection of prims and properties within a scene |
CUsdCollectionMembershipQuery | Represents a flattened view of a collection |
►CUsdColorSpaceAPI | UsdColorSpaceAPI is an API schema that introduces a colorSpace property for authoring color space opinions |
CColorSpaceCache | A minimalistic cache for color space lookups |
CColorSpaceHashCache | This is a simple example of a color space cache implementation |
CUsdColorSpaceDefinitionAPI | UsdColorSpaceDefinitionAPI is an API schema for defining a custom color space |
CUsdCrateInfo | A class for introspecting the underlying qualities of .usdc 'crate' files, for diagnostic purposes |
CUsdEditContext | A utility class to temporarily modify a stage's current EditTarget during an execution scope |
CUsdEditTarget | Defines a mapping from scene graph paths to Sdf spec paths in a SdfLayer where edits should be directed, or up to where to perform partial composition |
CUsdExpiredPrimAccessError | Usd throws this exception when code attempts to access an invalid (i.e |
CUsdFlattenResolveAssetPathContext | Context object containing information used when resolving asset paths during layer stack flattening |
CUsdGeomBasisCurves | BasisCurves are a batched curve representation analogous to the classic RIB definition via Basis and Curves statements |
CUsdGeomBBoxCache | Caches bounds by recursively computing and aggregating bounds of children in world space and aggregating the result back into local space |
CUsdGeomBoundable | Boundable introduces the ability for a prim to persistently cache a rectilinear, local-space, extent |
CUsdGeomCamera | Transformable camera |
CUsdGeomCapsule | Defines a primitive capsule, i.e |
CUsdGeomCapsule_1 | Defines a primitive capsule, i.e |
CUsdGeomCone | Defines a primitive cone, centered at the origin, whose spine is along the specified axis, with the apex of the cone pointing in the direction of the positive axis |
CUsdGeomConstraintTarget | Schema wrapper for UsdAttribute for authoring and introspecting attributes that are constraint targets |
CUsdGeomCube | Defines a primitive rectilinear cube centered at the origin |
CUsdGeomCurves | Base class for UsdGeomBasisCurves, UsdGeomNurbsCurves, and UsdGeomHermiteCurves |
CUsdGeomCylinder | Defines a primitive cylinder with closed ends, centered at the origin, whose spine is along the specified axis |
CUsdGeomCylinder_1 | Defines a primitive cylinder with closed ends, centered at the origin, whose spine is along the specified axis, with a pair of radii describing the size of the end points |
CUsdGeomGprim | Base class for all geometric primitives |
►CUsdGeomHermiteCurves | This schema specifies a cubic hermite interpolated curve batch as sometimes used for defining guides for animation |
CPointAndTangentArrays | Represents points and tangents of the same size |
►CUsdGeomImageable | Base class for all prims that may require rendering or visualization of some sort |
CPurposeInfo | Value type containing information about a prim's computed effective purpose as well as storing whether the prim's purpose value can be inherited by namespace children if necessary |
CUsdGeomLinearUnits | Container class for static double-precision symbols representing common units of measure expressed in meters |
CUsdGeomMesh | Encodes a mesh with optional subdivision properties and features |
CUsdGeomModelAPI | UsdGeomModelAPI extends the generic UsdModelAPI schema with geometry specific concepts such as cached extents for the entire model, constraint targets, and geometry-inspired extensions to the payload lofting process |
CUsdGeomMotionAPI | UsdGeomMotionAPI encodes data that can live on any prim that may affect computations involving: |
CUsdGeomNurbsCurves | This schema is analagous to NURBS Curves in packages like Maya and Houdini, often used for interchange of rigging and modeling curves |
CUsdGeomNurbsPatch | Encodes a rational or polynomial non-uniform B-spline surface, with optional trim curves |
CUsdGeomPlane | Defines a primitive plane, centered at the origin, and is defined by a cardinal axis, width, and length |
CUsdGeomPointBased | Base class for all UsdGeomGprims that possess points, providing common attributes such as normals and velocities |
CUsdGeomPointInstancer | Encodes vectorized instancing of multiple, potentially animated, prototypes (object/instance masters), which can be arbitrary prims/subtrees on a UsdStage |
CUsdGeomPoints | Points are analogous to the RiPoints spec |
CUsdGeomPrimvar | Schema wrapper for UsdAttribute for authoring and introspecting attributes that are primvars |
CUsdGeomPrimvarsAPI | UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI encodes geometric "primitive variables", as UsdGeomPrimvar, which interpolate across a primitive's topology, can override shader inputs, and inherit down namespace |
CUsdGeomScope | Scope is the simplest grouping primitive, and does not carry the baggage of transformability |
CUsdGeomSphere | Defines a primitive sphere centered at the origin |
CUsdGeomSubset | Encodes a subset of a piece of geometry (i.e |
CUsdGeomTetMesh | Encodes a tetrahedral mesh |
CUsdGeomTokensType | UsdGeomTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdGeomVisibilityAPI | UsdGeomVisibilityAPI introduces properties that can be used to author visibility opinions |
CUsdGeomXform | Concrete prim schema for a transform, which implements Xformable |
►CUsdGeomXformable | Base class for all transformable prims, which allows arbitrary sequences of component affine transformations to be encoded |
CXformQuery | Helper class that caches the ordered vector of UsGeomXformOps that contribute to the local transformation of an xformable prim |
CUsdGeomXformCache | A caching mechanism for transform matrices |
►CUsdGeomXformCommonAPI | This class provides API for authoring and retrieving a standard set of component transformations which include a scale, a rotation, a scale-rotate pivot and a translation |
COps | Return type for CreateXformOps() |
CUsdGeomXformOp | Schema wrapper for UsdAttribute for authoring and computing transformation operations, as consumed by UsdGeomXformable schema |
CUsdHydraGenerativeProceduralAPI | This API extends and configures the core UsdProcGenerativeProcedural schema defined within usdProc for use with hydra generative procedurals as defined within hdGp |
CUsdHydraTokensType | UsdHydraTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdImagingAdapterRegistry | Registry of PrimAdapter plug-ins |
CUsdImagingAPISchemaAdapter | Base class for all API schema adapters |
CUsdImagingBasisCurvesAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomBasisCurves |
CUsdImagingCameraAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCamera |
CUsdImagingCapsuleAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCapsule |
CUsdImagingConeAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCone |
CUsdImagingCreateSceneIndicesInfo | Info needed to create a chain of filtering scene indices (resolving e.g |
CUsdImagingCubeAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCube |
CUsdImagingCylinderAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCylinder |
CUsdImagingCylinderLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type CylinderLight |
CUsdImagingDataSourceAttribute< T > | A data source that represents a USD Attribute |
CUsdImagingDataSourceAttributeColorSpace | A data source that represents the metadata on a USD Attribute |
CUsdImagingDataSourceAttributeTypeName | A data source that represents the type name on a USD Attribute |
CUsdImagingDataSourceBasisCurves | A container data source representing data unique to basis curves |
CUsdImagingDataSourceBasisCurvesPrim | A prim data source representing a UsdGeomBasisCurves prim |
CUsdImagingDataSourceBasisCurvesTopology | A container data source representing basis curves topology information |
CUsdImagingDataSourceCamera | A container data source representing camera info |
CUsdImagingDataSourceCameraPrim | A prim data source representing UsdCamera |
CUsdImagingDataSourceExtent | Data source representing local prim extent |
CUsdImagingDataSourceExtentCoordinate | Data source representing either the minimum or maximum of the local prim extent |
CUsdImagingDataSourceExtentsHint | Data source representing extents hint of a geom model API prim |
CUsdImagingDataSourceFieldAsset | A container data source representing volumeField info |
CUsdImagingDataSourceFieldAssetPrim | A prim data source representing UsdVolOpenVDBAsset or UsdVolField3DAsset |
CUsdImagingDataSourceGprim | Data source representing a USD gprim |
►CUsdImagingDataSourceMapped | A data source that is a (potentially nested) container for the values of the attributes of a given UsdPrim |
CAttributeMapping | Specify how one attribute on given Usd prim maps to data source in this (nested) container data source |
CAttributeMappings | Specify how attributes on given Usd prim maps to data sources in this (nested) container data source |
CUsdImagingDataSourceMaterial | A data source mapping for data source material |
CUsdImagingDataSourceMesh | A container data source representing data unique to meshes |
CUsdImagingDataSourceMeshPrim | A prim data source representing UsdGeomMesh |
CUsdImagingDataSourceMeshTopology | A container data source representing mesh topology |
CUsdImagingDataSourceNurbsCurvesPrim | A prim data source representing UsdNurbsCurves |
CUsdImagingDataSourceNurbsPatchPrim | A prim data source representing UsdNurbsPatch |
CUsdImagingDataSourcePointInstancer | A data source representing the UsdGeom PointInstancer prim |
CUsdImagingDataSourcePointInstancerMask | A data source representing a point instancer's instance mask |
CUsdImagingDataSourcePointInstancerTopology | A data source representing a point instancer's instance topology |
CUsdImagingDataSourcePointsPrim | A prim data source representing a UsdGeomPoints prim |
CUsdImagingDataSourcePrim | Data source representing a basic USD prim |
CUsdImagingDataSourcePrimOrigin | Data source to access the underlying UsdPrim |
CUsdImagingDataSourcePrimvar | A data source representing a primvar |
CUsdImagingDataSourcePrimvars | Data source representing USD primvars |
CUsdImagingDataSourcePurpose | Data source representing prim purpose for a USD imageable |
CUsdImagingDataSourceRelationship | A data source that represents a USD relationship |
CUsdImagingDataSourceRenderPassPrim | A prim data source representing UsdRenderPass |
CUsdImagingDataSourceRenderProductPrim | A prim data source representing UsdRenderProduct |
CUsdImagingDataSourceRenderSettingsPrim | A prim data source representing UsdRenderSettings |
CUsdImagingDataSourceRenderVarPrim | A prim data source representing UsdRenderVar |
CUsdImagingDataSourceStage | Returns a dataSource that contains UsdStage level data |
CUsdImagingDataSourceStageGlobals | This class is used as a context object with global stage information, that gets passed down to datasources to help them answer scene queries |
CUsdImagingDataSourceSubdivisionTags | A container data source representing subdivision tags |
CUsdImagingDataSourceTetMesh | A container data source representing data unique to tet meshes |
CUsdImagingDataSourceTetMeshPrim | A prim data source representing UsdGeomTetMesh |
CUsdImagingDataSourceTetMeshTopology | A container data source representing tet mesh topology |
CUsdImagingDataSourceUsdPrimInfo | A container data source containing metadata such as the specifier of a prim of native instancing information |
CUsdImagingDataSourceVisibility | Data source representing prim visibility for a USD imageable |
CUsdImagingDataSourceVolumeFieldBindings | A container data source representing volume field binding information |
CUsdImagingDataSourceVolumePrim | A prim data source representing a UsdVolVolume prim |
CUsdImagingDataSourceXform | Data source representing a container that stores a USD Xformable |
CUsdImagingDataSourceXformMatrix | Data source representing a generic transform value accessor for a USD Xformable |
CUsdImagingDataSourceXformResetXformStack | Data source representing the "reset xform stack" flag for a USD xformable |
CUsdImagingDelegate | The primary translation layer between the Hydra (Hd) core and the Usd scene graph |
CUsdImagingDiskLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type DiskLight |
CUsdImagingDistantLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type DistantLight |
CUsdImagingDomeLight_1Adapter | Adapter class for lights of type DomeLight_1 |
CUsdImagingDomeLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type DomeLight |
CUsdImagingDrawModeAdapter | Delegate support for the drawMode attribute on UsdGeomModelAPI |
CUsdImagingDrawModeSceneIndex | A scene index replacing geometry based on the draw mode |
CUsdImagingExtentResolvingSceneIndex | A scene index that uses UsdGeomModelAPI's extentsHint if UsdGeomBoundable's extent has not been authored |
CUsdImagingField3DAssetAdapter | Adapter class for fields of type Field3DAsset |
CUsdImagingFieldAdapter | Base class for all USD fields |
CUsdImagingGeometryLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type GeometryLight |
►CUsdImagingGLEngine | The UsdImagingGLEngine is the main entry point API for rendering USD scenes |
CParameters | Parameters to construct UsdImagingGLEngine |
CUsdImagingGLRenderParams | Used as an arguments class for various methods in UsdImagingGLEngine |
CUsdImagingGprimAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomGrims |
CUsdImagingHermiteCurvesAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomHermiteCurves |
CUsdImagingIndexProxy | This proxy class exposes a subset of the private Delegate API to PrimAdapters |
CUsdImagingInstanceablePrimAdapter | An abstract adapter class for prims that are instanceable |
CUsdImagingInstanceAdapter | Delegate support for instanced prims |
CUsdImagingInstancerContext | Object used by instancer prim adapters to pass along context about the instancer and instance prim to prototype prim adapters |
CUsdImagingLightAdapter | Base class for all lights |
CUsdImagingLightFilterAdapter | Base class for all light filters |
CUsdImagingMaterialAdapter | Provides information that can be used to generate a material |
CUsdImagingMaterialBindingsResolvingSceneIndex | Scene index that computes the resolved material binding for a given purpose from the flattened direct material bindings and collection material bindings |
CUsdImagingMeshAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomMesh |
CUsdImagingNiPrototypePropagatingSceneIndex | A scene index implementing USD native instancing |
CUsdImagingNodeGraphAdapter | Delegates invalidation responsibility of a Noge Graph prim to an ancestor Material prim |
CUsdImagingNurbsCurvesAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomNurbsCurves |
CUsdImagingNurbsPatchAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomNurbsPatch |
CUsdImagingOpenVDBAssetAdapter | Adapter class for fields of type OpenVDBAsset |
CUsdImagingPiPrototypePropagatingSceneIndex | A scene index translating USD point instancers into Hydra instancers |
CUsdImagingPlaneAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomPlane |
CUsdImagingPluginLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PluginLight |
CUsdImagingPluginLightFilterAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PluginLightFilter |
CUsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomPointInstancer |
CUsdImagingPointsAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomPoints |
CUsdImagingPortalLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PortalLight |
CUsdImagingPrimAdapter | Base class for all PrimAdapters |
CUsdImagingPrimvarDescCache | A cache for primvar descriptors |
CUsdImagingRectLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type RectLight |
CUsdImagingRenderPassAdapter | Delegate support for UsdRenderPass |
CUsdImagingRenderProductAdapter | Adapter support for UsdRenderProduct for only the scene index (2.0) API |
CUsdImagingRenderSettingsAdapter | Delegate support for UsdRenderSettings |
CUsdImagingRenderSettingsFlatteningSceneIndex | Stateless scene index that adds a flattened render settings representation (as modeled by HdRenderSettingsSchema) for downstream consumption by a Hydra render backend, and adds dependencies from the settings prim to the targeted products and vars (using HdDependenciesSchema) so that change notices are forwarded back to appropriate locators on the flattened data source |
CUsdImagingRenderVarAdapter | Adapter support for UsdRenderVar for only the scene index (2.0) API |
CUsdImagingRepresentedByAncestorPrimAdapter | Base class for all prim adapters which only want to indicate that an ancestor prim is responsible for them |
CUsdImagingRerootingSceneIndex | UsdImagingRerootingSceneIndex |
CUsdImagingRootOverridesSceneIndex | Overrides some data sources on the root prim |
CUsdImagingSceneIndices | Some scene indices in the chain of filtering scene indices created by UsdImagingInstantiateSceneIndices |
CUsdImagingSelectionSceneIndex | A simple scene index adding HdSelectionsSchema to all prims selected with AddSelection |
CUsdImagingShaderAdapter | Delegates invalidation responsibility of a Shader prim to an ancestor Material prim |
CUsdImagingSkeletonAdapter | Support for drawing bones of a UsdSkelSkeleton |
CUsdImagingSkelRootAdapter | The SkelRoot adapter exists for two reasons: (a) Registering the SkeletonAdapter to handle processing of any skinned prim under a SkelRoot prim |
CUsdImagingSphereAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomSphere |
CUsdImagingSphereLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type SphereLight |
CUsdImagingTetMeshAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomTetMesh |
CUsdImagingUnloadedDrawModeSceneIndex | A scene index that sets the draw mode for unloaded prims to show bounding boxes |
CUsdImagingVolumeAdapter | Delegate support for UsdVolVolume |
CUsdInherits | A proxy class for applying listOp edits to the inherit paths list for a prim |
CUsdLinearInterpolationTraits | Traits class describing whether a particular C++ value type supports linear interpolation |
CUsdLuxBoundableLightBase | Base class for intrinsic lights that are boundable |
CUsdLuxCylinderLight | Light emitted outward from a cylinder |
CUsdLuxDiskLight | Light emitted from one side of a circular disk |
CUsdLuxDistantLight | Light emitted from a distant source along the -Z axis |
CUsdLuxDomeLight | Light emitted inward from a distant external environment, such as a sky or IBL light probe |
CUsdLuxDomeLight_1 | Light emitted inward from a distant external environment, such as a sky or IBL light probe |
CUsdLuxGeometryLight | |
CUsdLuxLightAPI | API schema that imparts the quality of being a light onto a prim |
CUsdLuxLightFilter | A light filter modifies the effect of a light |
CUsdLuxLightListAPI | API schema to support discovery and publishing of lights in a scene |
CUsdLuxListAPI | |
CUsdLuxMeshLightAPI | This is the preferred API schema to apply to Mesh type prims when adding light behaviors to a mesh |
CUsdLuxNonboundableLightBase | Base class for intrinsic lights that are not boundable |
CUsdLuxPluginLight | Light that provides properties that allow it to identify an external SdrShadingNode definition, through UsdShadeNodeDefAPI, that can be provided to render delegates without the need to provide a schema definition for the light's type |
CUsdLuxPluginLightFilter | Light filter that provides properties that allow it to identify an external SdrShadingNode definition, through UsdShadeNodeDefAPI, that can be provided to render delegates without the need to provide a schema definition for the light filter's type |
CUsdLuxPortalLight | A rectangular portal in the local XY plane that guides sampling of a dome light |
CUsdLuxRectLight | Light emitted from one side of a rectangle |
CUsdLuxShadowAPI | Controls to refine a light's shadow behavior |
CUsdLuxShapingAPI | Controls for shaping a light's emission |
CUsdLuxSphereLight | Light emitted outward from a sphere |
CUsdLuxTokensType | UsdLuxTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdLuxVolumeLightAPI | This is the preferred API schema to apply to Volume type prims when adding light behaviors to a volume |
►CUsdMediaAssetPreviewsAPI | AssetPreviewsAPI is the interface for authoring and accessing precomputed, lightweight previews of assets |
CThumbnails | Thumbnails is a value type that serves as schema to aid in serialization and deserialization of thumbnail images in the assetInfo["thumbnails"] dictionary |
CUsdMediaSpatialAudio | The SpatialAudio primitive defines basic properties for encoding playback of an audio file or stream within a USD Stage |
CUsdMediaTokensType | UsdMediaTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdModelAPI | UsdModelAPI is an API schema that provides an interface to a prim's model qualities, if it does, in fact, represent the root prim of a model |
CUsdMtlxMaterialXConfigAPI | MaterialXConfigAPI is an API schema that provides an interface for storing information about the MaterialX environment |
CUsdMtlxTokensType | UsdMtlxTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdMtlxUsdTypeInfo | Result of UsdMtlxGetUsdType() |
►CUsdNamespaceEditor | |
CEditOptions | Structure for holding the options for how the namespace editor will behave when trying to perform edits |
►CUsdNotice | Container class for Usd notices |
CLayerMutingChanged | Notice sent after a set of layers have been newly muted or unmuted |
►CObjectsChanged | Notice sent in response to authored changes that affect UsdObjects |
CPathRange | An iterable range of paths to objects that have changed |
CStageContentsChanged | Ultra-conservative notice sent when the given UsdStage's contents have changed in any way |
CStageEditTargetChanged | Notice sent when a stage's EditTarget has changed |
CStageNotice | Base class for UsdStage notices |
CUsdObject | Base class for Usd scenegraph objects, providing common API |
CUsdObjectCollectionExpressionEvaluator | Evaluates SdfPathExpressions with objects from a given UsdStage |
CUsdPayloads | UsdPayloads provides an interface to authoring and introspecting payloads |
CUsdPhysicsArticulationRootAPI | PhysicsArticulationRootAPI can be applied to a scene graph node, and marks the subtree rooted here for inclusion in one or more reduced coordinate articulations |
CUsdPhysicsCollisionAPI | Applies collision attributes to a UsdGeomXformable prim |
►CUsdPhysicsCollisionGroup | Defines a collision group for coarse filtering |
CCollisionGroupTable | Utility structure generated by ComputeCollisionGroupTable(); contains a table describing which pairs of collision groups have collisions enabled/disabled by the filtering rules |
CUsdPhysicsDistanceJoint | Predefined distance joint type (Distance between rigid bodies may be limited to given minimum or maximum distance.) |
CUsdPhysicsDriveAPI | The PhysicsDriveAPI when applied to any joint primitive will drive the joint towards a given target |
CUsdPhysicsFilteredPairsAPI | API to describe fine-grained filtering |
CUsdPhysicsFixedJoint | Predefined fixed joint type (All degrees of freedom are removed.) |
CUsdPhysicsJoint | A joint constrains the movement of rigid bodies |
CUsdPhysicsLimitAPI | The PhysicsLimitAPI can be applied to a PhysicsJoint and will restrict the movement along an axis |
CUsdPhysicsMassAPI | Defines explicit mass properties (mass, density, inertia etc.) |
CUsdPhysicsMassProperties | Mass properties computation class |
CUsdPhysicsMassUnits | Container class for static double-precision symbols representing common mass units of measure expressed in kilograms |
CUsdPhysicsMaterialAPI | Adds simulation material properties to a Material |
CUsdPhysicsMeshCollisionAPI | Attributes to control how a Mesh is made into a collider |
CUsdPhysicsPrismaticJoint | Predefined prismatic joint type (translation along prismatic joint axis is permitted.) |
CUsdPhysicsRevoluteJoint | Predefined revolute joint type (rotation along revolute joint axis is permitted.) |
►CUsdPhysicsRigidBodyAPI | Applies physics body attributes to any UsdGeomXformable prim and marks that prim to be driven by a simulation |
CMassInformation | Mass information for a collision, used in ComputeMassProperties MassInformationFn callback |
CUsdPhysicsScene | General physics simulation properties, required for simulation |
CUsdPhysicsSphericalJoint | Predefined spherical joint type (Removes linear degrees of freedom, cone limit may restrict the motion in a given range.) It allows two limit values, which when equal create a circular, else an elliptic cone limit around the limit axis |
CUsdPhysicsTokensType | UsdPhysicsTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdPrim | UsdPrim is the sole persistent scenegraph object on a UsdStage, and is the embodiment of a "Prim" as described in the Universal Scene Description Composition Compendium |
►CUsdPrimCompositionQuery | Object for making optionally filtered composition queries about a prim |
CFilter | Aggregate filter for filtering composition arcs by the previously defined criteria |
CUsdPrimCompositionQueryArc | This represents a composition arc that is returned by a UsdPrimCompositionQuery |
►CUsdPrimDefinition | Class representing the builtin definition of a prim given the schemas registered in the schema registry |
CAttribute | Accessor to a attribute's definition in the prim definition |
CProperty | Accessor to a property's definition in the prim definition |
CRelationship | Accessor to a relationship's definition in the prim definition |
►CUsdPrimRange | An forward-iterable range that traverses a subtree of prims rooted at a given prim in depth-first order |
CEndSentinel | This class lets us represent past-the-end without the full weight of an iterator |
Citerator | A forward iterator into a UsdPrimRange |
CUsdPrimSiblingIterator | Forward traversal iterator of sibling UsdPrim s |
CUsdPrimSiblingRange | Forward iterator range of sibling UsdPrim s |
CUsdPrimSubtreeIterator | Forward traversal iterator of sibling UsdPrim s |
CUsdPrimSubtreeRange | Forward iterator range of sibling UsdPrim s |
CUsdPrimTypeInfo | Class that holds the full type information for a prim |
CUsdProcGenerativeProcedural | Represents an abstract generative procedural prim which delivers its input parameters via properties (including relationships) within the "primvars:" namespace |
CUsdProcTokensType | UsdProcTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdProperty | Base class for UsdAttribute and UsdRelationship scenegraph objects |
CUsdReferences | UsdReferences provides an interface to authoring and introspecting references in Usd |
CUsdRelationship | A UsdRelationship creates dependencies between scenegraph objects by allowing a prim to target other prims, attributes, or relationships |
CUsdRenderPass | A RenderPass prim encapsulates necessary information to generate multi-pass renders |
CUsdRenderProduct | A UsdRenderProduct describes an image or other file-like artifact produced by a render |
CUsdRenderSettings | A UsdRenderSettings prim specifies global settings for a render process, including an enumeration of the RenderProducts that should result, and the UsdGeomImageable purposes that should be rendered |
CUsdRenderSettingsBase | Abstract base class that defines render settings that can be specified on either a RenderSettings prim or a RenderProduct prim |
►CUsdRenderSpec | A self-contained specification of render settings |
CProduct | Specification of a product. See UsdRenderProduct |
CRenderVar | Specification of a render variable (aka AOV). See UsdRenderVar |
CUsdRenderTokensType | UsdRenderTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdRenderVar | A UsdRenderVar describes a custom data variable for a render to produce |
CUsdResolveInfo | Container for information about the source of an attribute's value, i.e |
CUsdResolveTarget | Defines a subrange of nodes and layers within a prim's prim index to consider when performing value resolution for the prim's attributes |
CUsdRiMaterialAPI | |
CUsdRiPxrImagingAovLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PxrAovLight |
CUsdRiPxrImagingCameraAPIAdapter | Scene index support for PxrCameraAPI applied USD schema |
CUsdRiPxrImagingDisplayFilterAdapter | Delegate support for Display Filter Prims |
CUsdRiPxrImagingIntegratorAdapter | Delegate support for Integrator Prims |
CUsdRiPxrImagingSampleFilterAdapter | Delegate support for Sample Filter Prims |
CUsdRiRenderPassAPI | RiRenderPassAPI is an API schema that provides a mechanism to set certain Ri statements on each prim in a collection, for a given RenderPass prim |
CUsdRiSplineAPI | |
CUsdRiStatementsAPI | Container namespace schema for all renderman statements |
CUsdRiTokensType | UsdRiTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdSchemaBase | The base class for all schema types in Usd |
►CUsdSchemaRegistry | Singleton registry that provides access to schema type information and the prim definitions for registered Usd "IsA" and applied API schema types |
CSchemaInfo | Structure that holds the information about a schema that is registered with the schema registry |
CUsdSemanticsLabelsAPI | Application of labels for a prim for a taxonomy specified by the schema's instance name |
CUsdSemanticsLabelsQuery | The UsdSemanticsLabelsQuery can be used to query a prim's labels for a specified taxonomy and time from the UsdSemanticsLabelsAPI |
CUsdSemanticsTokensType | UsdSemanticsTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdShadeConnectableAPI | UsdShadeConnectableAPI is an API schema that provides a common interface for creating outputs and making connections between shading parameters and outputs |
CUsdShadeConnectableAPIBehavior | UsdShadeConnectableAPIBehavior defines the compatibilty and behavior UsdShadeConnectableAPIof when applied to a particular prim type |
CUsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo | A compact struct to represent a bundle of information about an upstream source attribute |
►CUsdShadeCoordSysAPI | UsdShadeCoordSysAPI provides a way to designate, name, and discover coordinate systems |
CBinding | A coordinate system binding |
►CUsdShadeInput | This class encapsulates a shader or node-graph input, which is a connectable attribute representing a typed value |
CHash | Hash functor |
CUsdShadeMaterial | A Material provides a container into which multiple "render contexts" can add data that defines a "shading material" for a renderer |
►CUsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI | UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI is an API schema that provides an interface for binding materials to prims or collections of prims (represented by UsdCollectionAPI objects) |
CCollectionBinding | This struct is used to represent a collection-based material binding, which contains two objects - a collection and a bound material |
CDirectBinding | This class represents a direct material binding |
CUsdShadeNodeDefAPI | UsdShadeNodeDefAPI is an API schema that provides attributes for a prim to select a corresponding Shader Node Definition ("Sdr Node"), as well as to look up a runtime entry for that shader node in the form of an SdrShaderNode |
►CUsdShadeNodeGraph | A node-graph is a container for shading nodes, as well as other node-graphs |
CNodeGraphEqualFn | Equality comparator for UsdShadeNodeGraph objects |
CNodeGraphHasher | Hash functor for UsdShadeNodeGraph objects |
CUsdShadeOutput | This class encapsulates a shader or node-graph output, which is a connectable attribute representing a typed, externally computed value |
CUsdShadeShader | Base class for all USD shaders |
CUsdShadeShaderDefParserPlugin | Parses shader definitions represented using USD scene description using the schemas provided by UsdShade |
CUsdShadeShaderDefUtils | This class contains a set of utility functions used for populating the shader registry with shaders definitions specified using UsdShade schemas |
CUsdShadeTokensType | UsdShadeTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdShadeUdimUtils | This class contains a set of utility functions used for working with Udim texture paths |
CUsdShadeUtils | This class contains a set of utility functions used when authoring and querying shading networks |
CUsdSkelAnimation | Describes a skel animation, where joint animation is stored in a vectorized form |
CUsdSkelAnimMap | Helper class for remapping vectorized animation data from one ordering of tokens to another |
CUsdSkelAnimQuery | Class providing efficient queries of primitives that provide skel animation |
CUsdSkelBakeSkinningParms | Parameters for configuring UsdSkelBakeSkinning |
CUsdSkelBinding | Helper object that describes the binding of a skeleton to a set of skinnable objects |
CUsdSkelBindingAPI | Provides API for authoring and extracting all the skinning-related data that lives in the "geometry hierarchy" of prims and models that want to be skeletally deformed |
CUsdSkelBlendShape | Describes a target blend shape, possibly containing inbetween shapes |
CUsdSkelBlendShapeQuery | Helper class used to resolve blend shape weights, including inbetweens |
CUsdSkelCache | Thread-safe cache for accessing query objects for evaluating skeletal data |
CUsdSkelInbetweenShape | Schema wrapper for UsdAttribute for authoring and introspecting attributes that serve as inbetween shapes of a UsdSkelBlendShape |
CUsdSkelRoot | Boundable prim type used to identify a scope beneath which skeletally-posed primitives are defined |
CUsdSkelSkeleton | Describes a skeleton |
CUsdSkelSkeletonQuery | Primary interface to reading bound skeleton data |
CUsdSkelSkinningQuery | Object used for querying resolved bindings for skinning |
CUsdSkelTokensType | UsdSkelTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdSkelTopology | Object holding information describing skeleton topology |
CUsdSpecializes | A proxy class for applying listOp edits to the specializes list for a prim |
CUsdStage | The outermost container for scene description, which owns and presents composed prims as a scenegraph, following the composition recipe recursively described in its associated "root layer" |
►CUsdStageCache | A strongly concurrency safe collection of UsdStageRefPtr s, enabling sharing across multiple clients and threads |
CId | A lightweight identifier that may be used to identify a particular cached stage within a UsdStageCache |
CUsdStageCacheContext | A context object that lets the UsdStage::Open() API read from or read from and write to a UsdStageCache instance during a scope of execution |
CUsdStageLoadRules | This class represents rules that govern payload inclusion on UsdStages |
CUsdStagePopulationMask | This class represents a mask that may be applied to a UsdStage to limit the set of UsdPrim s it populates |
CUsdTimeCode | Represent a time value, which may be either numeric, holding a double value, or a sentinel value UsdTimeCode::Default() |
CUsdTokensType | UsdTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdTyped | The base class for all typed schemas (those that can impart a typeName to a UsdPrim), and therefore the base class for all concrete, instantiable "IsA" schemas |
CUsdUIBackdrop | Provides a 'group-box' for the purpose of node graph organization |
CUsdUINodeGraphNodeAPI | This api helps storing information about nodes in node graphs |
CUsdUISceneGraphPrimAPI | Utility schema for display properties of a prim |
CUsdUITokensType | UsdUITokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdUsdaFileFormat | File format used by textual USD files |
CUsdUsdcFileFormat | File format for binary Usd files |
CUsdUsdFileFormat | File format for USD files |
CUsdUsdzFileFormat | File format for package .usdz files |
CUsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegate | A class which collects warnings and statuses from the Tf diagnostic manager system in a thread safe manner |
CUsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegateItem | An item used in coalesced results, containing a shared component: the file/function/line number, and a set of unshared components: the call context and commentary |
CUsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegateSharedItem | The shared component in a coalesced result This type can be thought of as the key by which we coalesce our diagnostics |
CUsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegateUnsharedItem | The unshared component in a coalesced result |
CUsdUtilsConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate | A class that allows client application to instantiate a diagnostic delegate that can be used to abort operations for a non fatal USD error or warning based on immutable include exclude rules defined for this instance |
CUsdUtilsConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegateErrorFilters | A class which represents the inclusion exclusion filters on which errors will be matched stringFilters: matching and filtering will be done on explicit string of the error/warning codePathFilters: matching and filtering will be done on errors/warnings coming from a specific usd code path |
CUsdUtilsDependencyInfo | Class containing information from a processed dependency |
CUsdUtilsExtractExternalReferencesParams | Structure which controls aspects of the UsdUtilsExtractExternalReferences function |
CUsdUtilsRegisteredVariantSet | Class that holds information about variantSets that are registered with the pipeline |
CUsdUtilsSparseAttrValueWriter | A utility class for authoring time-varying attribute values with simple run-length encoding, by skipping any redundant time-samples |
CUsdUtilsSparseValueWriter | Utility class that manages sparse authoring of a set of UsdAttributes |
CUsdUtilsStageCache | Simple interface for handling a singleton usd stage cache for use by all USD clients |
►CUsdUtilsTimeCodeRange | Represents a range of UsdTimeCode values as start and end time codes and a stride value |
Cconst_iterator | A forward iterator into a UsdUtilsTimeCodeRange |
CUsdValidationContext | UsdValidationContext provides an interface for managing and running validators on USD layers, stages, or prims |
CUsdValidationError | UsdValidationError is an entity returned by a validation task, which is associated with a UsdValidationValidator |
CUsdValidationErrorSite | UsdValidationErrorSite is important information available from a ValidationError, which annotates the site where the Error was reported by a validation task |
CUsdValidationErrorType | UsdValidationErrorType reflects severity of a validation error, which can then be reported appropriately to the users |
CUsdValidationRegistry | UsdValidationRegistry manages and provides access to UsdValidationValidator / UsdValidationValidatorSuite for USD Validation |
CUsdValidationTimeRange | A class which describes the interval at which validation is to be performed |
CUsdValidationValidator | UsdValidationValidator is a class describing a single test |
CUsdValidationValidatorMetadata | A structure which describes metadata for a UsdValidationValidator |
CUsdValidationValidatorSuite | UsdValidationValidatorSuite acts like a suite for a collection of tests, which clients can use to bundle all tests relevant to test their concepts |
CUsdVariantSet | A UsdVariantSet represents a single VariantSet in USD (e.g |
CUsdVariantSets | UsdVariantSets represents the collection of VariantSets that are present on a UsdPrim |
►CUsdviewqHydraObserver | Abstracts pieces necessary for implementing a Hydra Scene Browser in a manner convenient for exposing to python |
CNoticeEntry | Aggregate of HdSceneIndexObserver entry types for easier binding to python |
CUsdviewqUtils | Performance enhancing utilities for usdview |
CUsdVolField3DAsset | Field3D field primitive |
CUsdVolFieldAsset | Base class for field primitives defined by an external file |
CUsdVolFieldBase | Base class for field primitives |
CUsdVolOpenVDBAsset | OpenVDB field primitive |
CUsdVolTokensType | UsdVolTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
CUsdVolVolume | A renderable volume primitive |
►CUsdZipFile | Class for reading a zip file |
CFileInfo | Information for a file in the zip archive |
CIterator | Iterator for traversing and inspecting the contents of the zip archive |
CUsdZipFileWriter | Class for writing a zip file |
CVtArray | Represents an arbitrary dimensional rectangular container class |
CVtDictionary | A map with string keys and VtValue values |
CVtIsArray | Array concept. By default, types are not arrays |
CVtValue | Provides a container which may hold any type, and provides introspection and iteration over array types |
CWorkDispatcher | A work dispatcher runs concurrent tasks |
CWorkSingularTask | A WorkSingularTask runs a task in a WorkDispatcher, but never concurrently with itself |