pxr | |
base | |
arch | |
align.h | Provide architecture-specific memory-alignment information |
api.h | |
attributes.h | Define function attributes |
buildMode.h | |
daemon.h | Create background or daemon processes |
debugger.h | Routines for interacting with a debugger |
defines.h | |
demangle.h | Demangle C++ typenames generated by the typeid() facility |
env.h | |
errno.h | Functions for dealing with system errors |
error.h | Low-level fatal error reporting |
export.h | Defines symbol visibility macros |
fileSystem.h | Architecture dependent file system access |
function.h | Define preprocessor function name macros |
functionLite.h | Define preprocessor function name macros |
hash.h | Hash functions |
hints.h | Compiler hints |
inttypes.h | Define integral types |
library.h | |
mallocHook.h | Routines for controlling malloc behavior |
math.h | Architecture-specific math function calls |
pragmas.h | Pragmas for controlling compiler-specific behaviors |
regex.h | |
stackTrace.h | Architecture-specific call-stack tracing routines |
symbols.h | Architecture-specific symbol lookup routines |
systemInfo.h | Provide architecture-specific system information |
threads.h | Architecture-specific thread function calls |
timing.h | High-resolution, low-cost timing routines |
virtualMemory.h | Architecture dependent routines for virtual memory |
vsnprintf.h | Architecture dependent memory-safe sprintf capability |
gf | |
api.h | |
bbox3d.h | |
camera.h | |
declare.h | Declares Gf types |
frustum.h | |
gamma.h | Utilities to map colors between gamma spaces |
half.h | This header serves to simply bring in the half float datatype and provide a hash_value function |
homogeneous.h | Utility functions for GfVec4f and GfVec4d as homogeneous vectors |
ilmbase_half.h | |
ilmbase_halfLimits.h | |
interval.h | |
limits.h | Defines useful mathematical limits |
line.h | |
line2d.h | |
lineSeg.h | |
lineSeg2d.h | |
math.h | Assorted mathematical utility functions |
matrix2d.h | |
matrix2f.h | |
matrix3d.h | |
matrix3f.h | |
matrix4d.h | |
matrix4f.h | |
matrixData.h | |
multiInterval.h | |
plane.h | |
pyBufferUtils.h | |
quatd.h | |
quaternion.h | |
quatf.h | |
quath.h | |
range1d.h | |
range1f.h | |
range2d.h | |
range2f.h | |
range3d.h | |
range3f.h | |
ray.h | |
rect2i.h | |
rotation.h | |
size2.h | |
size3.h | |
traits.h | |
transform.h | |
vec2d.h | |
vec2f.h | |
vec2h.h | |
vec2i.h | |
vec3d.h | |
vec3f.h | |
vec3h.h | |
vec3i.h | |
vec4d.h | |
vec4f.h | |
vec4h.h | |
vec4i.h | |
js | |
api.h | |
converter.h | |
json.h | Top-level entrypoints for reading and writing JSON |
types.h | |
utils.h | |
value.h | |
plug | |
api.h | |
interfaceFactory.h | |
notice.h | |
plugin.h | |
registry.h | |
staticInterface.h | |
thisPlugin.h | |
tf | |
anyUniquePtr.h | |
anyWeakPtr.h | Type independent WeakPtr holder class |
api.h | |
atomicOfstreamWrapper.h | Atomic file writer with ofstream interface |
bitUtils.h | |
callContext.h | Functions for recording call locations |
cxxCast.h | C++ Cast Utilities |
debug.h | Conditional debugging output class and macros |
debugNotice.h | |
declarePtrs.h | Standard pointer typedefs |
denseHashMap.h | |
denseHashSet.h | |
diagnostic.h | Low-level utilities for informing users of various internal and external diagnostic conditions |
diagnosticBase.h | |
diagnosticHelper.h | |
diagnosticLite.h | Stripped down version of diagnostic.h that doesn't define std::string |
diagnosticMgr.h | |
dl.h | Interface for opening code libraries |
enum.h | |
envSetting.h | Environment setting variable |
error.h | Provide facilities for error handling in script |
errorMark.h | |
errorTransport.h | |
expiryNotifier.h | |
fastCompression.h | Simple fast data compression/decompression routines |
fileUtils.h | Definitions of basic file utilities in tf |
functionRef.h | |
getenv.h | Functions for accessing environment variables |
hash.h | |
hashmap.h | |
hashset.h | |
instantiateSingleton.h | Manage a single instance of an object |
instantiateStacked.h | |
instantiateType.h | |
iterator.h | A simple iterator adapter for STL containers |
makePyConstructor.h | An injected constructor mechanism that works with polymorphic wrapped classes |
mallocTag.h | |
notice.h | |
nullPtr.h | |
ostreamMethods.h | Handy ostream output for various lib/tf and STL containers |
pathUtils.h | Definitions of basic path utilities in tf |
patternMatcher.h | A simple glob and regex matching utility |
pointerAndBits.h | |
preprocessorUtils.h | |
preprocessorUtilsLite.h | |
py3Compat.h | Compatibility code for supporting python 2 and 3 |
pyAnnotatedBoolResult.h | |
pyArg.h | |
pyCall.h | Utilities for calling python callables |
pyCallContext.h | |
pyClassMethod.h | |
pyContainerConversions.h | Utilities for providing C++ <-> Python container support |
pyEnum.h | Provide facilities for wrapping enums for script |
pyError.h | |
pyExceptionState.h | |
pyFunction.h | |
pyIdentity.h | |
pyInterpreter.h | Python runtime utilities |
pyInvoke.h | Flexible, high-level interface for calling Python functions |
pyLock.h | |
pyModule.h | |
pyModuleNotice.h | |
pyNoticeWrapper.h | |
pyObjectFinder.h | |
pyObjWrapper.h | |
pyOptional.h | |
pyOverride.h | |
pyPolymorphic.h | |
pyPtrHelpers.h | Enables wrapping of Weak or Ref & Weak held types to python |
pyResultConversions.h | |
pySafePython.h | Intended to replace a direct include of Python.h, which causes several build problems with certain configurations and platforms (e.g., debug builds on Windows) |
pySingleton.h | |
pyStaticTokens.h | |
pyTracing.h | |
pyUtils.h | Miscellaneous Utilities for dealing with script |
pyWrapContext.h | |
refBase.h | |
refCount.h | |
refPtr.h | Reference counting |
refPtrTracker.h | |
registryManager.h | |
regTest.h | Support for simple regression tests |
safeOutputFile.h | Safe file writer with FILE * interface |
safeTypeCompare.h | Safely compare C++ RTTI type structures |
scoped.h | |
scopeDescription.h | |
scriptModuleLoader.h | |
setenv.h | Functions for setting and unsetting environment variables |
singleton.h | Manage a single instance of an object |
smallVector.h | |
span.h | |
stacked.h | |
stackTrace.h | |
staticData.h | |
staticTokens.h | This file defines some macros that are useful for declaring and using static TfTokens |
status.h | |
stl.h | |
stopwatch.h | |
stringUtils.h | Definitions of basic string utilities in tf |
templateString.h | |
tf.h | A file containing basic constants and definitions |
token.h | TfToken class for efficient string referencing and hashing, plus conversions to and from stl string containers |
type.h | |
type_Impl.h | |
typeFunctions.h | |
typeInfoMap.h | |
typeNotice.h | |
warning.h | |
weakBase.h | |
weakPtr.h | Pointer storage with deletion detection |
weakPtrFacade.h | |
wrapTypeHelpers.h | |
trace | |
aggregateNode.h | |
aggregateTree.h | |
api.h | |
category.h | |
collection.h | |
collectionNotice.h | |
collector.h | |
concurrentList.h | |
counterAccumulator.h | |
dataBuffer.h | |
dynamicKey.h | |
event.h | |
eventContainer.h | |
eventData.h | |
eventList.h | |
eventNode.h | |
eventTree.h | |
key.h | |
reporter.h | |
reporterBase.h | |
reporterDataSourceBase.h | |
reporterDataSourceCollection.h | |
reporterDataSourceCollector.h | |
serialization.h | |
staticKeyData.h | |
stringHash.h | |
threads.h | |
trace.h | |
vt | |
api.h | |
array.h | |
arrayPyBuffer.h | |
dictionary.h | |
functions.h | |
hash.h | |
operators.h | |
pyOperators.h | |
streamOut.h | |
traits.h | |
types.h | Defines all the types "TYPED" for which Vt creates a VtTYPEDArray typedef |
value.h | |
valueFromPython.h | |
wrapArray.h | |
work | |
api.h | |
detachedTask.h | |
dispatcher.h | |
loops.h | |
reduce.h | |
singularTask.h | |
threadLimits.h | |
utils.h | |
withScopedParallelism.h | |
imaging | |
cameraUtil | |
api.h | |
conformWindow.h | |
framing.h | |
screenWindowParameters.h | |
garch | |
api.h | |
gl.h | |
glApi.h | |
glDebugWindow.h | |
glPlatformContext.h | |
glPlatformContextGLX.h | |
glPlatformDebugContext.h | |
khrplatform.h | |
glf | |
api.h | |
bindingMap.h | |
contextCaps.h | |
diagnostic.h | |
drawTarget.h | |
glContext.h | |
glRawContext.h | |
info.h | |
simpleLight.h | |
simpleLightingContext.h | |
simpleMaterial.h | |
simpleShadowArray.h | |
testGLContext.h | |
texture.h | |
uniformBlock.h | |
utils.h | |
hd | |
aov.h | |
api.h | |
basisCurves.h | |
basisCurvesTopology.h | |
binding.h | |
bprim.h | |
bufferArray.h | |
bufferArrayRange.h | |
bufferArrayRegistry.h | |
bufferResource.h | |
bufferSource.h | |
bufferSpec.h | |
camera.h | |
changeTracker.h | |
command.h | |
compExtCompInputSource.h | |
computation.h | |
coordSys.h | |
debugCodes.h | |
dirtyList.h | |
drawingCoord.h | |
drawItem.h | |
driver.h | |
engine.h | |
enums.h | |
extCompCpuComputation.h | |
extCompInputSource.h | |
extCompPrimvarBufferSource.h | |
extComputation.h | |
extComputationContext.h | |
extComputationUtils.h | |
field.h | |
flatNormals.h | |
geomSubset.h | |
instancer.h | |
instanceRegistry.h | |
light.h | |
material.h | |
mesh.h | |
meshTopology.h | |
meshUtil.h | |
perfLog.h | |
pluginRenderDelegateUniqueHandle.h | |
points.h | |
primGather.h | |
primTypeIndex.h | |
renderBuffer.h | |
renderDelegate.h | |
rendererPlugin.h | |
rendererPluginHandle.h | |
rendererPluginRegistry.h | |
renderIndex.h | |
renderPass.h | |
renderPassState.h | |
renderThread.h | |
repr.h | |
resource.h | |
resourceRegistry.h | |
rprim.h | |
rprimCollection.h | |
rprimSharedData.h | |
sceneDelegate.h | |
sceneExtCompInputSource.h | |
selection.h | |
smoothNormals.h | |
sortedIds.h | |
sprim.h | |
strategyBase.h | |
task.h | |
timeSampleArray.h | |
tokens.h | |
topology.h | |
types.h | |
unitTestDelegate.h | |
unitTestHelper.h | |
unitTestNullRenderDelegate.h | |
unitTestNullRenderPass.h | |
version.h | |
vertexAdjacency.h | |
volume.h | |
vtBufferSource.h | |
hdEmbree | |
config.h | |
context.h | |
instancer.h | |
mesh.h | |
meshSamplers.h | |
renderBuffer.h | |
renderDelegate.h | |
renderer.h | |
rendererPlugin.h | |
renderParam.h | |
renderPass.h | |
sampler.h | |
hdMtlx | |
api.h | |
hdMtlx.h | |
hdPrman | |
api.h | |
basisCurves.h | |
camera.h | |
context.h | |
coordSys.h | |
debugCodes.h | |
gprim.h | |
instancer.h | |
light.h | |
lightFilter.h | |
lightFilterUtils.h | |
material.h | |
matfiltConvertPreviewMaterial.h | |
matfiltFilterChain.h | |
matfiltMaterialX.h | |
matfiltResolveVstructs.h | |
mesh.h | |
offlineContext.h | |
points.h | |
renderDelegate.h | |
renderParam.h | |
rixStrings.h | |
volume.h | |
xcpt.h | |
hdPrmanLoader | |
rendererPlugin.h | |
hdSt | |
api.h | |
basisCurves.h | |
bufferArrayRange.h | |
bufferResource.h | |
commandBuffer.h | |
copyComputation.h | |
debugCodes.h | |
dispatchBuffer.h | |
domeLightComputations.h | |
drawItem.h | |
drawItemInstance.h | |
drawTarget.h | |
drawTargetRenderPassState.h | |
dynamicUvTextureImplementation.h | |
dynamicUvTextureObject.h | |
extCompGpuComputation.h | |
extCompGpuComputationResource.h | |
extCompGpuPrimvarBufferSource.h | |
extComputation.h | |
fallbackLightingShader.h | |
field.h | |
fieldSubtextureIdentifier.h | |
flatNormals.h | |
geometricShader.h | |
glConversions.h | |
glslfxShader.h | |
glslProgram.h | |
glUtils.h | |
hgiConversions.h | |
hioConversions.h | |
imageShaderRenderPass.h | |
instancer.h | |
interleavedMemoryManager.h | |
light.h | |
lightingShader.h | |
material.h | |
materialNetwork.h | |
mesh.h | |
package.h | |
points.h | |
primUtils.h | |
ptexMipmapTextureLoader.h | |
ptexTextureObject.h | |
renderBuffer.h | |
renderDelegate.h | |
renderParam.h | |
renderPass.h | |
renderPassShader.h | |
renderPassState.h | |
resourceRegistry.h | |
samplerObject.h | |
samplerObjectRegistry.h | |
shaderCode.h | |
simpleLightingShader.h | |
smoothNormals.h | |
subtextureIdentifier.h | |
surfaceShader.h | |
textureBinder.h | |
textureCpuData.h | |
textureHandle.h | |
textureHandleRegistry.h | |
textureIdentifier.h | |
textureObject.h | |
textureObjectRegistry.h | |
textureUtils.h | |
tokens.h | |
udimTextureObject.h | |
unitTestGLDrawing.h | |
vboMemoryManager.h | |
vboSimpleMemoryManager.h | |
volume.h | |
hdStorm | |
rendererPlugin.h | |
hdx | |
aovInputTask.h | |
api.h | |
colorChannelTask.h | |
colorCorrectionTask.h | |
colorizeSelectionTask.h | |
drawTargetTask.h | |
freeCameraSceneDelegate.h | |
fullscreenShader.h | |
hgiConversions.h | |
oitBufferAccessor.h | |
oitRenderTask.h | |
oitResolveTask.h | |
oitVolumeRenderTask.h | |
package.h | |
pickFromRenderBufferTask.h | |
pickTask.h | |
presentTask.h | |
renderSetupTask.h | |
renderTask.h | |
selectionTask.h | |
selectionTracker.h | |
shadowMatrixComputation.h | |
shadowTask.h | |
simpleLightTask.h | |
task.h | |
taskController.h | |
tokens.h | |
types.h | |
version.h | |
visualizeAovTask.h | |
hf | |
api.h | |
diagnostic.h | |
perfLog.h | |
pluginBase.h | |
pluginDesc.h | |
pluginRegistry.h | |
hgi | |
api.h | |
attachmentDesc.h | |
blitCmds.h | |
blitCmdsOps.h | |
buffer.h | |
cmds.h | |
computeCmds.h | |
computePipeline.h | |
enums.h | |
graphicsCmds.h | |
graphicsCmdsDesc.h | |
graphicsPipeline.h | |
handle.h | |
hgi.h | |
resourceBindings.h | |
sampler.h | |
shaderFunction.h | |
shaderFunctionDesc.h | |
shaderGenerator.h | |
shaderProgram.h | |
shaderSection.h | |
texture.h | |
tokens.h | |
types.h | |
hgiGL | |
api.h | |
blitCmds.h | |
buffer.h | |
computeCmds.h | |
computePipeline.h | |
device.h | |
framebufferCache.h | |
garbageCollector.h | |
graphicsCmds.h | |
graphicsPipeline.h | |
hgi.h | |
ops.h | |
resourceBindings.h | |
sampler.h | |
shaderFunction.h | |
shaderProgram.h | |
texture.h | |
hgiInterop | |
api.h | |
hgiInterop.h | |
hio | |
api.h | |
fieldTextureData.h | |
glslfx.h | |
glslfxConfig.h | |
image.h | |
imageRegistry.h | |
types.h | |
pxOsd | |
api.h | |
meshTopology.h | |
meshTopologyValidation.h | |
refinerFactory.h | |
subdivTags.h | |
tokens.h | |
usd | |
ar | |
api.h | |
asset.h | |
asset_v1.h | |
assetInfo.h | |
defaultResolver.h | |
defaultResolver_v1.h | |
defaultResolverContext.h | |
definePackageResolver.h | Macros for defining a package resolver implementation |
defineResolver.h | Macros for defining a custom resolver implementation |
defineResolverContext.h | Macros for defining an object for use with ArResolverContext |
filesystemAsset.h | |
filesystemAsset_v1.h | |
notice.h | |
packageResolver.h | |
packageUtils.h | Utility functions for working with package assets |
pyResolverContext.h | |
pyResolverContext_v1.h | Macros for creating Python bindings for objects used with ArResolverContext |
resolvedPath.h | |
resolver.h | |
resolver_v1.h | |
resolverContext.h | |
resolverContext_v1.h | |
resolverContextBinder.h | |
resolverScopedCache.h | |
threadLocalScopedCache.h | |
kind | |
api.h | |
registry.h | |
ndr | |
api.h | |
debugCodes.h | |
declare.h | |
discoveryPlugin.h | |
filesystemDiscovery.h | |
filesystemDiscoveryHelpers.h | Provides utilities that the default filesystem discovery plugin uses |
node.h | |
nodeDiscoveryResult.h | |
parserPlugin.h | |
property.h | |
registry.h | |
pcp | |
api.h | |
arc.h | |
cache.h | |
changes.h | |
composeSite.h | Single-site composition |
dependency.h | |
dynamicFileFormatContext.h | |
dynamicFileFormatDependencyData.h | |
dynamicFileFormatInterface.h | |
errors.h | |
instanceKey.h | |
iterator.h | |
layerPrefetchRequest.h | |
layerStack.h | |
layerStackIdentifier.h | |
mapExpression.h | |
mapFunction.h | |
namespaceEdits.h | |
node.h | |
pathTranslation.h | Path translation |
primIndex.h | |
propertyIndex.h | |
pyUtils.h | |
site.h | |
strengthOrdering.h | |
targetIndex.h | |
types.h | |
sdf | |
abstractData.h | |
accessorHelpers.h | |
allowed.h | |
api.h | |
assetPath.h | |
attributeSpec.h | |
changeBlock.h | |
changeList.h | |
children.h | |
childrenPolicies.h | |
childrenProxy.h | |
childrenUtils.h | |
childrenView.h | |
cleanupEnabler.h | |
copyUtils.h | |
data.h | |
declareHandles.h | |
declareSpec.h | |
fileFormat.h | |
identity.h | |
layer.h | |
layerHints.h | |
layerOffset.h | |
layerStateDelegate.h | |
layerTree.h | |
layerUtils.h | |
listEditor.h | |
listEditorProxy.h | |
listOp.h | |
listProxy.h | |
mapEditor.h | |
mapEditProxy.h | |
namespaceEdit.h | |
notice.h | |
path.h | |
path.tab.h | |
pathNode.h | |
pathTable.h | |
payload.h | |
pool.h | |
primSpec.h | |
propertySpec.h | |
proxyPolicies.h | |
proxyTypes.h | |
pseudoRootSpec.h | |
pyChildrenProxy.h | |
pyChildrenView.h | |
pyListEditorProxy.h | |
pyListOp.h | |
pyListProxy.h | |
pyMapEditProxy.h | |
pySpec.h | SdfSpec Python wrapping utilities |
pyUtils.h | |
reference.h | |
relationshipSpec.h | |
schema.h | |
schemaTypeRegistration.h | |
site.h | |
siteUtils.h | Convenience API for working with SdfSite |
spec.h | |
specType.h | |
textFileFormat.h | |
textFileFormat.tab.h | |
timeCode.h | |
tokens.h | |
types.h | Basic Sdf data types |
valueTypeName.h | |
variantSetSpec.h | |
variantSpec.h | |
sdr | |
api.h | |
declare.h | |
registry.h | |
shaderMetadataHelpers.h | |
shaderNode.h | |
shaderProperty.h | |
usd | |
api.h | |
apiSchemaBase.h | |
attribute.h | |
attributeQuery.h | |
clipsAPI.h | |
collectionAPI.h | |
collectionMembershipQuery.h | |
common.h | |
crateInfo.h | |
debugCodes.h | |
editContext.h | |
editTarget.h | |
flattenUtils.h | Utilities for flattening layer stacks into a single layer |
inherits.h | |
interpolation.h | |
modelAPI.h | |
notice.h | |
object.h | |
payloads.h | |
prim.h | |
primCompositionQuery.h | |
primData.h | |
primDataHandle.h | |
primDefinition.h | |
primFlags.h | |
primRange.h | |
primTypeInfo.h | |
property.h | |
pyConversions.h | |
pyEditContext.h | |
references.h | |
relationship.h | |
resolveInfo.h | |
resolver.h | |
schemaBase.h | |
schemaRegistry.h | |
specializes.h | |
stage.h | |
stageCache.h | |
stageCacheContext.h | |
stageLoadRules.h | |
stagePopulationMask.h | |
timeCode.h | |
tokens.h | |
typed.h | |
usdaFileFormat.h | |
usdcFileFormat.h | |
usdFileFormat.h | |
usdzFileFormat.h | |
variantSets.h | |
zipFile.h | |
usdGeom | |
api.h | |
basisCurves.h | |
bboxCache.h | |
boundable.h | |
boundableComputeExtent.h | |
camera.h | |
capsule.h | |
cone.h | |
constraintTarget.h | |
cube.h | |
curves.h | |
cylinder.h | |
debugCodes.h | |
gprim.h | |
hermiteCurves.h | |
imageable.h | |
mesh.h | |
metrics.h | Schema and utilities for encoding various spatial and geometric metrics of a UsdStage and its contents |
modelAPI.h | |
motionAPI.h | |
nurbsCurves.h | |
nurbsPatch.h | |
pointBased.h | |
pointInstancer.h | |
points.h | |
primvar.h | |
primvarsAPI.h | |
scope.h | |
sphere.h | |
subset.h | |
tokens.h | |
xform.h | |
xformable.h | |
xformCache.h | |
xformCommonAPI.h | |
xformOp.h | |
usdHydra | |
api.h | |
discoveryPlugin.h | |
tokens.h | |
usdLux | |
api.h | |
blackbody.h | |
cylinderLight.h | |
diskLight.h | |
distantLight.h | |
domeLight.h | |
geometryLight.h | |
light.h | |
lightFilter.h | |
lightPortal.h | |
listAPI.h | |
pluginLight.h | |
pluginLightFilter.h | |
portalLight.h | |
rectLight.h | |
shadowAPI.h | |
shapingAPI.h | |
sphereLight.h | |
tokens.h | |
usdMedia | |
api.h | |
spatialAudio.h | |
tokens.h | |
usdPhysics | |
api.h | |
articulationRootAPI.h | |
collisionAPI.h | |
collisionGroup.h | |
distanceJoint.h | |
driveAPI.h | |
filteredPairsAPI.h | |
fixedJoint.h | |
joint.h | |
limitAPI.h | |
massAPI.h | |
materialAPI.h | |
meshCollisionAPI.h | |
metrics.h | Helper APIs for physics related metrics operations |
prismaticJoint.h | |
revoluteJoint.h | |
rigidBodyAPI.h | |
scene.h | |
sphericalJoint.h | |
tokens.h | |
usdRender | |
api.h | |
product.h | |
settings.h | |
settingsAPI.h | |
settingsBase.h | |
spec.h | |
tokens.h | |
var.h | |
usdRi | |
api.h | |
lightAPI.h | |
lightFilterAPI.h | |
lightPortalAPI.h | |
materialAPI.h | |
pxrAovLight.h | |
pxrBarnLightFilter.h | |
pxrCookieLightFilter.h | |
pxrEnvDayLight.h | |
pxrIntMultLightFilter.h | |
pxrRampLightFilter.h | |
pxrRodLightFilter.h | |
risBxdf.h | |
risIntegrator.h | |
risObject.h | |
risOslPattern.h | |
risPattern.h | |
rmanUtilities.h | Utilities for converting between USD encodings and Renderman encodings in cases where there is a difference |
rslShader.h | |
splineAPI.h | |
statementsAPI.h | |
textureAPI.h | |
tokens.h | |
usdShade | |
api.h | |
connectableAPI.h | |
connectableAPIBehavior.h | |
coordSysAPI.h | |
input.h | |
material.h | |
materialBindingAPI.h | |
nodeDefAPI.h | |
nodeGraph.h | |
output.h | |
shader.h | |
shaderDefParser.h | |
shaderDefUtils.h | |
tokens.h | |
types.h | |
utils.h | |
usdSkel | |
animation.h | |
animMapper.h | |
animQuery.h | |
api.h | |
bakeSkinning.h | |
binding.h | |
bindingAPI.h | |
blendShape.h | |
blendShapeQuery.h | |
cache.h | |
debugCodes.h | |
inbetweenShape.h | |
packedJointAnimation.h | |
root.h | |
skeleton.h | |
skeletonQuery.h | |
skinningQuery.h | |
tokens.h | |
topology.h | |
utils.h | Collection of utility methods |
usdUI | |
api.h | |
backdrop.h | |
nodeGraphNodeAPI.h | |
sceneGraphPrimAPI.h | |
tokens.h | |
usdUtils | |
api.h | |
authoring.h | A collection of utilities for higher-level authoring and copying scene description than provided by the core Usd and Sdf API's |
coalescingDiagnosticDelegate.h | A class which provides aggregation of warnings and statuses emitted from Tf's diagnostic management system |
conditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate.h | |
debugCodes.h | |
dependencies.h | Utilities for the following tasks that require consideration of a USD asset's external dependencies: |
flattenLayerStack.h | Utilities for flattening layer stacks into a single layer |
introspection.h | Collection of module-scoped utilities for introspecting a given USD stage |
pipeline.h | Collection of module-scoped utilities for establishing pipeline conventions for things not currently suitable or possible to canonize in USD's schema modules |
registeredVariantSet.h | |
sparseValueWriter.h | A collection of utilities for authoring time-varying attribute values with basic run-length encoding |
stageCache.h | A simple interface for handling a singleton usd stage cache |
stitch.h | Collection of module-scoped utilities for combining layers |
stitchClips.h | Collection of utilities for sequencing multiple layers each holding sequential time-varying data into USD Value Clips |
timeCodeRange.h | |
usdVol | |
api.h | |
field3DAsset.h | |
fieldAsset.h | |
fieldBase.h | |
openVDBAsset.h | |
tokens.h | |
volume.h | |
usdImaging | |
usdAppUtils | |
api.h | |
camera.h | Collection of module-scoped utilities for applications that operate using USD cameras |
frameRecorder.h | |
usdImaging | |
adapterRegistry.h | |
api.h | |
basisCurvesAdapter.h | |
cameraAdapter.h | |
capsuleAdapter.h | |
collectionCache.h | |
coneAdapter.h | |
coordSysAdapter.h | |
cubeAdapter.h | |
cylinderAdapter.h | |
cylinderLightAdapter.h | |
debugCodes.h | |
delegate.h | |
diskLightAdapter.h | |
distantLightAdapter.h | |
domeLightAdapter.h | |
fieldAdapter.h | |
geometryLightAdapter.h | |
gprimAdapter.h | |
hermiteCurvesAdapter.h | |
implicitSurfaceMeshUtils.h | |
indexProxy.h | |
instanceAdapter.h | |
instancerContext.h | |
lightAdapter.h | |
lightFilterAdapter.h | |
materialAdapter.h | |
meshAdapter.h | |
nurbsCurvesAdapter.h | |
nurbsPatchAdapter.h | |
pluginLightAdapter.h | |
pluginLightFilterAdapter.h | |
pointInstancerAdapter.h | |
pointsAdapter.h | |
portalLightAdapter.h | |
primAdapter.h | |
primvarDescCache.h | |
rectLightAdapter.h | |
resolvedAttributeCache.h | |
sphereAdapter.h | |
sphereLightAdapter.h | |
textureUtils.h | |
tokens.h | |
unitTestHelper.h | |
version.h | |
volumeAdapter.h | |
usdImagingGL | |
api.h | |
drawModeAdapter.h | |
engine.h | |
package.h | |
rendererSettings.h | |
renderParams.h | |
version.h | |
usdRiImaging | |
api.h | |
pxrBarnLightFilterAdapter.h | |
pxrIntMultLightFilterAdapter.h | |
pxrRodLightFilterAdapter.h | |
tokens.h | |
version.h | |
usdSkelImaging | |
api.h | |
package.h | |
skeletonAdapter.h | |
skelRootAdapter.h | |
utils.h | Collection of utility methods for imaging skels |
usdviewq | |
api.h | |
utils.h | |
usdVolImaging | |
api.h | |
field3dAssetAdapter.h | |
openvdbAssetAdapter.h | |
tokens.h | |
pxr.h | |