ShaderMetadataHelpers | Various utilities for parsing metadata contained within shaders |
_NdrFilesystemDiscoveryPlugin | Discovers nodes on the filesystem |
ArAsset | Interface for accessing the contents of an asset |
ArAssetInfo | Contains information about a resolved asset |
ArchMallocHook | Override default malloc() functionality |
ArDefaultResolver | Default asset resolution implementation used when no plugin implementation is provided |
ArDefaultResolverContext | Resolver context object that specifies a search path to use during asset resolution |
ArFilesystemAsset | ArAsset implementation for asset represented by a file on a filesystem |
ArIsContextObject | Metafunction to determine whether the templated object type is a valid context object |
ArPackageResolver | Interface for resolving assets within package assets |
ArResolvedPath | Represents a resolved asset path |
ArResolver | Interface for the asset resolution system |
ArResolverContext | An asset resolver context allows clients to provide additional data to the resolver for use during resolution |
ArResolverContextBinder | Helper object for managing the binding and unbinding of ArResolverContext objects with the asset resolver |
ArResolverScopedCache | Helper object for managing asset resolver cache scopes |
ArThreadLocalScopedCache | Utility class for custom resolver implementations |
CameraUtilFraming | Framing information |
CameraUtilScreenWindowParameters | Given a camera object, compute parameters suitable for setting up RenderMan |
Edge | Mesh edges are described as a pair of adjacent vertices encoded as GfVec2i |
GarchGLDebugWindow | Platform specific minimum GL widget for unit tests |
GarchGLPlatformDebugContext | Platform specific context (e.g |
GfBBox3d | Basic type: arbitrarily oriented 3D bounding box |
GfCamera | Object-based representation of a camera |
GfFrustum | Basic type: View frustum |
GfInterval | A basic mathematical interval class |
GfIsArithmetic | A metafunction which is equivalent to std::arithmetic but also includes any specializations from GfIsFloatingPoint (like GfHalf) |
GfIsFloatingPoint | A metafunction which is equivalent to std::is_floating_point but allows for additional specialization for types like GfHalf |
GfIsGfMatrix | A metafunction with a static const bool member 'value' that is true for GfMatrix types, like GfMatrix3d, GfMatrix4f, etc and false for all other types |
GfIsGfQuat | A metafunction with a static const bool member 'value' that is true for GfQuat types and false for all other types |
GfIsGfRange | A metafunction with a static const bool member 'value' that is true for GfRange types and false for all other types |
GfIsGfVec | A metafunction with a static const bool member 'value' that is true for GfVec types, like GfVec2i, GfVec4d, etc and false for all other types |
GfLine | Basic type: 3D line |
GfLine2d | Basic type: 2D line |
GfLineSeg | Basic type: 3D line segment |
GfLineSeg2d | Basic type: 2D line segment |
GfMatrix2d | Stores a 2x2 matrix of double elements |
GfMatrix2f | Stores a 2x2 matrix of float elements |
GfMatrix3d | Stores a 3x3 matrix of double elements |
GfMatrix3f | Stores a 3x3 matrix of float elements |
GfMatrix4d | Stores a 4x4 matrix of double elements |
GfMatrix4f | Stores a 4x4 matrix of float elements |
GfMatrixData | A class template used by GfMatrixXX to store values |
GfMultiInterval | GfMultiInterval represents a subset of the real number line as an ordered set of non-intersecting GfIntervals |
GfPlane | Basic type: 3-dimensional plane |
GfQuatd | Basic type: a quaternion, a complex number with a real coefficient and three imaginary coefficients, stored as a 3-vector |
GfQuaternion | Basic type: complex number with scalar real part and vector imaginary part |
GfQuatf | Basic type: a quaternion, a complex number with a real coefficient and three imaginary coefficients, stored as a 3-vector |
GfQuath | Basic type: a quaternion, a complex number with a real coefficient and three imaginary coefficients, stored as a 3-vector |
GfRange1d | Basic type: 1-dimensional floating point range |
GfRange1f | Basic type: 1-dimensional floating point range |
GfRange2d | Basic type: 2-dimensional floating point range |
GfRange2f | Basic type: 2-dimensional floating point range |
GfRange3d | Basic type: 3-dimensional floating point range |
GfRange3f | Basic type: 3-dimensional floating point range |
GfRay | Basic type: Ray used for intersection testing |
GfRect2i | A 2D rectangle with integer coordinates |
GfRotation | Basic type: 3-space rotation specification |
GfSize2 | Two-dimensional array of sizes |
GfSize3 | Three-dimensional array of sizes |
GfTransform | Basic type: Compound linear transformation |
GfVec2d | Basic type for a vector of 2 double components |
GfVec2f | Basic type for a vector of 2 float components |
GfVec2h | Basic type for a vector of 2 GfHalf components |
GfVec2i | Basic type for a vector of 2 int components |
GfVec3d | Basic type for a vector of 3 double components |
GfVec3f | Basic type for a vector of 3 float components |
GfVec3h | Basic type for a vector of 3 GfHalf components |
GfVec3i | Basic type for a vector of 3 int components |
GfVec4d | Basic type for a vector of 4 double components |
GfVec4f | Basic type for a vector of 4 float components |
GfVec4h | Basic type for a vector of 4 GfHalf components |
GfVec4i | Basic type for a vector of 4 int components |
GlfAnyGLContextScopeHolder | Helper class to make the shared GL context current if there is no valid current context |
GlfContextCaps | This class is intended to be a cache of the capabilites (resource limits and features) of the underlying GL context |
GlfDebugGroup | Represents a GL debug group in Glf |
GlfDrawTarget | A class representing a GL render target with mutliple image attachments |
GlfGLContext | Provides window system independent access to GL contexts |
GlfGLContextRegistrationInterface | Interface for registering a GlfGLContext system |
GlfGLContextScopeHolder | Helper class to make a GL context current |
GlfGLQueryObject | Represents a GL query object in Glf |
GlfSharedGLContextScopeHolder | Helper class to make the shared GL context current |
GlfTestGLContext | Testing support class for GlfGLContext |
GlfTexture | Represents a texture object in Glf |
GlfUniformBlock | Manages a GL uniform buffer object |
HdAggregationStrategy | Aggregation strategy base class |
HdAovDescriptor | A bundle of state describing an AOV ("Arbitrary Output Variable") display channel |
HdAssetStUvTextureObject | A uv texture loading the asset identified by the texture identifier |
HdBasisCurves | Hydra Schema for a collection of curves using a particular basis |
HdBasisCurvesReprDesc | Descriptor to configure a drawItem for a repr |
HdBasisCurvesTopology | Topology data for basisCurves |
HdBinding | Bindings are used for buffers or textures, it simple associates a binding type with a binding location |
HdBindingRequest | BindingRequest allows externally allocated buffers to be bound at render time |
HdBprim | Bprim (buffer prim) is a base class of managing a blob of data that is used to communicate between the scene delegate and render |
HdBufferArray | Similar to a VAO, this object is a bundle of coherent buffers |
HdBufferArrayRange | Interface class for representing range (subset) locator of HdBufferArray |
HdBufferArrayRangeContainer | A resizable container of HdBufferArrayRanges |
HdBufferArrayRegistry | Manages the pool of buffer arrays |
HdBufferArrayUsageHint | The union provides a set of flags that provide hints to the memory management system about the properties of a Buffer Array Range (BAR), so it can efficiently organize that memory |
HdBufferResource | A specific type of HdResource (GPU resource) representing a buffer object |
HdBufferSource | A transient buffer of data that has not yet been committed |
HdBufferSpec | Describes each named resource of buffer array |
HdCamera | Hydra schema for a camera that pulls the params (see above) during Sync |
HdChangeTracker | Tracks changes from the HdSceneDelegate, providing invalidation cues to the render engine |
HdCommandArgDescriptor | A bundle of state describing an argument to a command |
HdCommandDescriptor | A bundle of state describing a "command" |
HdComputation | An interface class for GPU computation |
HdComputedBufferSource | A abstract base class for cpu computation followed by buffer transfer to the GPU |
HdCoordSys | HdCoordSys representes a coordinate system as a Hydra state prim |
HdDirtyList | Used for faster iteration of dirty rprims, filtered by mask |
HdDisplayStyle | Describes how the geometry of a prim should be displayed |
HdDrawingCoord | A tiny set of integers, which provides an indirection mapping from the conceptual space of an HdRprim's resources (topological, primvar & instancing) to the index within HdBufferArrayRangeContainer, where the resource is stored |
HdDrawItem | A draw item is a light-weight representation of an HdRprim's resources and material to be used for rendering |
HdDriver | HdDriver represents a device object, commonly a render device, that is owned by the application and passed to HdRenderIndex |
HdEmbreeBufferSampler | A utility class that knows how to sample an element from a type-tagged buffer (like HdVtBufferSource) |
HdEmbreeConfig | This class is a singleton, holding configuration parameters for HdEmbree |
HdEmbreeConstantSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars with "constant" interpolation mode |
HdEmbreeInstanceContext | A small bit of state attached to each bit of instanced geometry in embree, for the benefit of HdEmbreeRenderer::_TraceRay |
HdEmbreeInstancer | HdEmbree implements instancing by adding prototype geometry to the BVH multiple times within HdEmbreeMesh::Sync() |
HdEmbreeMesh | An HdEmbree representation of a subdivision surface or poly-mesh object |
HdEmbreePrimvarSampler | An abstract base class that knows how to sample a primvar signal given a ray hit coordinate: an <element, u, v> tuple |
HdEmbreePrototypeContext | A small bit of state attached to each bit of prototype geometry in embree, for the benefit of HdEmbreeRenderer::_TraceRay |
HdEmbreeRenderDelegate | Render delegates provide renderer-specific functionality to the render index, the main hydra state management structure |
HdEmbreeRenderer | HdEmbreeRenderer implements a renderer on top of Embree's raycasting abilities |
HdEmbreeRendererPlugin | A registered child of HdRendererPlugin, this is the class that gets loaded when a hydra application asks to draw with a certain renderer |
HdEmbreeRenderParam | The render delegate can create an object of type HdRenderParam, to pass to each prim during Sync() |
HdEmbreeRenderPass | HdRenderPass represents a single render iteration, rendering a view of the scene (the HdRprimCollection) for a specific viewer (the camera/viewport parameters in HdRenderPassState) to the current draw target |
HdEmbreeRTCBufferAllocator | Utility class to track which embree user vertex buffers are currently in use |
HdEmbreeSubdivVertexSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars on subdiv meshes with "vertex" interpolation mode |
HdEmbreeTriangleFaceVaryingSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars on triangle meshes with "face-varying" interpolation modes |
HdEmbreeTriangleVertexSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars on triangle meshes with "vertex" or "varying" interpolation modes |
HdEmbreeTypeHelper | A utility class that helps map between C++ types and Hd type tags |
HdEmbreeUniformSampler | This class implements the HdEmbreePrimvarSampler interface for primvars with "uniform" interpolation mode |
HdEngine | The application-facing entry point top-level entry point for accessing Hydra |
HdExtCompCpuComputation | A Buffer Source that represents a CPU implementation of a ExtComputation |
HdExtCompPrimvarBufferSource | Hd Buffer Source that binds a primvar to a Ext Computation output |
HdExtComputation | Hydra Representation of a Client defined computation |
HdExtComputationContext | Interface class that defines the execution environment for the client to run a computation |
HdExtComputationInputDescriptor | Describes an input to an ExtComputation that takes data from the output of another ExtComputation |
HdExtComputationOutputDescriptor | Describes an output of an ExtComputation |
HdExtComputationPrimvarDescriptor | Extends HdPrimvarDescriptor to describe a primvar that takes data from the output of an ExtComputation |
HdField | Hydra schema for a USD field primitive |
HdGeomSubset | Describes a subset of a piece of geometry as a set of indices |
HdIndexedTimeSampleArray | An array of a value and its indices sampled over time, in struct-of-arrays layout |
HdInstance | This class is used as an interface to a shared instance in HdInstanceRegistry |
HdInstancer | This class exists to facilitate point cloud style instancing |
HdInstanceRegistry | HdInstanceRegistry is a dictionary container of HdInstance |
HdLight | A light model, used in conjunction with HdRenderPass |
HdMaterial | Hydra Schema for a material object |
HdMaterialConnection2 | HdMaterialNetwork2 |
HdMaterialNetwork | Describes a material network composed of nodes, primvars, and relationships between the nodes and terminals of those nodes |
HdMaterialNetwork2 | Container of nodes and top-level terminal connections |
HdMaterialNetworkMap | Describes a map from network type to network |
HdMaterialNode | Describes a material node which is made of a path, an identifier and a list of parameters |
HdMaterialNode2 | Describes an instance of a node within a network A node contains a (shader) type identifier, parameter values, and connections to upstream nodes |
HdMaterialRelationship | Describes a connection between two nodes in a material |
HdMesh | Hydra Schema for a subdivision surface or poly-mesh object |
HdMeshReprDesc | Descriptor to configure the drawItem(s) for a repr |
HdMeshTopology | Topology data for meshes |
HdMeshUtil | A collection of utility algorithms for generating triangulation and quadrangulation of an input topology |
HdNullBufferSource | A abstract base class for pure cpu computation |
HdParsedAovToken | Represents an AOV token which has been parsed to extract the prefix (in the case of "primvars:"/"lpe:"/etc.) |
HdPerfLog | Performance counter monitoring |
HdPluginRenderDelegateUniqueHandle | A (movable) handle for a render delegate that was created using a a plugin |
HdPoints | Hydra Schema for a point cloud |
HdPointsReprDesc | Descriptor to configure a drawItem for a repr |
HdPrimvarDescriptor | Describes a primvar |
HdPrman_Gprim | A mix-in template that adds shared gprim behavior to support various HdRprim types |
HdPrman_Xcpt | Defines an XcptHander for hdPrman |
HdPrmanCamera | A representation for cameras that pulls on camera parameters used by Riley cameras |
HdPrmanCoordSys | A representation for coordinate systems |
HdPrmanLight | A representation for lights |
HdPrmanLightFilter | A representation for light filters |
HdPrmanMaterial | A representation for materials (including displacement) in prman |
HdQuadInfo | A helper class for quadrangulation computation |
HdRenderBuffer | A render buffer is a handle to a data resource that can be rendered into, such as a 2d image for a draw target or auxiliary rendering output |
HdRenderBufferDescriptor | Describes the allocation structure of a render buffer bprim |
HdRendererPlugin | This class defines a renderer plugin interface for Hydra |
HdRendererPluginHandle | A handle for HdRendererPlugin also storing the plugin id |
HdRenderIndex | The Hydra render index is a flattened representation of the client scene graph, which may be composed of several self-contained scene graphs, each of which provides a HdSceneDelegate adapter for data access |
HdRenderParam | The HdRenderParam is an opaque (to core Hydra) handle, to an object that is obtained from the render delegate and passed to each prim during Sync processing |
HdRenderPass | An abstract class representing a single render iteration over a set of prims (the HdRprimCollection), for the camera/viewport parameters in HdRenderPassState |
HdRenderPassAovBinding | A renderpass AOV represents a binding of some output of the rendering process to an output buffer |
HdRenderPassState | A set of rendering parameters used among render passes |
HdRenderSettingDescriptor | HdRenderSettingDescriptor represents a render setting that a render delegate wants to export (e.g |
HdRenderThread | HdRenderThread is a utility that specific render delegates can choose to use depending on their needs |
HdRepr | An HdRepr refers to a (single) topological representation of an rprim, and owns the draw item(s) that visually represent it |
HdReprSelector | Describes one or more authored display representations for an rprim |
HdResource | Base class for all GPU resource objects |
HdResourceRegistry | A central registry for resources |
HdRprim | The render engine state for a given rprim from the scene graph |
HdRprimCollection | A named, semantic collection of objects |
HdSamplerParameters | Collection of standard parameters such as wrap modes to sample a texture |
HdSceneDelegate | Adapter class providing data exchange with the client scene graph |
HdSelection | HdSelection holds a collection of selected items per selection mode |
HdSprim | Sprim (state prim) is a base class of managing state for non-drawable scene entity (e.g |
HdStAssetUvSubtextureIdentifier | Specifies whether a UV texture should be loaded flipped vertically, whether it should be loaded with pre-multiplied alpha values, and the color space in which the texture is encoded |
HdStBasisCurves | A collection of curves using a particular basis |
HdStBufferArrayRange | Interface class for representing range (subset) locator of HdBufferArray |
HdStBufferArrayRangeContainer | A resizable container of HdBufferArrayRanges |
HdStBufferRelocator | A utility class to perform batched buffer copy |
HdStBufferResource | A specific type of HdBufferResource (GPU resource) representing an HgiBufferHandle |
HdStCommandBuffer | A buffer of commands (HdStDrawItem or HdComputeItem objects) to be executed |
HdStCopyComputationGPU | A GPU computation which transfers a vbo range specified by src and name to the given range |
HdStDispatchBuffer | A VBO of a simple array of unsigned integers |
HdStDrawItemInstance | A container to store instance state for a drawitem |
HdStDrawTarget | Represents an render to texture render pass |
HdStDrawTargetRenderPassState | Represents common non-gl context specific render pass state for a draw target |
HdStDynamicUvSubtextureIdentifier | Used as a tag that the Storm texture system returns a HdStDynamicUvTextureObject that is populated by a client rather than by the Storm texture system |
HdStDynamicUvTextureImplementation | Allows external clients to specify how a UV texture is loaded from, e.g., a file and how it is committed to the GPU |
HdStDynamicUvTextureObject | A uv texture that is managed but not populated by the Storm texture system |
HdStExtCompGpuComputation | A Computation that represents a GPU implementation of a ExtComputation |
HdStExtCompGpuComputationResource | A resource that represents the persistent GPU resources of an ExtComputation |
HdStExtCompGpuPrimvarBufferSource | A buffer source mapped to an output of an ExtComp CPU computation |
HdStExtComputation | Specialization of HdExtComputation which manages inputs as GPU resources |
HdStField | Represents a Field Buffer Prim |
HdStField3DAssetSubtextureIdentifier | Identifies the grid in a Field3DAsset file |
HdStFieldBaseSubtextureIdentifier | Base class for information identifying a grid in a volume field file |
HdStFieldSamplerObject | A sampler suitable for HdStFieldTextureObject |
HdStFieldTextureObject | A uvw texture with a bounding box describing how to transform it |
HdStGLSLProgram | An instance of a glsl program |
HdStHgiConversions | Converts from Hd types to Hgi types |
HdStInstancer | HdSt implements instancing by drawing each proto multiple times with a single draw call |
HdStInterleavedMemoryManager | Interleaved memory manager (base class) |
HdStLight | A light model for use in Storm |
HdStLightingShader | A lighting shader base class |
HdStMaterialNetwork | Helps HdStMaterial process a Hydra material network into shader source code and parameters values |
HdStMesh | A subdivision surface or poly-mesh object |
HdStOpenVDBAssetSubtextureIdentifier | Identifies a grid in an OpenVDB file |
HdStPoints | Points |
HdStPtexSamplerObject | Ptex doesn't bind samplers, so this class is just holding the texture handles for bindless textures |
HdStPtexSubtextureIdentifier | Specifies whether a Ptex texture should be loaded with pre-multiplied alpha values |
HdStPtexTextureObject | A Ptex texture |
HdStRenderDelegate | HdStRenderDelegate |
HdStRenderParam | The render delegate can create an object of type HdRenderParam, to pass to each prim during Sync() |
HdStRenderPassShader | A shader that supports common renderPass functionality |
HdStRenderPassState | A set of rendering parameters used among render passes |
HdStResourceRegistry | A central registry of all GPU resources |
HdStSamplerObject | A base class encapsulating a GPU sampler object and, optionally, a texture sampler handle (for bindless textures) |
HdStShaderCode | A base class representing the implementation (code) of a shader, used in conjunction with HdRenderPass |
HdStSimpleLightingShader | A shader that supports simple lighting functionality |
HdStSubtextureIdentifier | Base class for additional information to identify a texture in a file that can contain several textures (e.g., frames in a movie or grids in an OpenVDB file) |
HdStSurfaceShader | A scene-based SurfaceShader object |
HdStTextureCpuData | Represents CPU data that can be stored in a HdStUvTextureObject, mostly, likely during the load phase to be committed to the GPU |
HdStTextureHandle | Represents a texture and sampler that will be allocated and loaded from a texture file during commit, possibly a texture sampler handle and a memory request |
HdStTextureIdentifier | Class to identify a texture file or a texture within the texture file (e.g., a frame in a movie) |
HdStTextureObject | Base class for a texture object |
HdStTextureUtils | Helpers for loading textures |
HdStTypedSamplerObject | A template alias such that, e.g., HdStUvSamplerObject can be accessed as HdStTypedSamplerObject<HdTextureType::Uv> |
HdStTypedTextureObject | A template alias such that, e.g., HdStUvTextureObject can be accessed as HdStTypedTextureObject<HdTextureType::Uv> |
HdStUdimSamplerObject | A sampler suitable for Udim textures (wraps one GPU sampler for the texels texture) |
HdStUdimSubtextureIdentifier | Specifies whether a Udim texture should be loaded with pre-multiplied alpha values and the color space in which the texture is encoded |
HdStUdimTextureObject | A UDIM texture |
HdStUvSamplerObject | A sampler suitable for HdStUvTextureObject |
HdStUvTextureObject | A base class for uv textures |
HdStVBOMemoryManager | VBO memory manager |
HdStVBOSimpleMemoryManager | VBO simple memory manager |
HdStVolume | Represents a Volume Prim |
HdSyncRequestVector | The SceneDelegate is requested to synchronize prims as the result of executing a specific render pass, the following data structure is passed back to the delegate to drive synchronization |
HdTimeSampleArray | An array of a value sampled over time, in struct-of-arrays layout |
HdTupleType | HdTupleType represents zero, one, or more values of the same HdType |
HdUnitTestDelegate | A simple delegate class for unit test driver |
HdVec4f_2_10_10_10_REV | HdVec4f_2_10_10_10_REV is a compact representation of a GfVec4f |
HdVolume | Hd schema for a renderable volume primitive |
HdVolumeFieldDescriptor | Description of a single field related to a volume primitive |
HdVtBufferSource | An implementation of HdBufferSource where the source data value is a VtValue |
HdxAovInputTask | A task for taking input AOV data comming from a render buffer that was filled by render tasks and converting it to a HgiTexture |
HdxAovInputTaskParams | AovInput parameters |
HdxColorChannelTask | A task for choosing a color channel for display |
HdxColorChannelTaskParams | ColorChannelTask parameters |
HdxColorCorrectionTask | A task for performing color correction (and optionally color grading) on a color buffer to transform its color for display |
HdxColorCorrectionTaskParams | ColorCorrectionTask parameters |
HdxColorizeSelectionTask | A task for taking ID buffer data and turning it into a "selection overlay" that can be composited on top of hydra's color output |
HdxColorizeSelectionTaskParams | Input parameters for HdxColorizeSelectionTask |
HdxFreeCameraSceneDelegate | A simple scene delegate adding a camera prim to the given render index |
HdxFullscreenShader | This class is a utility for rendering deep raytracer or aov output (color/depth) to a hgi texture |
HdxHgiConversions | Converts from Hd types to Hgi types |
HdxOitBufferAccessor | Class for OIT render tasks to access the OIT buffers |
HdxOitRenderTask | A task for rendering transparent geometry into OIT buffers |
HdxOitResolveTask | A task for resolving previous passes to pixels |
HdxOitVolumeRenderTask | A task for rendering transparent geometry into OIT buffers |
HdxPickFromRenderBufferTask | A task for running picking queries against pre-existing id buffers |
HdxPickFromRenderBufferTaskParams | Pick task params |
HdxPickHit | Picking hit structure |
HdxPickResult | A utility class for resolving ID buffers into hits |
HdxPickTask | A task for running picking queries against the current scene |
HdxPickTaskContextParams | Pick task context params |
HdxPickTaskParams | Pick task params |
HdxPresentTask | A task for taking the final result of the aovs and compositing it over the currently bound framebuffer |
HdxPresentTaskParams | PresentTask parameters |
HdxRenderSetupTask | A task for setting up render pass state (camera, renderpass shader, GL states) |
HdxRenderTask | A task for rendering geometry to pixels |
HdxRenderTaskParams | RenderTask parameters (renderpass state) |
HdxSelectionTask | The SelectionTask is responsible for setting up render pass global buffers for selection and depositing those buffers into the task context for down stream consumption |
HdxSelectionTracker | Selection highlighting in Hydra: |
HdxShadowTask | A task for generating shadow maps |
HdxTask | Base class for (some) tasks in Hdx that provides common progressive rendering and Hgi functionality |
HdxVisualizeAovTask | A task for visualizing non-color AOVs such as depth, normals, primId |
HdxVisualizeAovTaskParams | aovName : The name of the aov to visualize |
HfPluginBase | Base class for all hydra plugin classes |
HfPluginDesc | Common structure used to report registered plugins in one of the plugin registries |
HfPluginRegistry | Base class for registering Hydra plugins using the plug mechanism |
Hgi | Hydra Graphics Interface |
HgiAttachmentDesc | Describes the properties of a framebuffer attachment |
HgiBlitCmds | A graphics API independent abstraction of resource copy commands |
HgiBuffer | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU buffer resource (base class) |
HgiBufferBindDesc | Describes the binding information of a buffer (or array of buffers) |
HgiBufferCpuToGpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy buffer data from CPU to GPU |
HgiBufferDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU buffer |
HgiBufferGpuToCpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy buffer data from GPU to CPU |
HgiBufferGpuToGpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy buffer data from GPU to GPU |
HgiBufferToTextureOp | Describes the properties needed to copy GPU buffer data into a GPU texture |
HgiCmds | Graphics commands are recorded in 'cmds' objects which are later submitted to hgi |
HgiComponentMapping | Describes color component mapping |
HgiComputeCmds | A graphics API independent abstraction of compute commands |
HgiComputePipeline | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU compute pipeline resource |
HgiComputePipelineDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU compute pipeline |
HgiComputeShaderConstantsDesc | A small, but fast buffer of uniform data for shaders |
HgiDepthStencilState | Properties to configure depth and stencil test |
HgiFactoryBase | Hgi factory for plugin system |
HgiGL | OpenGL implementation of the Hydra Graphics Interface |
HgiGLBlitCmds | OpenGL implementation of HgiBlitCmds |
HgiGLBuffer | Represents an OpenGL GPU buffer resource |
HgiGLComputeCmds | OpenGL implementation of HgiComputeCmds |
HgiGLComputePipeline | OpenGL implementation of HgiComputePipeline |
HgiGlDevice | OpenGL implementation of GPU device |
HgiGLFramebufferCache | Manages a cache of framebuffers based on graphics cmds descriptors |
HgiGLGarbageCollector | Handles garbage collection of opengl objects by delaying their destruction until those objects are no longer used |
HgiGLGraphicsCmds | OpenGL implementation of HgiGraphicsCmds |
HgiGLOps | A collection of functions used by cmds objects to do deferred cmd recording |
HgiGLPipeline | OpenGL implementation of HgiGraphicsPipeline |
HgiGLResourceBindings | OpenGL implementation of HgiResourceBindings |
HgiGLSampler | OpenGL implementation of HgiSampler |
HgiGLShaderFunction | OpenGL implementation of HgiShaderFunction |
HgiGLShaderProgram | OpenGL implementation of HgiShaderProgram |
HgiGLTexture | Represents a OpenGL GPU texture resource |
HgiGraphicsCmds | A graphics API independent abstraction of graphics commands |
HgiGraphicsCmdsDesc | Describes the properties to begin a HgiGraphicsCmds |
HgiGraphicsPipeline | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU graphics pipeline resource |
HgiGraphicsPipelineDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU pipeline |
HgiGraphicsShaderConstantsDesc | A small, but fast buffer of uniform data for shaders |
HgiHandle | Handle that contains a hgi object and unique id |
HgiInterop | Hydra Graphics Interface Interop |
HgiMipInfo | HgiMipInfo describes size and other info for a mip level |
HgiMultiSampleState | Properties to configure multi sampling |
HgiRasterizationState | Properties to configure multi sampling |
HgiResourceBindings | Represents a collection of buffers, texture and vertex attributes that will be used by an cmds object (and pipeline) |
HgiResourceBindingsDesc | Describes a set of resources that are bound to the GPU during encoding |
HgiSampler | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU sampler resource that perform texture sampling operations |
HgiSamplerDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU sampler |
HgiShaderFunction | Represents one shader stage function (code snippet) |
HgiShaderFunctionBufferDesc | Describes a buffer to be passed into a shader |
HgiShaderFunctionDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU shader function |
HgiShaderFunctionParamDesc | Describes a constant param passed into a shader |
HgiShaderFunctionTextureDesc | Describes a texture to be passed into a shader |
HgiShaderGenerator | Base class for shader function generation Given a descriptor, converts glslfx domain language to concrete shader languages |
HgiShaderProgram | Represents a collection of shader functions |
HgiShaderProgramDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU shader program |
HgiShaderSection | A base class for a Shader Section |
HgiTexture | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU texture resource |
HgiTextureBindDesc | Describes the binding information of a texture (or array of textures) |
HgiTextureCpuToGpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy texture data from CPU to GPU |
HgiTextureDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU texture |
HgiTextureGpuToCpuOp | Describes the properties needed to copy texture data from GPU to CPU |
HgiTextureToBufferOp | Describes the properties needed to copy GPU texture data into a GPU buffer |
HgiTextureView | Represents a graphics platform independent GPU texture view resource |
HgiTextureViewDesc | Describes the properties needed to create a GPU texture view from an existing GPU texture object |
HgiVertexAttributeDesc | Describes one attribute of a vertex |
HgiVertexBufferDesc | Describes the attributes of a vertex buffer |
HioFieldTextureData | An interface class for reading volume files having a transformation |
HioFieldTextureDataFactoryBase | A base class to make HioFieldTextureData objects, implemented by plugins |
HioGlslfx | A class representing the config and shader source of a glslfx file |
HioGlslfxConfig | A class representing the configuration of a glslfx file |
HioImage | A base class for reading and writing texture image data |
HioImageRegistry | Manages plugin registration and loading for HioImage subclasses |
JsParseError | A struct containing information about a JSON parsing error |
JsValue | A discriminated union type for JSON values |
JsValueTypeConverter | A helper class that can convert recursive JsValue structures to identical structures using a different container type |
JsWriter | This class provides an interface to writing json values directly to a stream |
KindRegistry | A singleton that holds known kinds and information about them |
MatfiltVstructConditionalEvaluator | Parses and evaluates a single expression of "virtual struct conditional grammar" |
NdrDiscoveryPlugin | Interface for discovery plugins |
NdrDiscoveryPluginContext | A context for discovery |
NdrNode | Represents an abstract node |
NdrNodeDiscoveryResult | Represents the raw data of a node, and some other bits of metadata, that were determined via a NdrDiscoveryPlugin |
NdrParserPlugin | Interface for parser plugins |
NdrProperty | Represents a property (input or output) that is part of a NdrNode instance |
NdrRegistry | The registry provides access to node information |
PcpArc | Represents an arc connecting two nodes in the prim index |
PcpCache | PcpCache is the context required to make requests of the Pcp composition algorithm and cache the results |
PcpCacheChanges | Types of changes per cache |
PcpChanges | Describes Pcp changes |
PcpDependency | Description of a dependency |
PcpDynamicFileFormatContext | Context object for the current state of a prim index that is being built that allows implementations of PcpDynamicFileFormatInterface to compose field values when generating dynamic file format arguments |
PcpDynamicFileFormatDependencyData | Contains the necessary information for storing a prim index's dependency on dynamic file format arguments and determining if a field change affects the prim index |
PcpDynamicFileFormatInterface | Interface mixin that can be included by SdfFileFormat subclasses to enable dynamic file format argument generation for a file format plugin |
PcpErrorArcCycle | Arcs between PcpNodes that form a cycle |
PcpErrorArcPermissionDenied | Arcs that were not made between PcpNodes because of permission restrictions |
PcpErrorBase | Base class for all error types |
PcpErrorCapacityExceeded | Exceeded the capacity for composition arcs at a single site |
PcpErrorInconsistentAttributeType | Attributes that have specs with conflicting definitions |
PcpErrorInconsistentAttributeVariability | Attributes that have specs with conflicting variability |
PcpErrorInconsistentPropertyType | Properties that have specs with conflicting definitions |
PcpErrorInternalAssetPath | Error about an arc that is prohibited due to being internal to an asset |
PcpErrorInvalidAssetPath | Invalid asset paths used by references or payloads |
PcpErrorInvalidExternalTargetPath | Invalid target or connection path in some scope that points to an object outside of that scope |
PcpErrorInvalidInstanceTargetPath | Invalid target or connection path authored in an inherited class that points to an instance of that class |
PcpErrorInvalidPrimPath | Invalid prim paths used by references or payloads |
PcpErrorInvalidReferenceOffset | Sublayers that use invalid layer offsets |
PcpErrorInvalidSublayerOffset | Sublayers that use invalid layer offsets |
PcpErrorInvalidSublayerOwnership | Sibling layers that have the same owner |
PcpErrorInvalidSublayerPath | Asset paths that could not be both resolved and loaded |
PcpErrorInvalidTargetPath | Invalid target or connection path |
PcpErrorInvalidVariantSelection | Invalid variant selections |
PcpErrorMutedAssetPath | Muted asset paths used by references or payloads |
PcpErrorOpinionAtRelocationSource | Opinions were found at a relocation source path |
PcpErrorPrimPermissionDenied | Layers with illegal opinions about private prims |
PcpErrorPropertyPermissionDenied | Layers with illegal opinions about private properties |
PcpErrorSublayerCycle | Layers that recursively sublayer themselves |
PcpErrorTargetPathBase | Base class for composition errors related to target or connection paths |
PcpErrorTargetPermissionDenied | Paths with illegal opinions about private targets |
PcpErrorUnresolvedPrimPath | Asset paths that could not be both resolved and loaded |
PcpInstanceKey | A PcpInstanceKey identifies instanceable prim indexes that share the same set of opinions |
PcpIteratorTraits | Traits class for retrieving useful characteristics about one of the Pcp iterator types above |
PcpLayerPrefetchRequest | PcpLayerPrefetchRequest represents a request to pre-fetch and retain a set of layers in memory |
PcpLayerStack | Represents a stack of layers that contribute opinions to composition |
PcpLayerStackChanges | Types of changes per layer stack |
PcpLayerStackIdentifier | Arguments used to identify a layer stack |
PcpLayerStackIdentifierStr | A "string"-based version of PcpLayerStackIdentifier |
PcpLayerStackSite | A site specifies a path in a layer stack of scene description |
PcpLifeboat | Structure used to temporarily retain layers and layerStacks within a code block |
PcpMapExpression | An expression that yields a PcpMapFunction value |
PcpMapFunction | A function that maps values from one namespace (and time domain) to another |
PcpNamespaceEdits | Sites that must respond to a namespace edit |
PcpNodeIterator | Object used to iterate over nodes in the prim index graph in strong-to-weak order |
PcpNodeRef | PcpNode represents a node in an expression tree for compositing scene description |
PcpNodeReverseIterator | Object used to iterate over nodes in the prim index graph in weak-to-strong order |
PcpPrimIndex | PcpPrimIndex is an index of the all sites of scene description that contribute opinions to a specific prim, under composition semantics |
PcpPrimIndexInputs | Inputs for the prim indexing procedure |
PcpPrimIndexOutputs | Outputs of the prim indexing procedure |
PcpPrimIterator | Object used to iterate over prim specs in the prim index graph in strong-to-weak order |
PcpPrimReverseIterator | Object used to iterate over prim specs in the prim index graph in weak-to-strong order |
PcpPropertyIndex | PcpPropertyIndex is an index of all sites in scene description that contribute opinions to a specific property, under composition semantics |
PcpPropertyIterator | Object used to iterate over property specs in a property index in strong-to-weak order |
PcpPropertyReverseIterator | Object used to iterate over property specs in a property index in weak-to-strong order |
PcpSite | A site specifies a path in a layer stack of scene description |
PcpSiteStr | A "string-based" version of PcpSite |
PcpSiteTrackerSegment | Used to keep track of which sites have been visited and through what type of arcs |
PcpSourceArcInfo | Information about the source of the target of an arc |
PcpTargetIndex | A PcpTargetIndex represents the results of indexing the target paths of a relationship or attribute |
PlugNotice | Notifications sent by the Plug library |
PlugPlugin | Defines an interface to registered plugins |
PlugRegistry | Defines an interface for registering plugins |
PlugStaticInterface | Provides access to an interface into a plugin |
PxOsdMeshTopology | Topology data for meshes |
PxOsdMeshTopologyValidation | Utility to help validate an OpenSubdiv Mesh topology |
PxOsdSubdivTags | Tags for non-hierarchial subdiv surfaces |
SdfAbstractData | Interface for scene description data storage |
SdfAbstractDataConstTypedValue | The fully-typed container for a field value in an SdfAbstractData |
SdfAbstractDataConstValue | A type-erased container for a const field value in an SdfAbstractData |
SdfAbstractDataSpecVisitor | Base class for objects used to visit specs in an SdfAbstractData object |
SdfAbstractDataTypedValue | The fully-typed container for a field value in an SdfAbstractData |
SdfAbstractDataValue | A type-erased container for a field value in an SdfAbstractData |
SdfAdaptedChildrenViewCreator | Helper class to convert a given view of type _View to an adapted view using _Adapter as the adapter class |
SdfAllowed | Indicates if an operation is allowed and, if not, why not |
SdfAssetPath | Contains an asset path and an optional resolved path |
SdfAttributeSpec | A subclass of SdfPropertySpec that holds typed data |
SdfAttributeViewPredicate | Predicate for viewing attributes |
SdfBatchNamespaceEdit | A description of an arbitrarily complex namespace edit |
SdfChangeList | A list of scene description modifications, organized by the namespace paths where the changes occur |
SdfChildrenView | Provides a view onto an object's children |
SdfChildrenViewTrivialAdapter | Special case adapter that does no conversions |
SdfChildrenViewTrivialPredicate | Special case predicate that always passes |
SdfCleanupEnabler | An RAII class which, when an instance is alive, enables scheduling of automatic cleanup of SdfLayers |
SdfCopySpecsValueEdit | Value containing an editing operation for SdfCopySpecs |
SdfData | SdfData provides concrete scene description data storage |
SdfFileFormat | Base class for file format implementations |
SdfGenericSpecViewPredicate | Predicate for viewing properties |
SdfHandle | SdfHandle is a smart ptr that calls IsDormant() on the pointed-to object as an extra expiration check so that dormant objects appear to be expired |
SdfIdentityMapEditProxyValuePolicy | A value policy for SdfMapEditProxy that does nothing |
SdfLayer | A unit of scene description that you combine with other units of scene description to form a shot, model, set, shader, and so on |
SdfLayerHints | Contains hints about layer contents that may be used to accelerate certain composition operations |
SdfLayerOffset | Represents a time offset and scale between layers |
SdfLayerStateDelegateBase | Maintains authoring state information for an associated layer |
SdfLayerTree | A SdfLayerTree is an immutable tree structure representing a sublayer stack and its recursive structure |
SdfListEditorProxy | Represents a set of list editing operations |
SdfListOp | Value type representing a list-edit operation |
SdfListProxy | Represents a single list of list editing operations |
SdfMapEditProxy | A proxy for editing map-like values |
SdfNameKeyPolicy | Key policy for std::string names |
SdfNamespaceEdit | A single namespace edit |
SdfNamespaceEditDetail | Detailed information about a namespace edit |
SdfNameTokenKeyPolicy | Key policy for TfToken names |
SdfNotice | Wrapper class for Sdf notices |
SdfPath | A path value used to locate objects in layers or scenegraphs |
SdfPathAncestorsRange | Range representing a path and ancestors, and providing methods for iterating over them |
SdfPathKeyPolicy | Key policy for SdfPath ; converts all SdfPaths to absolute |
SdfPathTable | A mapping from SdfPath to MappedType, somewhat similar to map<SdfPath, MappedType> and TfHashMap<SdfPath, MappedType>, but with key differences |
SdfPayload | Represents a payload and all its meta data |
SdfPayloadTypePolicy | List editor type policy for SdfPayload |
SdfPrimSpec | Represents a prim description in an SdfLayer object |
SdfPropertySpec | Base class for SdfAttributeSpec and SdfRelationshipSpec |
SdfPyWrapListOp | Helper class for wrapping SdfListOp objects for Python |
SdfReference | Represents a reference and all its meta data |
SdfReferenceTypePolicy | List editor type policy for SdfReference |
SdfRelationshipSpec | A property that contains a reference to one or more SdfPrimSpec instances |
SdfRelationshipViewPredicate | Predicate for viewing relationships |
SdfRelocatesMapProxyValuePolicy | Map edit proxy value policy for relocates maps |
SdfSchema | Class that provides information about the various scene description fields |
SdfSchemaBase | Generic class that provides information about scene description fields but doesn't actually provide any fields |
SdfSimpleLayerStateDelegate | A layer state delegate that simply records whether any changes have been made to a layer |
SdfSite | An SdfSite is a simple representation of a location in a layer where opinions may possibly be found |
SdfSpec | Base class for all Sdf spec classes |
SdfSpecTypeRegistration | Provides functions to register spec types with the runtime typing system used to cast between C++ spec types |
SdfSubLayerTypePolicy | List editor type policy for sublayers |
SdfTextFileFormat | Sdf text file format |
SdfTimeCode | Value type that represents a time code |
SdfTupleDimensions | Represents the shape of a value type (or that of an element in an array) |
SdfUnregisteredValue | Stores a representation of the value for an unregistered metadata field encountered during text layer parsing |
SdfValueBlock | A special value type that can be used to explicitly author an opinion for an attribute's default value or time sample value that represents having no value |
SdfValueTypeName | Represents a value type name, i.e |
SdfValueTypeNameHash | Functor for hashing a SdfValueTypeName |
SdfVariantSetSpec | Represents a coherent set of alternate representations for part of a scene |
SdfVariantSpec | Represents a single variant in a variant set |
SdrRegistry | The shading-specialized version of NdrRegistry |
SdrShaderNode | A specialized version of NdrNode which holds shading information |
SdrShaderProperty | A specialized version of NdrProperty which holds shading information |
TfAnyUniquePtr | A simple type-erased container that provides only destruction, moves and immutable, untyped access to the held value |
TfAnyWeakPtr | Provides the ability to hold an arbitrary TfWeakPtr in a non-type-specific manner in order to observe whether it has expired or not |
TfAtomicOfstreamWrapper | A class that wraps a file output stream, providing improved tolerance for write failures |
TfCopyIfNotReference | TfCopyIfNotReference<T>::Apply(v) is used to return a pointer to the value v |
TfCStrHashWrapper | A structure that wraps a char pointer, indicating intent that it should be hashed as a c-style null terminated string |
TfDebug | Enum-based debugging messages |
TfDebugSymbolEnableChangedNotice | Sent when a debug symbol has been enabled or disabled |
TfDebugSymbolsChangedNotice | Sent when the list of available debug symbol names has changed |
TfDeclarePtrs | Templated struct used for type definition macros |
TfDeleter | Function object for deleting any pointer |
TfDenseHashMap | This is a space efficient container that mimics the TfHashMap API that uses a vector for storage when the size of the map is small |
TfDenseHashSet | This is a space efficient container that mimics the TfHashSet API that uses a vector for storage when the size of the set is small |
TfDiagnosticBase | Represents the base class of an object representing a diagnostic message |
TfDiagnosticMgr | Singleton class through which all errors and diagnostics pass |
TfDictionaryLessThan | Provides dictionary ordering binary predicate function on strings |
TfEnum | An enum class that records both enum type and enum value |
TfEqualCString | A function object that compares two c-strings for equality |
TfError | Represents an object that contains error information |
TfErrorMark | Class used to record the end of the error-list |
TfErrorTransport | A facility for transporting errors from thread to thread |
TfFunctionRef | This class provides a non-owning reference to a type-erased callable object with a specified signature |
TfGet | Function object for retrieving the N'th element of a std::pair or std::tuple |
TfHash | A user-extensible hashing mechanism for use with runtime hash tables |
TfHashCharPtr | A hash function object that hashes the address of a char pointer |
TfHashCString | A hash function object that hashes null-terminated c-string content |
TfIterator | A simple iterator adapter for STL containers |
TfMallocTag | Top-down memory tagging system |
TfNotice | The base class for objects used to notify interested parties (listeners) when events have occurred |
TfPatternMatcher | Class for matching regular expressions |
TfPointerAndBits | This class stores a T * and a small integer in the space of a T * |
TfPyArg | Class representing a function argument |
TfPyCall | Provide a way to call a Python callable |
TfPyKwArg | Wrapper object for a keyword-argument pair in a call to TfPyInvoke* |
TfPyMapToDictionary | A boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library maps to dictionaries |
TfPyMethodResult | A reimplementation of boost::python::detail::method_result |
TfPyModuleWasLoaded | A TfNotice that is sent when a script module is loaded |
TfPyObjWrapper | Boost Python object wrapper |
TfPyOverride | A reimplementation of boost::python::override |
TfPyPairToTuple | A boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library pairs to tuples |
TfPyRaiseOnError | A boost.python call policy class which, when applied to a wrapped function, will create an error mark before calling the function, and check that error mark after the function has completed |
TfPySequenceToList | A boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library sequences to lists |
TfPySequenceToListRefPtrFactory | A boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library sequences to lists of python owned objects |
TfPySequenceToSet | A boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library sequences to sets |
TfPySequenceToTuple | A boost::python result converter generator which converts standard library sequences to tuples |
TfPyTraceInfo | Structure passed to python trace functions |
TfPyWrapEnum | Used to wrap enum types for script |
TfRefBase | Enable a concrete base class for use with TfRefPtr |
TfRefCount | Reference counter class |
TfRefPtr | Reference-counted smart pointer utility class |
TfRefPtrTracker | Provides tracking of TfRefPtr objects to particular objects |
TfRegistryManager | Manage initialization of registries |
TfRegTest | TfRegTest is a singleton class, which is used to register functions with either type bool (*)(int, char*[]), or functions returning type bool and taking no arguments |
TfSafeOutputFile | Opens a file for output, either for update "r+" or to completely replace "w+" |
TfScoped | Execute code on exiting scope |
TfScopedAutoVar | Reset variable on exiting scope |
TfScopeDescription | This class is used to provide high-level descriptions about scopes of execution that could possibly block, or to provide relevant information about high-level action that would be useful in a crash report |
TfScopedVar | Reset variable on exiting scope |
TfScriptModuleLoader | Provides low-level facilities for shared libraries with script bindings to register themselves with their dependences, and provides a mechanism whereby those script modules will be loaded when necessary |
TfSimpleRefBase | Enable a concrete base class for use with TfRefPtr that inhibits the "unique changed" facility of TfRefPtr |
TfSingleton | Manage a single instance of an object (see |
TfSizeofType | Metafunction returning sizeof(T) for a type T (or 0 if T is a void type) |
TfSmallVector | This is a small-vector class with local storage optimization, the local storage can be specified via a template parameter, and expresses the number of entries the container can store locally |
TfSpan | Represents a range of contiguous elements |
TfStacked | A TfStacked is used where a class needs to keep a stack of the objects currently in existence |
TfStackedAccess | Classes that derive TfStacked may befriend TfStackedAccess if they wish to customize aspects TfStacked's behavior |
TfStaticData | Create or return a previously created object instance of global data |
TfStatus | Represents an object that contains information about a status message |
TfStopwatch | Low-cost, high-resolution timer datatype |
TfStreamDouble | A type which offers streaming for doubles in a canonical format that can safely roundtrip with the minimal number of digits |
TfStreamFloat | A type which offers streaming for floats in a canonical format that can safely roundtrip with the minimal number of digits |
TfTemplateString | TfTemplateString provides simple string substitutions based on named placeholders |
TfToken | Token for efficient comparison, assignment, and hashing of known strings |
TfTokenFastArbitraryLessThan | Fast but non-lexicographical (in fact, arbitrary) less-than comparison for TfTokens |
TfType | TfType represents a dynamic runtime type |
TfTypeFunctions | Implements assorted functions based on compile-time type information |
TfTypeInfoMap | A map whose key is a const std::type_info&, or a string alias |
TfTypePythonClass | A boost.python visitor that associates the Python class object created by the wrapping with the TfType of the C++ type being wrapped |
TfTypeWasDeclaredNotice | TfNotice sent after a TfType is declared |
TfWarning | Represents an object that contains information about a warning |
TfWeakBase | Enable a concrete base class for use with TfWeakPtr |
TfWeakPtr | Pointer storage with deletion detection |
TfWeakPtrFacadeAccess | This access class is befriended by TfWeakPtrFacade -derived classes to grant TfWeakPtrFacade access to specific internal functions provided by the derived classes |
ThraceThreadId | This class represents an identifier for a thread |
TraceAggregateNode | A representation of a call tree |
TraceAggregateTree | A representation of a call tree |
TraceAuto | A class which records a begin event when it is constructed, and a matching end event when it is destructed |
TraceCategory | This singleton class provides a way to mark TraceEvent instances with category Ids which can be used to filter them |
TraceCollection | This class owns lists of TraceEvent instances per thread, and allows read access to them |
TraceCollectionAvailable | A TfNotice that is sent when the TraceCollector creates a TraceCollection |
TraceCollector | This is a singleton class that records TraceEvent instances and populates TraceCollection instances |
TraceConcurrentList | This class supports thread safe insertion and iteration over a list of items |
TraceCounterAccumulator | This class accumulates counter values from TraceCollection instances |
TraceCounterHolder | Holds on to a counter key, as well as the global collector for fast lookup |
TraceDataBuffer | This class stores copies of data that are associated with TraceEvent instances |
TraceDynamicKey | This class stores data used to create dynamic keys which can be referenced in TraceEvent instances |
TraceEvent | This represents an event recorded by a TraceCollector |
TraceEventContainer | Holds TraceEvent instances |
TraceEventData | This class holds data that can be stored in TraceEvents |
TraceEventList | This class represents an ordered collection of TraceEvents and the TraceDynamicKeys and data that the events reference |
TraceEventNode | TraceEventNode is used to represents call tree of a trace |
TraceEventTree | This class contains a timeline call tree and a map of counters to their values over time |
TraceKey | A wrapper around a TraceStaticKeyData pointer that is stored in TraceEvent instances |
TraceReporter | This class converts streams of TraceEvent objects into call trees which can then be used as a data source to a GUI or written out to a file |
TraceReporterBase | This class is a base class for report implementations |
TraceReporterDataSourceBase | This class is a base class for TraceReporterBase data sources |
TraceReporterDataSourceCollection | This class is an implementation of TraceReporterDataSourceBase which provides access to a set number of TraceCollection instances |
TraceReporterDataSourceCollector | This class is an implementation of TraceReporterDataSourceBase which retrieves TraceCollections from the TraceCollector singleton |
TraceScopeAuto | A class which records a timestamp when it is created and a scope event when it is destructed |
TraceSerialization | This class contains methods to read and write TraceCollection |
TraceStaticKeyData | This class holds data necessary to create keys for TraceEvent instances |
TraceStringHash | This class provides a function to compute compile time hashes for string literals |
UsdAPISchemaBase | The base class for all API schemas |
UsdAppUtilsFrameRecorder | A utility class for recording images of USD stages |
UsdAttribute | Scenegraph object for authoring and retrieving numeric, string, and array valued data, sampled over time |
UsdAttributeQuery | Object for efficiently making repeated queries for attribute values |
UsdClipsAPI | UsdClipsAPI is an API schema that provides an interface to a prim's clip metadata |
UsdCollectionAPI | This is a general purpose API schema, used to describe a collection of heterogeneous objects within the scene |
UsdCollectionMembershipQuery | Represents a flattened view of a collection |
UsdCrateInfo | A class for introspecting the underlying qualities of .usdc 'crate' files, for diagnostic purposes |
UsdEditContext | A utility class to temporarily modify a stage's current EditTarget during an execution scope |
UsdEditTarget | Defines a mapping from scene graph paths to Sdf spec paths in a SdfLayer where edits should be directed, or up to where to perform partial composition |
UsdGeomBasisCurves | BasisCurves are a batched curve representation analogous to the classic RIB definition via Basis and Curves statements |
UsdGeomBBoxCache | Caches bounds by recursively computing and aggregating bounds of children in world space and aggregating the result back into local space |
UsdGeomBoundable | Boundable introduces the ability for a prim to persistently cache a rectilinear, local-space, extent |
UsdGeomCamera | Transformable camera |
UsdGeomCapsule | Defines a primitive capsule, i.e |
UsdGeomCone | Defines a primitive cone, centered at the origin, whose spine is along the specified axis, with the apex of the cone pointing in the direction of the positive axis |
UsdGeomConstraintTarget | Schema wrapper for UsdAttribute for authoring and introspecting attributes that are constraint targets |
UsdGeomCube | Defines a primitive rectilinear cube centered at the origin |
UsdGeomCurves | Base class for UsdGeomBasisCurves, UsdGeomNurbsCurves, and UsdGeomHermiteCurves |
UsdGeomCylinder | Defines a primitive cylinder with closed ends, centered at the origin, whose spine is along the specified axis |
UsdGeomGprim | Base class for all geometric primitives |
UsdGeomHermiteCurves | This schema specifies a cubic hermite interpolated curve batch as sometimes used for defining guides for animation |
UsdGeomImageable | Base class for all prims that may require rendering or visualization of some sort |
UsdGeomLinearUnits | Container class for static double-precision symbols representing common units of measure expressed in meters |
UsdGeomMesh | Encodes a mesh with optional subdivision properties and features |
UsdGeomModelAPI | UsdGeomModelAPI extends the generic UsdModelAPI schema with geometry specific concepts such as cached extents for the entire model, constraint targets, and geometry-inspired extensions to the payload lofting process |
UsdGeomMotionAPI | UsdGeomMotionAPI encodes data that can live on any prim that may affect computations involving: |
UsdGeomNurbsCurves | This schema is analagous to NURBS Curves in packages like Maya and Houdini, often used for interchange of rigging and modeling curves |
UsdGeomNurbsPatch | Encodes a rational or polynomial non-uniform B-spline surface, with optional trim curves |
UsdGeomPointBased | Base class for all UsdGeomGprims that possess points, providing common attributes such as normals and velocities |
UsdGeomPointInstancer | Encodes vectorized instancing of multiple, potentially animated, prototypes (object/instance masters), which can be arbitrary prims/subtrees on a UsdStage |
UsdGeomPoints | Points are analogous to the RiPoints spec |
UsdGeomPrimvar | Schema wrapper for UsdAttribute for authoring and introspecting attributes that are primvars |
UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI | UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI encodes geometric "primitive variables", as UsdGeomPrimvar, which interpolate across a primitive's topology, can override shader inputs, and inherit down namespace |
UsdGeomScope | Scope is the simplest grouping primitive, and does not carry the baggage of transformability |
UsdGeomSphere | Defines a primitive sphere centered at the origin |
UsdGeomSubset | Encodes a subset of a piece of geometry (i.e |
UsdGeomTokensType | UsdGeomTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdGeomXform | Concrete prim schema for a transform, which implements Xformable |
UsdGeomXformable | Base class for all transformable prims, which allows arbitrary sequences of component affine transformations to be encoded |
UsdGeomXformCache | A caching mechanism for transform matrices |
UsdGeomXformCommonAPI | This class provides API for authoring and retrieving a standard set of component transformations which include a scale, a rotation, a scale-rotate pivot and a translation |
UsdGeomXformOp | Schema wrapper for UsdAttribute for authoring and computing transformation operations, as consumed by UsdGeomXformable schema |
UsdHydraTokensType | UsdHydraTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdImagingAdapterRegistry | Registry of PrimAdapter plug-ins |
UsdImagingBasisCurvesAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomBasisCurves |
UsdImagingCameraAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCamera |
UsdImagingCapsuleAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCapsule |
UsdImagingConeAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCone |
UsdImagingCubeAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCube |
UsdImagingCylinderAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomCylinder |
UsdImagingCylinderLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type CylinderLight |
UsdImagingDelegate | The primary translation layer between the Hydra (Hd) core and the Usd scene graph |
UsdImagingDiskLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type DiskLight |
UsdImagingDistantLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type DistantLight |
UsdImagingDomeLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type DomeLight |
UsdImagingField3DAssetAdapter | Adapter class for fields of type Field3DAsset |
UsdImagingFieldAdapter | Base class for all USD fields |
UsdImagingGeometryLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type GeometryLight |
UsdImagingGLDrawModeAdapter | Delegate support for the drawMode attribute on UsdGeomModelAPI |
UsdImagingGLEngine | The UsdImagingGLEngine is the main entry point API for rendering USD scenes |
UsdImagingGLRenderParams | Used as an arguments class for various methods in UsdImagingGLEngine |
UsdImagingGprimAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomGrims |
UsdImagingHermiteCurvesAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomHermiteCurves |
UsdImagingIndexProxy | This proxy class exposes a subset of the private Delegate API to PrimAdapters |
UsdImagingInstanceAdapter | Delegate support for instanced prims |
UsdImagingInstancerContext | Object used by instancer prim adapters to pass along context about the instancer and instance prim to prototype prim adapters |
UsdImagingLightAdapter | Base class for all lights |
UsdImagingLightFilterAdapter | Base class for all light filters |
UsdImagingMaterialAdapter | Provides information that can be used to generate a material |
UsdImagingMeshAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomMesh |
UsdImagingNurbsCurvesAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomNurbsCurves |
UsdImagingNurbsPatchAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomNurbsPatch |
UsdImagingOpenVDBAssetAdapter | Adapter class for fields of type OpenVDBAsset |
UsdImagingPluginLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PluginLight |
UsdImagingPluginLightFilterAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PluginLightFilter |
UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomPointInstancer |
UsdImagingPointsAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomPoints |
UsdImagingPortalLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PortalLight |
UsdImagingPrimAdapter | Base class for all PrimAdapters |
UsdImagingPrimvarDescCache | A cache for primvar descriptors |
UsdImagingRectLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type RectLight |
UsdImagingSkeletonAdapter | Support for drawing bones of a UsdSkelSkeleton |
UsdImagingSkelRootAdapter | The SkelRoot adapter exists for two reasons: (a) Registering the SkeletonAdapter to handle processing of any skinned prim under a SkelRoot prim |
UsdImagingSphereAdapter | Delegate support for UsdGeomSphere |
UsdImagingSphereLightAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type SphereLight |
UsdImagingVolumeAdapter | Delegate support for UsdVolVolume |
UsdInherits | A proxy class for applying listOp edits to the inherit paths list for a prim |
UsdLinearInterpolationTraits | Traits class describing whether a particular C++ value type supports linear interpolation |
UsdLuxCylinderLight | Light emitted outward from a cylinder |
UsdLuxDiskLight | Light emitted from one side of a circular disk |
UsdLuxDistantLight | Light emitted from a distant source along the -Z axis |
UsdLuxDomeLight | Light emitted inward from a distant external environment, such as a sky or IBL light probe |
UsdLuxGeometryLight | Light emitted outward from a geometric prim (UsdGeomGprim), which is typically a mesh |
UsdLuxLight | Base class for all lights |
UsdLuxLightFilter | A light filter modifies the effect of a light |
UsdLuxLightPortal | |
UsdLuxListAPI | API schema to support discovery and publishing of lights in a scene |
UsdLuxPluginLight | Light that provides properties that allow it to identify an external SdrShadingNode definition, through UsdShadeNodeDefAPI, that can be provided to render delegates without the need to provide a schema definition for the light's type |
UsdLuxPluginLightFilter | Light filter that provides properties that allow it to identify an external SdrShadingNode definition, through UsdShadeNodeDefAPI, that can be provided to render delegates without the need to provide a schema definition for the light filter's type |
UsdLuxPortalLight | A rectangular portal in the local XY plane that guides sampling of a dome light |
UsdLuxRectLight | Light emitted from one side of a rectangle |
UsdLuxShadowAPI | Controls to refine a light's shadow behavior |
UsdLuxShapingAPI | Controls for shaping a light's emission |
UsdLuxSphereLight | Light emitted outward from a sphere |
UsdLuxTokensType | UsdLuxTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdMediaSpatialAudio | The SpatialAudio primitive defines basic properties for encoding playback of an audio file or stream within a USD Stage |
UsdMediaTokensType | UsdMediaTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdModelAPI | UsdModelAPI is an API schema that provides an interface to a prim's model qualities, if it does, in fact, represent the root prim of a model |
UsdNotice | Container class for Usd notices |
UsdObject | Base class for Usd scenegraph objects, providing common API |
UsdPayloads | UsdPayloads provides an interface to authoring and introspecting payloads |
UsdPhysicsArticulationRootAPI | PhysicsArticulationRootAPI can be applied to a scene graph node, and marks the subtree rooted here for inclusion in one or more reduced coordinate articulations |
UsdPhysicsCollisionAPI | Applies collision attributes to a UsdGeomXformable prim |
UsdPhysicsCollisionGroup | Defines a collision group for coarse filtering |
UsdPhysicsDistanceJoint | Predefined distance joint type (Distance between rigid bodies may be limited to given minimum or maximum distance.) |
UsdPhysicsDriveAPI | The PhysicsDriveAPI when applied to any joint primitive will drive the joint towards a given target |
UsdPhysicsFilteredPairsAPI | API to describe fine-grained filtering |
UsdPhysicsFixedJoint | Predefined fixed joint type (All degrees of freedom are removed.) |
UsdPhysicsJoint | A joint constrains the movement of rigid bodies |
UsdPhysicsLimitAPI | The PhysicsLimitAPI can be applied to a PhysicsJoint and will restrict the movement along an axis |
UsdPhysicsMassAPI | Defines explicit mass properties (mass, density, inertia etc.) |
UsdPhysicsMassUnits | Container class for static double-precision symbols representing common mass units of measure expressed in kilograms |
UsdPhysicsMaterialAPI | Adds simulation material properties to a Material |
UsdPhysicsMeshCollisionAPI | Attributes to control how a Mesh is made into a collider |
UsdPhysicsPrismaticJoint | Predefined prismatic joint type (translation along prismatic joint axis is permitted.) |
UsdPhysicsRevoluteJoint | Predefined revolute joint type (rotation along revolute joint axis is permitted.) |
UsdPhysicsRigidBodyAPI | Applies physics body attributes to any UsdGeomXformable prim and marks that prim to be driven by a simulation |
UsdPhysicsScene | General physics simulation properties, required for simulation |
UsdPhysicsSphericalJoint | Predefined spherical joint type (Removes linear degrees of freedom, cone limit may restrict the motion in a given range.) It allows two limit values, which when equal create a circular, else an elliptic cone limit around the limit axis |
UsdPhysicsTokensType | UsdPhysicsTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdPrim | UsdPrim is the sole persistent scenegraph object on a UsdStage, and is the embodiment of a "Prim" as described in the Universal Scene Description Composition Compendium |
UsdPrimCompositionQuery | Object for making optionally filtered composition queries about a prim |
UsdPrimCompositionQueryArc | This represents a composition arc that is returned by a UsdPrimCompositionQuery |
UsdPrimDefinition | Class representing the builtin definition of a prim given the schemas registered in the schema registry |
UsdPrimRange | An forward-iterable range that traverses a subtree of prims rooted at a given prim in depth-first order |
UsdPrimSiblingIterator | Forward traversal iterator of sibling UsdPrim s |
UsdPrimSiblingRange | Forward iterator range of sibling UsdPrim s |
UsdPrimSubtreeIterator | Forward traversal iterator of sibling UsdPrim s |
UsdPrimSubtreeRange | Forward iterator range of sibling UsdPrim s |
UsdPrimTypeInfo | Class that holds the full type information for a prim |
UsdProperty | Base class for UsdAttribute and UsdRelationship scenegraph objects |
UsdReferences | UsdReferences provides an interface to authoring and introspecting references in Usd |
UsdRelationship | A UsdRelationship creates dependencies between scenegraph objects by allowing a prim to target other prims, attributes, or relationships |
UsdRenderProduct | A UsdRenderProduct describes an image or other file-like artifact produced by a render |
UsdRenderSettings | A UsdRenderSettings prim specifies global settings for a render process, including an enumeration of the RenderProducts that should result, and the UsdGeomImageable purposes that should be rendered |
UsdRenderSettingsAPI | UsdRenderSettingsAPI is a base class for API schemas to encode renderer-specific settings |
UsdRenderSettingsBase | Abstract base class that defines render settings that can be specified on either a RenderSettings prim or a RenderProduct prim |
UsdRenderSpec | A self-contained specification of render settings |
UsdRenderTokensType | UsdRenderTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdRenderVar | A UsdRenderVar describes a custom data variable for a render to produce |
UsdResolveInfo | Container for information about the source of an attribute's value, i.e |
UsdRiImagingPxrBarnLightFilterAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PxrBarnLightFilter |
UsdRiImagingPxrIntMultLightFilterAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PxrIntMultLightFilter |
UsdRiImagingPxrRodLightFilterAdapter | Adapter class for lights of type PxrRodLightFilter |
UsdRiLightAPI | |
UsdRiLightFilterAPI | |
UsdRiLightPortalAPI | |
UsdRiMaterialAPI | |
UsdRiPxrAovLight | |
UsdRiPxrBarnLightFilter | |
UsdRiPxrCookieLightFilter | |
UsdRiPxrEnvDayLight | |
UsdRiPxrIntMultLightFilter | |
UsdRiPxrRampLightFilter | |
UsdRiPxrRodLightFilter | |
UsdRiRisBxdf | |
UsdRiRisIntegrator | |
UsdRiRisObject | |
UsdRiRisOslPattern | |
UsdRiRisPattern | |
UsdRiRslShader | |
UsdRiSplineAPI | |
UsdRiStatementsAPI | Container namespace schema for all renderman statements |
UsdRiTextureAPI | |
UsdRiTokensType | UsdRiTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdSchemaBase | The base class for all schema types in Usd |
UsdSchemaRegistry | Singleton registry that provides access to schema type information and the prim definitions for registered Usd "IsA" and applied API schema types |
UsdShadeConnectableAPI | UsdShadeConnectableAPI is an API schema that provides a common interface for creating outputs and making connections between shading parameters and outputs |
UsdShadeConnectableAPIBehavior | UsdShadeConnectableAPIBehavior defines the compatibilty and behavior UsdShadeConnectableAPIof when applied to a particular prim type |
UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo | A compact struct to represent a bundle of information about an upstream source attribute |
UsdShadeCoordSysAPI | UsdShadeCoordSysAPI provides a way to designate, name, and discover coordinate systems |
UsdShadeInput | This class encapsulates a shader or node-graph input, which is a connectable attribute representing a typed value |
UsdShadeMaterial | A Material provides a container into which multiple "render targets" can add data that defines a "shading material" for a renderer |
UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI | UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI is an API schema that provides an interface for binding materials to prims or collections of prims (represented by UsdCollectionAPI objects) |
UsdShadeNodeDefAPI | UsdShadeNodeDefAPI is an API schema that provides attributes for a prim to select a corresponding Shader Node Definition ("Sdr Node"), as well as to look up a runtime entry for that shader node in the form of an SdrShaderNode |
UsdShadeNodeGraph | A node-graph is a container for shading nodes, as well as other node-graphs |
UsdShadeOutput | This class encapsulates a shader or node-graph output, which is a connectable attribute representing a typed, externally computed value |
UsdShadeShader | Base class for all USD shaders |
UsdShadeShaderDefParserPlugin | Parses shader definitions represented using USD scene description using the schemas provided by UsdShade |
UsdShadeShaderDefUtils | This class contains a set of utility functions used for populating the shader registry with shaders definitions specified using UsdShade schemas |
UsdShadeTokensType | UsdShadeTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdShadeUtils | This class contains a set of utility functions used when authoring and querying shading networks |
UsdSkelAnimation | Describes a skel animation, where joint animation is stored in a vectorized form |
UsdSkelAnimMap | Helper class for remapping vectorized animation data from one ordering of tokens to another |
UsdSkelAnimQuery | Class providing efficient queries of primitives that provide skel animation |
UsdSkelBakeSkinningParms | Parameters for configuring UsdSkelBakeSkinning |
UsdSkelBinding | Helper object that describes the binding of a skeleton to a set of skinnable objects |
UsdSkelBindingAPI | Provides API for authoring and extracting all the skinning-related data that lives in the "geometry hierarchy" of prims and models that want to be skeletally deformed |
UsdSkelBlendShape | Describes a target blend shape, possibly containing inbetween shapes |
UsdSkelBlendShapeQuery | Helper class used to resolve blend shape weights, including inbetweens |
UsdSkelCache | Thread-safe cache for accessing query objects for evaluating skeletal data |
UsdSkelInbetweenShape | Schema wrapper for UsdAttribute for authoring and introspecting attributes that serve as inbetween shapes of a UsdSkelBlendShape |
UsdSkelPackedJointAnimation | Deprecated |
UsdSkelRoot | Boundable prim type used to identify a scope beneath which skeletally-posed primitives are defined |
UsdSkelSkeleton | Describes a skeleton |
UsdSkelSkeletonQuery | Primary interface to reading bound skeleton data |
UsdSkelSkinningQuery | Object used for querying resolved bindings for skinning |
UsdSkelTokensType | UsdSkelTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdSkelTopology | Object holding information describing skeleton topology |
UsdSpecializes | A proxy class for applying listOp edits to the specializes list for a prim |
UsdStage | The outermost container for scene description, which owns and presents composed prims as a scenegraph, following the composition recipe recursively described in its associated "root layer" |
UsdStageCache | A strongly concurrency safe collection of UsdStageRefPtr s, enabling sharing across multiple clients and threads |
UsdStageCacheContext | A context object that lets the UsdStage::Open() API read from or read from and write to a UsdStageCache instance during a scope of execution |
UsdStageLoadRules | This class represents rules that govern payload inclusion on UsdStages |
UsdStagePopulationMask | This class represents a mask that may be applied to a UsdStage to limit the set of UsdPrim s it populates |
UsdTimeCode | Represent a time value, which may be either numeric, holding a double value, or a sentinel value UsdTimeCode::Default() |
UsdTokensType | UsdTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdTyped | The base class for all typed schemas (those that can impart a typeName to a UsdPrim), and therefore the base class for all instantiable and "IsA" schemas |
UsdUIBackdrop | Provides a 'group-box' for the purpose of node graph organization |
UsdUINodeGraphNodeAPI | This api helps storing information about nodes in node graphs |
UsdUISceneGraphPrimAPI | Utility schema for display properties of a prim |
UsdUITokensType | UsdUITokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdUsdaFileFormat | File format used by textual USD files |
UsdUsdcFileFormat | File format for binary Usd files |
UsdUsdFileFormat | File format for USD files |
UsdUsdzFileFormat | File format for package .usdz files |
UsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegate | A class which collects warnings and statuses from the Tf diagnostic manager system in a thread safe manner |
UsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegateItem | An item used in coalesced results, containing a shared component: the file/function/line number, and a set of unshared components: the call context and commentary |
UsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegateSharedItem | The shared component in a coalesced result This type can be thought of as the key by which we coalesce our diagnostics |
UsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegateUnsharedItem | The unshared component in a coalesced result |
UsdUtilsConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegate | A class that allows client application to instantiate a diagnostic delegate that can be used to abort operations for a non fatal USD error or warning based on immutable include exclude rules defined for this instance |
UsdUtilsConditionalAbortDiagnosticDelegateErrorFilters | A class which represents the inclusion exclusion filters on which errors will be matched stringFilters: matching and filtering will be done on explicit string of the error/warning codePathFilters: matching and filtering will be done on errors/warnings coming from a specific usd code path |
UsdUtilsRegisteredVariantSet | Class that holds information about variantSets that are registered with the pipeline |
UsdUtilsSparseAttrValueWriter | A utility class for authoring time-varying attribute values with simple run-length encoding, by skipping any redundant time-samples |
UsdUtilsSparseValueWriter | Utility class that manages sparse authoring of a set of UsdAttributes |
UsdUtilsStageCache | Simple interface for handling a singleton usd stage cache for use by all USD clients |
UsdUtilsTimeCodeRange | Represents a range of UsdTimeCode values as start and end time codes and a stride value |
UsdVariantSet | A UsdVariantSet represents a single VariantSet in USD (e.g |
UsdVariantSets | UsdVariantSets represents the collection of VariantSets that are present on a UsdPrim |
UsdviewqUtils | Performance enhancing utilities for usdview |
UsdVolField3DAsset | Field3D field primitive |
UsdVolFieldAsset | Base class for field primitives defined by an external file |
UsdVolFieldBase | Base class for field primitives |
UsdVolOpenVDBAsset | OpenVDB field primitive |
UsdVolTokensType | UsdVolTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API |
UsdVolVolume | A renderable volume primitive |
UsdZipFile | Class for reading a zip file |
UsdZipFileWriter | Class for writing a zip file |
VtArray | Represents an arbitrary dimensional rectangular container class |
VtDictionary | A map with string keys and VtValue values |
VtIsArray | Array concept. By default, types are not arrays |
VtValue | Provides a container which may hold any type, and provides introspection and iteration over array types |
WorkDispatcher | A work dispatcher runs concurrent tasks |
WorkSingularTask | A WorkSingularTask runs a task in a WorkDispatcher, but never concurrently with itself |